The erosion does not heal. What can and cannot be done after cauterization of erosion? What is erosion

Regardless of the method used to cauterize cervical erosion, during medical procedures unhealthy tissue is destroyed so that a new layer of cells is formed in this place.

But such a mini operation does not solve all problems. During the rehabilitation period, the woman additionally needs to undergo a course of local therapy.

After a chemical substance or equipment has damaged the epithelial layer, an open wound remains.

It gradually tightens and becomes covered with a scab - a crust consisting of coagulated blood and dead tissue.

This is how the body protects delicate tissues from damage, infection and dirt getting into wounds. To speed up healing this area needs to be softened and disinfected in case an infection gets there.

For this purpose, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed. It is prohibited to select medications on your own, since inept self-medication can disrupt the vaginal biocenosis and the healing process.

Doctor in the first days may invite the patient to an appointment to treat the cervix on an outpatient basis.

In order to speed up recovery processes, additional measures are needed.

For this purpose, immunostimulating, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, enhancing tissue regeneration are used.

Usually, their use begins after the scab is rejected, but the specific time for starting the use of suppositories is determined by the attending physician.

Its decision depends on a combination of factors:

  • effectiveness of the uterus and vagina;
  • presence of complications;
  • the degree of change in the cervix after the procedure;
  • tissue regeneration ability;
  • the patient's immune status.

Using candles

Afterwards, suppositories are prescribed with active ingredients that have disinfecting effects and accelerate metabolic processes.

This dosage form is convenient in that the active substance is quickly delivered to the tissues.

At the stage of scab rejection, antiseptic agents have proven themselves to be effective in relieving inflammation and fighting infection. Hexicon candles, used twice daily for a week.

Hexicon is successfully replaced by the following products:

  • antibacterial syntomycin suppositories;
  • antifungal suppositories Pimafucin, Livarol;
  • combination candles Terzhinan, Polizhinaks.

The frequency of use of each drug is determined by the attending physician, who also determines the beginning of the next stage of treatment.

After a woman stops spotting, the healing stage begins.

At this stage use:

  • Methyluracil. These suppositories relieve inflammation, restore local immunity, heal, and improve cell nutrition. Used both rectally and vaginally. Prescribed 1-2 suppositories up to 4 times a day;
  • Depantol. Antimicrobial and restorative effect. Candles are used 1 pc. morning and evening during the week;
  • . They heal wounds, relieve pain, and have an antimicrobial effect. Use morning and evening for 2 weeks.

After low-traumatic radio wave cauterization, exposure to liquid nitrogen or laser at the stage of scab removal, agents are prescribed to accelerate tissue restoration.

For rapid healing after cauterization of cervical erosion treatment with Depantol suppositories or methyluracil suppositories is suitable.


For successful and rapid tissue regeneration compliance with restrictions is mandatory after cauterization of cervical erosion, helping to speed up recovery.

Swimming and tanning

Is it possible to swim in the sea after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can only wash in the shower, immersion in water is contraindicated, so during the rehabilitation period you will have to give up bathing, swimming in the pool and open reservoirs.

Is it possible to sunbathe after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can even sit on the shore to admire the sea only in the shade. At all exposure to open sun during the recovery period should be limited.

You can visit the solarium in 20 days and only after the doctor’s permission.

Sexual contacts

Is sex possible after cauterization of cervical erosion? Sexual rest after the procedure is recommended for one and a half months.

It is unacceptable to independently shorten the period indicated by the attending physician.

Sexual activity can be resumed only after reaching a certain stage of healing, which can be determined by a gynecologist during an examination.

Sports and heavy lifting

Is it possible to play sports after cauterization of cervical erosion?

You can start doing light exercises a week after cauterization., but at the slightest deterioration of the condition, all exercise should be abandoned until complete recovery.

The exception is professional athletes, for whom a break in exercise threatens detraining, but before starting exercise you should consult a sports doctor.

Other restrictions

You will have to give up bad habits that cause spasm and dilation of blood vessels. This drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

It is better to avoid them for at least a couple of months, as they can cause bleeding.

During treatment, you should especially beware of infection and the development of bacterial flora. That's why intimate hygiene needs to be given close attention.

You will have to give up tampons, and you will need to change your pads more often.

Duration and features of rehabilitation

Since cauterization of erosion is not a complex manipulation, and it does not lead to serious consequences.

Natural phenomena will be:

  • slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen for several days after the procedure. Heaviness and discomfort are quite natural, but severe pain is most likely a signal of an incipient complication. Mild discomfort can be eliminated by taking a painkiller;
  • the natural result of such intervention will be bloody discharge with which dying tissue comes out. The discharge is usually streaked with dark red blood at first, but gradually the streaks lighten and turn pink. The discharge stops after 1-1.5 weeks;
  • Possible menstrual disorders- the first menstruation may be scanty or even delayed. Most often this happens after treatment with electric current.

The appearance of a putrid odor indicates pathology and is a reason for an urgent visit to the attending physician.

In most cases, after 1-2 days, women do not feel any consequences of cauterization, except for discharge, which decreases day by day, and The duration of the healing period depends on the cauterization method used.

Allows you to remove only damaged tissue. The treated area is covered with a thin film, which is torn off after 1.5-2 weeks.

After the procedure, increased leucorrhoea or slight brown discharge may occur. Healing is very fast.

It is considered gentle. It is not a scab that forms on the treated area, but a thin film that is torn off after about 10 days.

There may be some spotting brown discharge for a while, but generally (9 out of 10 women) there is no bleeding or purulent discharge. It takes 3-4 weeks to heal.

Diathermocoagulation or cauterization with electric current the oldest of all methods used, therefore the longest healing time.

The formed scab after removal of cervical erosion is rejected after 1-1.5 weeks; during this period, discharge containing blood and pus is observed, the inclusion of which decreases day by day.

But spotting and spotting may occur throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Healing occurs in approximately 2 months.

If used for treatment (cauterization) of cervical erosion, the scab is rejected after 10-12 days.

Some time after the procedure, watery discharge is observed. Complete healing occurs in 4-6 weeks.

Chemical method. Healing lasts quickly, 20-30 days, which is due to the use of the procedure only for small erosions.

One month after cauterization cervical erosion, many resume sexual intercourse, since there are no external symptoms, nothing hurts inside. You can not do it this way.

When a month has passed after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should definitely see your doctor, who will give further recommendations and permission only after examining the healing cervix.

Then it will be clear whether it is time to resume sexual activity, start playing sports, swimming in open water or a bath, and sunbathing.

The patient should not guess which measures will best affect recovery; she just needs to listen to the doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended restrictions.

Cervical erosion after cauterization does not always go away and disappear immediately - often a woman needs a recovery period, during which it is important to maintain high-quality intimate hygiene and provide supportive therapy. The most common female disease is considered to be erosion of the uterine cervix, to get rid of which cauterization of its base is used.

How long does it take for the body to recover? The wound from this procedure, if the erosion treatment was carried out efficiently, heals quickly - within 2-3 weeks. It is important to note that the pathology is difficult to treat the first time. Repeated cauterization of erosion is carried out after 1-3 months. Women usually require re-treatment if the epithelium is too deeply inflamed.

What are the ways to get rid of erosion?

Cauterization of cervical erosion allows you to eliminate this disease and prevent the pathology from turning into a malignant cancer form.

Cauterization can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Cryodestruction. In this case, erosion is treated with nitrogen. This is the most gentle method in which cancer cells are frozen and then completely destroyed.
  2. Diathermocoagulation. This is the name of electric shock treatment, which is considered a traumatic and rather outdated method.
  3. Radio wave coagulation. Cauterization of a wound in the uterine cavity using radio waves is considered a high-quality treatment option.
  4. Laser vaporization. This is an effective and virtually painless option for removing erosion using a laser.
  5. Ultrasound. This name speaks for itself and the treatment of pathology in this case is carried out using ultrasonic waves.
  6. Argon plasma ablation. To treat uterine erosion, special preparations are used in which argon is ionized by high-frequency currents, and then a plasma beam acts on the inflamed part of the cervix.
  7. Electroconization. The attending physician prescribes this method to eliminate severe erosive conditions of the cervix, which makes it possible to eliminate cells harmful to health even in the most distant layers of the epithelium.
  8. Cauterization using chemicals. Often, for these purposes, a medicine called Solkovagin is used, which promotes the appearance of tissue necrosis and the formation of a new epithelial layer at the site of the eroded area.

The specific choice of treatment option directly depends on the age category of the patient, her condition and concomitant diseases.

How is rehabilitation carried out after cauterization?

What happens when the process of cauterization of cervical erosion is carried out? This question interests many women who are undergoing this operation. In fact, it does not matter which method was used to carry out cauterization, because as a result of all these procedures, old epithelial cells are gradually replaced by new ones. That is why it is important that during the process of restoring the body, after a woman has cauterized the erosion, complete sterility is maintained. To avoid complications, you must strictly adhere to medical advice. If everything was done correctly, then as soon as the body rejects the inflamed mucous area, new cells of the lining of the reproductive organ are formed in its place.

All rehabilitation measures after cauterization are necessarily aimed at preventing subsequent bleeding.

Those who are interested in how long it takes for the cervix to heal should be aware that this period directly depends on the cauterization technique. After all, after the operation, a woman almost always experiences pain in the lower abdominal line, as well as bleeding, the duration of which can reach 4 weeks.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to adhere to the following rules:
  • do not lift heavy objects or perform heavy loads on the body;
  • do not have sex for at least 2 months;
  • Do not take too hot baths;
  • You can only swim under a warm shower.

These simple tips will allow you to restore the patient’s health without complications, as they promote normal healing of the affected cervix.

What is the treatment after the procedure?

After cauterization of the affected area of ​​the uterine cervix, a so-called scab forms on the treated area, often bleeding. To prevent this from happening, it is important to cauterize the wound formed after the procedure, for which the attending physician prescribes the patient to insert tampons with healing ointments or pharmaceutical suppositories into the vagina.

After cauterization of cervical erosion, healing suppositories restore cells and also disinfect the affected genital organ. Thanks to this, the scab will heal quickly, which is very important after any operation.

Which suppositories are most often used after laser and other cauterization methods? The most useful suppositories are Genferon, Depantol, Methyluracil and Levomekol ointment.


As with any intervention, the recovery period plays a significant role during cauterization. During it, it is very important to strictly follow the advice of a specialist, all his indications and contraindications. What are they? This article talks about what can and cannot be done after cauterization of erosion.

Healing time

The duration of healing varies depending on the method used for the intervention.

Duration of healing after a particular type of intervention in weeks

The length of this period is also influenced by how closely the patient follows the recommendations regarding what can and cannot be done during healing.


What should not be done after coagulation? There are several types of restrictions, that is, what cannot be done after cauterization of erosion. These activities are prohibited for one reason or another:

  • Is it possible to play sports after coagulation of the eroded area? The ban applies only to certain types of activities. In particular, those that can provoke blood flow into the pelvic area, which may result in bleeding. Bodybuilding, spinning a weighted hoop, jumping, sudden bending, etc. are prohibited;
  • You should not lift anything heavier than 1-2 kg on your own. Why can't you lift weights after cauterization? This is due to tension in the pelvic muscles. Theoretically, this phenomenon could lead to blood vessels bursting and bleeding;
  • Also, don't overheat. This applies to solariums, baths, beaches, saunas, etc. Since all this activates blood circulation, and therefore can cause bleeding and even lead to too early removal of the scab, when the epithelium has not yet recovered;
  • If the patient has recently had an erosion cauterized, she should avoid massage and acupuncture in the lumbar area and abdomen (especially its lower part) for one and a half to two months. This is also associated with stimulation of blood circulation in the reproductive system;
  • Recommendations after cauterization of cervical erosion specifically mention the inadmissibility of staying in natural bodies of water. This sometimes contributes to the introduction of infection into the unhealed layer of the epithelium. As a result, an inflammatory process may develop;
  • You cannot use tampons after coagulation for 1-2 months. Since they can damage the epithelium that has not completely recovered. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use douches and suppositories. However, suppositories are sometimes prescribed by a doctor to speed up healing. The doctor will tell you whether it is possible to use them in a particular case;
  • Also, for one and a half to two months after the procedure, there are contraindications for sexual activity. This can not only injure the epithelium that has not fully recovered, but also lead to infection. Even when using contraception.

How long does it take for erosion to heal after treatment? This indicator differs for each individual patient. However, following the simple rules described above will ensure that the process is as short as possible.

What to do after the procedure? There are a number of things that should be done after cauterization of cervical erosion. This will speed up healing and recovery will occur faster.

  • It is important to carefully maintain hygiene, since damaged epithelium is quite vulnerable to infections, fungi, etc.;
  • Tissue immunity drops significantly after the intervention, so it needs to be strengthened with local remedies prescribed by the doctor;
  • Sometimes suppositories are prescribed that accelerate healing (for example, Depanthol or Sea Buckthorn), their regular use accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • When having sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use barrier contraception for at least six months after the procedure;
  • You should not skip medical examinations prescribed by your doctor, because with their help, a specialist monitors the nature and speed of healing.

Treatment after cauterization of erosion with any specialized preparations is usually not necessary, with rare exceptions. Only products for topical use are prescribed. If they are used and the necessary restrictions are observed, the healing process takes a minimum of time. Sometimes specific treatment is also prescribed after cauterization of the erosion.


What complications can occur if cauterization was performed for cervical erosion? It is important to know the signs and characteristics of such complications in order to recognize them in a timely manner. Signs of complications are:

Endometriosis after cauterization of erosion does not develop “from scratch.” But the existing one may develop more actively if it was not promptly detected and treated before intervention.

Why does erosion not heal after cauterization? This may be due to the characteristics of the body or poorly carried out manipulation. In any case, if you suspect this process, you should immediately visit a specialist.

Cervical erosion is a defect in the epithelium (mucosal layer) that occurs for a variety of reasons. Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment? Many women hope that the pathology will disappear on its own without cauterization or the use of medications. Is it possible?

To answer this question unambiguously, you should understand the reasons for the appearance of erosion, find out its type and decide on further tactics after a full examination by a specialist. We will talk about all the nuances and features of the development of erosion in this article.

Cervical erosion: hopes and fears

This term hides a variety of diseases, and a woman is not always able to understand the abundance of conflicting information. Most often, an appointment with a gynecologist reveals ectopia - displacement of the columnar epithelium from the cervical canal to the vaginal part of the cervix. It happens that the doctor finds real (true) erosion - a defect in the epithelium resulting from injuries, operations, and inflammatory processes. In women who have given birth, it is quite often found that the mucous membrane of the organ turns outward.

All these diagnoses for people far from medicine look approximately the same and are designated by the term “erosion”. It is not surprising that with this approach, opinions on the treatment of this pathology can be very different.

Some women claim that erosion goes away on its own (including soon after the birth of a child). Others say that a cervical defect cannot be gotten rid of so easily, and cauterization is inevitable. Who to believe? Can erosion really go away on its own or is it just another myth?

Erosion that heals on its own

There are several pathological changes in the cervix that may disappear on their own without treatment.

True erosion is an ulcer - a defect in the mucous layer of the cervical epithelium. It is detected in 2% of all women who seek help from a gynecologist for one reason or another. In the structure of all gynecological diseases it ranges from 5 to 10% (according to various sources).

Cervical erosion is a general concept that refers to a defect in the epithelium that occurs for various reasons. Upon examination, the doctor sees only a red or pink spot - the transformation zone. And what it is - true erosion, ectopia, dysplasia or other pathology - further research will help to find out.

The following factors may be at play:

  • Inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix (colpitis, cervicitis);
  • Injuries to the cervix (during childbirth, during insertion of an IUD, abortion and other manipulations);
  • Burn of the mucous membrane due to inaccurate laser cauterization, cryodestruction or DEC;
  • Trophic disorders (accompanies uterine prolapse);
  • Radiation therapy.

When exposed to any of these factors, maceration of the mucous membrane and its rejection occurs. Erosion (ulcer) forms - a visible defect in the mucous membrane. There are no specific symptoms. True erosion is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic signs of the disease against which it appeared (itching, burning, pathological discharge, etc.).

True erosion can heal on its own after the negative impact ceases. An epithelial defect that occurs against the background of colpitis or cervicitis heals after a course of specific therapy. The erosion formed at the site of the scab (after cauterization) heals within 1-2 weeks. An operation performed for uterine prolapse also allows you to get rid of accompanying erosion.

In gynecological practice, special drugs can be used to enhance regeneration, but in general, healing of the mucous membrane occurs successfully without medical intervention.

In addition to true erosion, congenital pathology is also distinguished. The displacement of the columnar epithelium onto the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​called ectopia. It is mainly detected in adolescents and young women and usually does not cause significant discomfort, does not affect sex life, or interfere with the conception and birth of a child.

In some cases, the pathology may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Contact bleeding (after sexual intercourse, insertion of a tampon, gynecological examination, taking a smear);
  • Discharge of any intensity, different from normal, in color and consistency;
  • Itching, burning, pain in the vagina.

The last two signs occur only with concomitant cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. These two diseases very often go together. It is pathological discharge that becomes the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Cervical ectopia is a normal variant for women under 25 years of age. The gradual maturation of the epithelium leads to its border shifting, and visible changes in the mucosa disappear. Uncomplicated erosion does not require treatment. However, regular monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary, an annual examination with a mandatory smear examination for cytology. If complications arise, the patient's management regimen changes.

In the presence of uncomplicated ectopia in women under the age of 25, an annual examination by a gynecologist is required, with a mandatory smear taken for cytology.

Treatment tactics are determined only after colposcopy and a smear for cytology.

If we talk about erosion during pregnancy, then, as a rule, we are talking about congenital ectopia (pseudo-erosion), which occurs against the background of hormonal changes. The pathology is detected for the first time during pregnancy in young (up to 25-30 years old) women. Such erosion is usually asymptomatic, and only in rare cases makes itself felt by contact bleeding.

If, after all the necessary examinations (smear for oncology, colposcopy), only a displacement of the boundaries of the columnar epithelium is detected, treatment is not carried out. Such erosion in most cases disappears on its own shortly after childbirth, but may recur during the next pregnancy.

Erosion that does not go away (in which cases should you not hope for self-healing)

Pathology does not always disappear on its own without specific therapy. In certain situations, you should not rely on changes in hormonal levels. Treatment for infections does not help either. The inflammatory process in the vagina subsides, but erosion still remains or even increases in size. This phenomenon requires mandatory consultation with a doctor and additional examination.

After difficult childbirth, late abortions, or other gynecological procedures, cervical inversion may occur. During childbirth, ectropion usually forms after bilateral lateral ruptures of the neck and its subsequent suturing.

Often after childbirth, inversion of the mucous membrane of the cervix occurs - ectropion, which can only be eliminated surgically.

Externally, the formation is similar to ectopia and, in fact, also represents a displacement of the columnar epithelium. It is asymptomatic. When combined with cervicitis, it is accompanied by the appearance of pathological discharge.

Ectropion is the same erosion after childbirth that never goes away on its own. The only way to get rid of the defect is through surgery. For small lesions, laser and radio wave coagulation, argon plasma ablation and other methods are used. With severe erosion, conization of the cervix is ​​indicated. If erosion is combined with rough scars and organ deformation, reconstructive surgery is performed.

Dysplasia, CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) are all names for the same pathology. The disease is disguised as ordinary erosion and is often asymptomatic. The disease can be recognized by colposcopy. A smear must be taken for oncocytology - an analysis that allows you to evaluate the cellular composition of the erosion. According to indications, a biopsy and histological analysis of the mucous membrane is performed.

On a note

In most cases, dysplasia occurs due to infection with HPV - the human papillomavirus.

CIN is an erosion that does not go away on its own. In the initial stages, anti-inflammatory therapy is used. As the process progresses, destructive methods of influence are indicated. CIN is considered a precancerous condition and, if left untreated, can develop into a malignant tumor.

Without a doubt, cancer does not go away on its own and does not disappear under the influence of any anti-inflammatory drugs. The cancerous tumor is disguised as ordinary erosion, is asymptomatic for a long time and is often detected in late stages. Colposcopy with mandatory biopsy helps to recognize a dangerous disease. Treatment is surgical only.

Dysplasia (or CIN) may not outwardly differ from ordinary erosion, but it is considered a precancerous condition and requires mandatory treatment.

To treat or not to treat? (correct tactics for cervical erosion)

Cervical erosion is not a diagnosis, but a general designation of a defect in the epithelium on the cervix, which may hide a certain pathology (ectopia, true erosion, ectropion, dysplasia and many others). What kind of pathology this is can only be determined by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient. What to do with such a pathology? Is it possible to hope that cervical erosion will go away on its own without treatment? The answer to this question will be known after the examination.

Diagnosis scheme for erosion:

  1. Flora smear;
  2. Bacteriological culture from the cervical canal;
  3. Screening for STIs (including HPV);
  4. Smear for oncocytology;
  5. Colposcopy;
  6. Biopsy (if indicated).

When erosion is detected, a series of studies are necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the necessary therapy.

After the diagnosis is made, a treatment regimen is developed and the issue of further management of the patient is decided.

Observational tactics are possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • Uncomplicated cervical ectopia;
  • Lack of pregnancy;
  • The woman's age is up to 25 years.

In young nulliparous women, congenital ectopia of the cervix may go away on its own. It is recommended to visit a doctor every 3-6 months and monitor the condition of erosion.

Treatment is not carried out directly during pregnancy. In this case, a control colposcopy and a smear for cytology are indicated 2-3 months after the birth of the child.

In other cases, wait-and-see tactics are not justified.

Principles of therapy for cervical erosion:

  1. Antibacterial or antifungal drugs - for any erosion accompanied by cervicitis and colpitis (the choice of drug will depend on the identified causative agent of the disease);
  2. Agents that enhance regeneration – for erosion caused by trauma;
  3. Destructive methods of treatment.

Destructive treatment is indicated when drug therapy is ineffective. We are talking about ectropion, CIN I and some other changes. For CIN II and III, destructive therapy is the method of choice.

Among destructive methods, the following treatment options exist:

  • Chemical coagulation;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • DEC (diathermoelectrocoagulation);
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Radio wave therapy;
  • Argon plasma ablation.

The choice of method will depend on the shape and size of the pathology, the reproductive status of the woman and the technical capabilities of the clinic. In severe situations, conization of the cervix is ​​indicated. In case of cancer, uterus estirpation (removal) is often performed.

Can cervical erosion reappear? Yes, if we are talking about true erosion due to injury or inflammation. If an irritant appears on the mucous membrane, the defect will appear again, and the treatment will have to be repeated. After destructive methods of therapy, the probability of erosion recurrence is almost zero.

Is there an alternative treatment in traditional medicine?

Modern medicine offers many options for solving the problem. Despite this, women often refuse to treat erosion. Fear of pain, fear of remaining infertile, reluctance to waste time on visiting a doctor, and even ordinary embarrassment - all this leads to the fact that therapy is postponed for many years. Is this tactic justified?

Erosion of the cervix does not respond. Neither homemade suppositories with propolis, nor herbal decoctions, nor douching with soda help against it. Such methods can only disrupt the biocenosis of the vagina and thereby significantly worsen your condition. Any form of erosion should be treated only by a gynecologist.

Erosion is not always a harmless defect of the mucous membrane. A minor spot may hide severe dysplasia or cervical cancer. If treatment is not carried out on time, this pathology can cause death. To save the woman’s life, doctors perform an extensive operation to remove the maca along with the cervix and appendages. In the future, the woman is forced to take hormonal medications for many years and restore her immunity after undergoing radiation therapy. Is it worth it to lead to such consequences if you can get rid of the disease in the early stages of its development?

Interesting video about erosion and its treatment

This video will help you understand in which case erosion does not need to be treated.

Cervical erosion is a defect of the ulcerative type on the mucosa. During the pathological process, normal epithelium, under the influence of any factors, is replaced by cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal. Usually such a diagnosis does not portend anything serious. It should be said that erosion is a benign process. In extremely rare cases, it can lead to the development of cancer.


There are several types of erosion:

Signs of the disease

How can cervical erosion manifest itself? Symptoms of pathology are usually absent. In most cases, the disease is detected suddenly during an examination by a gynecologist. However, it also happens that patients turn to a specialist with complaints of bleeding. With cervical erosion, women may experience pain during sex. In some cases, inflammatory processes may join the pathology. In this case, purulent mucous discharge may be observed. Inflammation significantly worsens the course of the disease. Many women are unaware that they are developing cervical erosion. They confuse the symptoms that accompany the pathology with signs of thrush, menstruation, the threat of miscarriage, and so on. For any of the manifestations mentioned above, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist so that cervical erosion can be detected or excluded in time. The consequences of pathology can be prevented by adequately prescribed treatment or timely prevention. Among the main complications are the progression of the infectious process, the occurrence of problems with the reproductive system, as well as the possible degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.


The disease can be detected by visual examination by a gynecologist. However, as a rule, this is not enough. To understand how to treat cervical erosion, the doctor must evaluate the entire clinical picture. To do this, the specialist prescribes some additional tests. Among them:

Therapeutic measures

Today there are many options for treating cervical erosion. Therapeutic tactics will depend on the type of pathology, the size of the lesion and concomitant infections or inflammations. Before talking about how to treat cervical erosion, it should be recalled that therapeutic measures should be carried out under dynamic supervision. Congenital erosion, as mentioned above, can be eliminated on its own. Experts recommend getting rid of other types of pathology in a timely manner. Today there are two main methods for treating cervical erosion. Therapy can be conservative. In difficult cases, various surgical interventions are prescribed.

Conservative therapy

If ectopia is accompanied by an infectious or inflammatory process, treatment begins with its elimination. First of all, the specialist identifies the cause of the development of the pathology. Taking into account the identified diseases, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The drugs prescribed by the doctor usually have a wide range of therapeutic activity. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators are prescribed. It is also recommended to locally treat the cervix with drugs that can cause chemical coagulation in the affected area. Such products contain organic acids: nitric, acetic. These medications are intended only for the elimination of benign formations and are recommended to a greater extent for nulliparous patients, since after their use no scars remain. Among the disadvantages of conservative therapy, the likelihood of re-development of the pathology should be noted.

Surgical intervention

Experts recommend regular examinations by a gynecologist, and if signs of pathology appear, do not delay a visit to the doctor, since cervical erosion in advanced cases can only be treated with surgical methods. There are several ways to eliminate the defect surgically.

Types of surgical intervention

Cauterization of cervical erosion, the price of which varies from 300 to 10,000 rubles, is carried out in various ways using various means. The most common options are:

Suppositories for cervical erosion

Drugs for topical use can be prescribed both during conservative therapy and after surgical procedures. Suppositories are considered the most effective and, therefore, popular. Among the drugs, the following should be noted:

Preparing medications at home

There are quite a lot of means that can help eliminate a disease such as cervical erosion. Traditional treatment is usually used after surgery or in the early stages of pathology. To make suppositories, you should take honey - 5 tablespoons, to which you should add propolis (tincture) - 5 g. Add 150 g of butter to these components. The resulting mass is heated until smooth in a water bath. Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, turn off the heat. The mass is cooled. After the mixture becomes warm, you need to make candles and place them in the refrigerator. There are 7-8 pieces per course. It is recommended to administer 1 suppository at night every day. Douching is also used at home. Tampons soaked in decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are also used. Sea buckthorn oil is also popular. It is hypoallergenic and non-toxic. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. A cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil is inserted into the vagina at night. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks. For douching, as a rule, a two percent solution of calendula tincture is used. The procedure is carried out for ten days after visiting the toilet regularly.

Prenatal therapy

It must be said that erosion does not affect the course of pregnancy, just as ovulation does not affect the development of pathology. Surgical intervention is not performed during the prenatal period. This is due to the fact that after cauterization, childbirth will be more difficult - the cervix will stretch and open less easily. Therefore, surgical procedures should be postponed. During the prenatal period, it is allowed to use folk remedies (sea buckthorn oil, for example). But phytotampons, which have recently become increasingly popular, are contraindicated during pregnancy. If an infectious process is detected, the specialist may prescribe a course of antibiotics and local anti-inflammatory drugs. But in most cases, gynecologists simply carry out dynamic monitoring of pregnant patients with this pathology.

How dangerous is the disease?

Experts note that there is no obvious threat to a woman’s health with this pathology. Exceptions, however, are cases of complications. They can be prevented if the disease is not started. Cervical erosion can cause female infertility - damaged tissue can be an obstacle to normal fertilization. In addition, defects in the mucosa during pregnancy can contribute to its termination (miscarriage). Erosion in some cases is the cause of premature birth, colpitis and cervicitis.

Preventive actions

As you know, it is better to prevent pathology than to treat it. To protect yourself, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly (at least twice a year).
  2. Observe hygiene rules. In particular, you should shower at least twice a day, especially during menstruation.
  3. Use condoms when having sex with casual partners to prevent the spread of infections.
  4. Strive for monogamy and regular sex life.
  5. Use protection in cases where pregnancy is not planned. It should be remembered that any abortion complicates the course of the pathology and injures the cervix.

If the gynecologist has identified erosion, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle. You should change pads or tampons regularly during your menstrual period (at least every three or four hours). It must be remembered that erosion contributes to the formation of an ideal environment for the development and subsequent penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterine cavity and ovaries.


It should be noted that in almost all cases (99 out of 100) erosion is treatable. The methods of influence existing today for the most part give excellent results. The main thing is to prevent relapse of the pathology. During rehabilitation after surgical procedures, it is recommended to refrain from heavy physical activity and sexual intercourse for two weeks. This will promote better tissue healing after procedures. During the recovery period, spotting may appear. As a rule, they go away on their own.