How to take rehydron for adults and children when vomiting: dosage. How to properly dilute Regidron for adults and children? Is it possible to give a child rehydron?

Regidron powder instructions for use

Before starting to use the drug Regidron, the patient weighs his weight to assess the degree of dehydration, as indicated by the number of kilograms lost.

To prepare the solution, boil one liter of water and, after cooling it to room temperature, pour the contents of one sachet into it.

The resulting solution is to be taken orally. The prepared liquid must be stored at a temperature of no less than two and no more than eight degrees, for which a refrigerator is ideal. The prepared product must be used within 24 hours. Adding foreign impurities to the solution is prohibited, otherwise the resulting drug will lose its properties.

During rehydration measures, feeding/breastfeeding is not interrupted. Fats and carbohydrates (simple) are excluded from the diet during the recovery period.

For preventive purposes of dehydration, the drug is recommended for use from the very beginning of the development of diarrhea until it stops. As a rule, treatment lasts several days.

When the drug is prescribed for vomiting/nausea, it should be drunk chilled in small, regularly repeated portions.

To rehydrate the patient, over a ten-hour period of time, he needs to take a quantity of solution that would be twice the weight lost.

There is no need to consume other liquids along with Regidron.

If, after dehydration measures, diarrhea still continues, you must contact a specialist so that he can recommend a regimen for taking the solution and other liquids for the next day and strictly adhere to it.

Side effects

According to the instructions, the use of Regidron sometimes provokes the following symptoms in children:

  1. Blood in the stool.
  2. Exhaustion.
  3. Prolonged diarrhea.
  4. General weakness.
  5. Sharp pain in the epigastrium.
  6. Temperature from 38.5 degrees.

Various digestive ailments are very common in young children. For example, as soon as you eat something fatty or fried and wash it down with cold water, your stomach immediately begins to ache, and then nausea begins, and maybe vomiting. Or the child’s body may react sharply to a not entirely fresh salad or cheburek. Severe diarrhea can be caused by an intestinal infection.

When a child complains for a long time about abdominal pain and says that he is feeling sick, pay attention to this; perhaps these are the first manifestations of an intestinal disorder. But what to do if the child is already vomiting and keeps running to the toilet? Your most important task is to avoid dehydration! This condition is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the child.

This is not difficult to do, just give your baby plenty of fluids.

The best option for this very drink is a drink containing salts and glucose (with diarrhea, beneficial microelements are washed out of the body). It could be weak black or green non-sweet tea, raisin compote, or, in the end, just water with salt and sugar. There are also special medications that help normalize the water-salt balance. For example, rehydron. It contains sodium chloride (table salt), potassium chloride, sodium citrate and glucose. These substances are able to quickly restore the electrolyte balance in the body.

Can a child be given rehydron?

Before giving Rehydron to a child, it is better to consult a doctor, since Rehydron powder is now available in dosages for adults. For children, analogues of the drug are produced, with a reduced content of active substances and various flavoring additives.

How to take rehydron for children?

If you still decide to give regular rehydron, then for children it is recommended to reduce the dosage. Typically, you need to dilute the sachet in a liter of boiled, chilled water. And you, to reduce the concentration, increase the amount of water. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. But it is worth noting that any drink will be better absorbed if its temperature is close to body temperature, that is, about 37°C. Regidron is no exception, so before use you should warm it up and then give it to your child.

How much rehydron should I give my child?

For nausea and vomiting, it is enough for children to drink a few sips of rehydron 10 minutes after each attack of vomiting.
If you have diarrhea, in the first hours you need to drink as much of the drug as possible. Ideally, it is better to weigh the child, and for every 100 grams lost, drink twice as much, that is, 200 grams of liquid.

Children under one year old can also be given rehydron. In this case, it is enough to give the baby one teaspoon every 10 minutes. And so on for 4-6 hours.

A few more tips on using rehydron. If your child is still small, and you know for sure that it will be difficult to give him a liter of medicine in a day, and also, since it should be stored in the refrigerator, you will have to constantly warm it up, there is a very simple way out of this situation: dilute the powder with water parts. To maintain the proportions, pour the contents of the sachet onto a plate and divide it into two parts with a knife, here is a half-liter portion, two more - a 250-milliliter portion.

Remember that if the child does not get better, diarrhea and vomiting occur more than 5 times a day - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Also, if you see any unusual symptoms, watery stool mixed with blood, or an increase in temperature above 39 degrees, without wasting time, go to the hospital to clarify the diagnosis.

Use of Regidron for poisoning

But suppose you remain faithful to traditions and Regidron - how to give it to a child, since detailed instructions for this age have been removed from the instructions? Use Regidron after each bowel movement with liquid feces, a few sips, and in cases of vomiting - every 10 minutes after the attack.

Regidron during pregnancy and lactation is quite convenient and completely safe, if, of course, you follow the therapeutic dosage. There are practically no side effects, although an allergic reaction is possible, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the body while taking Regidron. Before taking the drug, you should take into account all contraindications and first of all consult with your supervising doctor whether it is possible to use Regidron.

When using Regidron for vomiting or nausea, it is preferable to use it chilled and drink the solution in small sips. Taking Regidron for diarrhea is prescribed immediately after the onset of adverse symptoms and continues until the diarrhea stops. Before starting to take Regidron for diarrhea, the patient must first be weighed to assess the lost weight and subsequent regulation of fluid in the body.

The diet when taking Regidron remains the same; only foods enriched with simple carbohydrates and fats are excluded from the diet. For example, if a patient has lost 500 grams, Regidron is taken in an amount of 1 liter. There is no need to introduce other fluids into the body.

The question is, if water is quickly removed from the body, and as a result the skin peels off, then is it possible to add a little rehydron to your diet? Correction of the water-salt balance can be carried out by using different medicinal compositions, the most famous of which is considered to be Regidron.

Regidron Bio is a medicinal composition that is used to optimize the water-salt balance, as well as to maintain optimal microflora of the digestive tract. Regidron Bio also contains beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria, which are able to restore and maintain optimal microflora inside the digestive tract.

Regidron Bio is listed in pharmaceutical reference books as a dietary supplement, which is not considered a drug. As practice shows, correct and timely consumption of Regidron Bio solution helps prevent the development of electrolyte disorders or acidosis. Regidron bio is usually used for the treatment of children from three years old, however, in the dosage table of the drug, the weight of patients starts at eight kilograms.

Quickly dissolves in water. Used to prepare a solution for oral use. Its composition is very simple: sodium chloride and citrate, potassium chloride, glucose. These are substances that are lost by the body during poisoning along with vomit and loose stools. The loss of fluid and electrolytes leads to dehydration of the body, a shift in blood pH to the acidic side and disruption of the functioning of the most important organs and systems.

The price of Regidron in Ukraine, depending on the region and distributor, ranges from 68.26 to 86.81 UAH. The composition of Regidron is easy to repeat if necessary. Regidron can be very useful for alcohol intoxication. It is in these cases that Regidron will help cope with the consequences of poisoning. However, the drug has contraindications, and before you start taking Regidron, you should consult your doctor.

How to take the drug for intense diarrhea

With severe diarrhea, a baby can easily lose more than 10% of its body weight. And in this case, it is Regidron that can help the baby cope with the symptoms of dehydration. The product is considered a leader in the speed of restoration of water-salt balance in the patient’s body.

Doctors may prescribe a higher dose to a patient based on the patient's clinical tests. However, therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of medical professionals.

When treating with the drug, you should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • the patient feels tired and constantly wants to sleep;
  • a person’s speech is impaired, he cannot orient himself in space;
  • the temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees;
  • blood clots appeared in diarrhea;
  • the patient has practically stopped producing urine;
  • diarrhea does not stop for more than 5 days;
  • sharp pain appeared in the abdomen.

Regidron's analogs

  • Hydrovit;
  • Citraglucosalan;

Hydrovit is similar to Regidron in its combination of components. However, Hydrovit contains less potassium and sodium ions. Hydrovit comes in strawberry flavor and is much nicer than Regidron. It is diluted in 200 ml of water or tea. Infants are given 3-5 g of powder per day. Older children can be given the whole sachet after vomiting or diarrhea.

Citraglucosalan is a direct analogue of Regidron. Produced by a Russian company. The composition is not much different, but some doctors do not recommend taking citraglucosan due to questionable proportions of the components.

Regidron Bio is used to treat dehydration in children from the age of three. In addition to salt, the composition contains beneficial lactobacilli - a medium for restoring intestinal microflora. In case of severe dehydration, the child is hospitalized and given intravenous drips with electrolyte solutions. Physiological sodium chloride, Acesol, Trisol, Disol and other liquids that restore salt balance are poured in.

In case of nausea and vomiting in children, it is necessary to immediately use drugs that replenish water and electrolyte balance and prevent rehydration. This drug includes Regidron, which is easy to use, safe for babies, has a neutral taste, and does not contain side effects.

The instructions for using Regidron for children with vomiting allow treatment with the drug almost from the baby’s first birthday. A drug to restore electrolyte balance not only relieves signs of intoxication, but helps to avoid the loss of essential fluid and prevent complications of the disease.

Contraindications and precautions

Regidron is not prescribed to patients with impaired renal function, since the large amount of fluid entering the body has a strong impact on their function.

Diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction and special cases of intolerance to the components of the powder solution are also contraindications for use.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication, but the expectant mother should take Regidron only under the supervision of the attending physician.

The use of Regidron can cause increased diarrhea or vomiting, increased body temperature, anuria, exhaustion and lead to the symptom of “acute abdomen”.

The appearance of such signs is a reason to consult a doctor to find out the reasons; perhaps, to stop vomiting, you need to use treatment methods other than rehydration.

Rehydron belongs to the group of rehydrating salt products intended for oral use. It is used to prevent and treat dehydration due to vomiting, high fever, diarrhea, and excessive sweating. Most often, such symptoms occur against the background of infectious diseases, accompanied by increased losses of pathological fluid. Rehydron for vomiting and diarrhea helps to quickly restore the disturbed water-salt balance and compensate for significant losses of water and electrolytes along with vomit and feces.

How to breed Regidron for children

If you have potassium chloride in the house, you can prepare a product that is even closer to Regidron. The potassium and sodium contained in the Regidron solution replenish lost microelements, improving the functioning of the nervous system and heart. Since the drug contains glucose, Regidron is able to maintain salts and citrates at the proper level, thus maintaining the basic acid balance. The use of Regidron has a big advantage in the form of the absence of side effects if therapeutic dosages are observed.

If diarrhea persists even after the volume of circulating blood is restored, the use of Regidron is quite acceptable. Do not add sugar to the prepared solution; When using the drug, food can be given to the patient after the necessary restoration of fluid in the body. Regidron also does not have a negative impact when operating machinery or driving automatic vehicles.

Regidron bio instructions for use for children and adults

Digestive disorders associated with food poisoning or the penetration of an intestinal infection into the body are dangerous for the development of dehydration (dehydration). To restore the water-salt balance, experts recommend using special solutions, for example, Regidron Bio. How to use the product, who is it indicated for, and are there any contraindications?


On the pharmaceutical market, Regidron Bio is sold in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution in double sachets A and B.

The A-pack contains the following active ingredients:

  • Maltodextrin is a product of corn starch processing that has a moderately sweet taste. This is a probiotic that normalizes the composition of the intestinal environment.
  • Lactobacilli rhamnosus GG are gram-positive anaerobic non-spore-forming bacteria that maintain the microflora in a normal state.

The B-pack includes:

  • Glucose, which is a powerful energy source for the brain.
  • Sodium citrate. Restores the alkaline environment.
  • Sodium chloride, a universal healing compound, is an electrolyte that completely disintegrates into ions.
  • Potassium chloride - replenishes potassium deficiency.

Auxiliary ingredients include strawberry flavoring, sweetener, and silicon oxide.


The traditional medicine Regidron, familiar to everyone, has the same active ingredients, for example, potassium chloride, sodium citrate, but does not contain lactobacilli, probiotics and flavors. Its analogue Regidron Bio is not considered a medical drug. This is an active food supplement that is suitable for adults and children.

This pharmacological product normalizes water-electrolyte metabolism with increased fluid excretion, which is provoked by vomiting, diarrhea, hyperhidrosis, and elevated body temperature. Thanks to its balanced composition, the use of Regidron Bio solution restores the intestinal microflora and improves digestion.

When to use

It is also actively used for:

  • Changes in intestinal microflora.
  • Increased acidity.
  • Disturbed water-electrolyte metabolism.
  • Heat and sunstroke.

This remedy can be used during heavy physical activity, which can lead to increased sweating.

Important! If you have repeated diarrhea with uncontrollable vomiting, saline solution alone will not help. This requires the help of a doctor and the prescription of other medications.

Often, such disorders occur in children when infected with an intestinal infection.

Mode of application

Patients should note that before using Regidron Bio, they must read the instructions for its use. It indicates how to dilute the powder and how to take it.

For adults:

  • Both sachets are dissolved in a glass of boiled, chilled water. It should not be cold or hot, otherwise the biochemical properties of the food additive will significantly decrease and the therapy will not have the desired effect.
  • The powder is mixed with water to a homogeneous consistency.
  • The resulting solution should be drunk immediately until sediment appears.
  • If Regidron Bio was not drunk immediately, then the prepared solution should be placed in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hours.
  • The course of therapy lasts up to four days. If no improvement is observed during this time, you should consult a doctor who will recommend more effective analogues of Regidron Bio.

Severe diarrhea contributes to a rapid decrease in body weight. To restore water balance, the volume of solution drunk must be twice the lost weight. For example, if a person has lost 300 g of weight, then you need to take 600 ml of solution. The concentration of salts, lactobacilli and dextrose in the finished product promotes the complete absorption of all ingredients.

During mild diarrhea, it is enough to take sachets A and B orally, 50 ml per 1 kg per day. Repeated diarrhea requires the use of 100 ml of solution per 1 kg. For conditions associated with vomiting, the food supplement, diluted according to the instructions, is drunk every 10-15 minutes after the urge to vomit.

Storage period and conditions

To ensure that the powder does not lose its healing qualities, unopened sachets of Regidron Bio should be stored in a ventilated, dry place for two years, observing the storage conditions and terms.

The medicinal properties of the diluted solution largely depend on the expiration date indicated on the packaging. If the drug is expired, it is better not to use it, but to dispose of it.

The saline solution is stored refrigerated and drunk within 24 hours.

Restoring a dehydrated body

The use of Regidron for vomiting has a complex effect on a dehydrated body.

The drug affects the restoration of water-salt and acid-base balance, helps normalize energy metabolism.

It should be borne in mind that in case of single or infrequent vomiting, the use of Regidron will not have any effect on the body, because the patient is not dehydrated and there is no need to restore electrolyte and energy balances.

It’s another matter if the vomiting is repeated, uncontrollable, the body is exhausted, and there are signs of dehydration.

The latter include dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, and a persistent feeling of thirst. In this case, Regidron is able to have a beneficial effect on the body, helping to avoid the unpleasant consequences of dehydration.

The drug is a white powder, which, when diluted with water, becomes a sweet-salty, transparent, odorless liquid.

To restore a dehydrated body, you need to know how to properly dilute Regidron. The instructions for use explain that a bag of powder is intended for preparing one liter of rehydration solution.

Drink the prepared Regidron drug after each attack of vomiting; within an hour you should consume a certain amount, which is calculated based on the patient’s body weight.

For every kilogram there should be 10 milliliters of Regidron.

To influence the body carefully, there are subtleties in using the solution. So, it is recommended to start using Regidron with one or two small sips.

If drinking liquid does not cause repeated bouts of vomiting, then the volume of the solution is gradually increased to the required volume in accordance with body weight.

Do not stop taking the drug until normal hydration of the mucous membranes and skin is restored, and also until the patient feels relief from thirst.

If the situation is serious, and taking the solution causes new vomiting, without helping to improve the condition, then the right decision would be to call an ambulance, which will take the patient to the hospital hospital, where doctors will monitor his condition.

Help with alcohol intoxication

Alcohol abuse will likely affect the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, the leaching of beneficial elements from the blood, and the digestive tract is especially affected.

As a result of a hangover, the body becomes intoxicated.

Regidron ingredients compensate for the lack of necessary substances, remove accumulated toxins, optimize the activity of the nerve endings of the brain, and correct the electrical and energy balance.

Rehydron is easy to dilute and take in case of a hangover. When the urge to vomit occurs, the finished mixture should be taken 10 minutes after the last vomiting process.

The powder should be diluted correctly, otherwise a strong concentration of the substance will affect
, in a patient who has been poisoned by alcohol, leads to hypernatremia - with signs of drowsiness, weakness, spasms of the respiratory system, clouding of consciousness.

A high concentration of the solution will cause headaches and impaired perception .

If such symptoms occur during a hangover, stop taking Regidron and go to a medical clinic.

Is the drug allowed in children?

The increased sodium content causes many doctors to refuse to prescribe a drug that has an adult dosage. But parents, out of habit, give diluted powder, trusting a proven remedy.

How to proceed? If you don’t have an anti-dehydration drug at home designed specifically for children, use Regidron. Sometimes the situation is such that there is no time to go out for medicine, but Regidron is in most home medicine cabinets.

Take note:

  • dilute the powder taking into account the child’s weight, do not add water “by eye”;
  • Give a medicinal solution without delay if your son or daughter has gone to the toilet several times in a short period of time;
  • the addition of vomiting clearly requires the use of a drug that maintains water-salt balance;
  • Is this not the first time that uncontrollable vomiting has been repeated? Does diarrhea get worse over several hours? Call an ambulance: delay can threaten the life and health of children, especially small ones.

What is Regidron

According to doctors and information provided in the official instructions, this drug is used for oral rehydration therapy in children and adults. However, in addition to helping with the loss of electrolytes caused by the rapid release of fluid, glucose levels are normalized, since the drug belongs to the category of regulators of water-electrolyte balance and acid-base environment. According to reviews, it works well even with severe dehydration, and pediatricians often prescribe Regidron for infants.

Composition and release form

This medicine is available only in powder format, which must be diluted independently for each use to obtain a solution. The granules are crystalline, white, and odorless. The finished solution will similarly be devoid of aroma, retain transparency, but have a sweetish taste. Pharmacies offer 2 options: 4 or 20 sachets of powder, packaged in a cardboard box.

There is only one dosage option for the active ingredients for children and adults, so the composition looks like this:

pharmachologic effect

The official instructions classify this drug as a medicine for rehydration therapy: it eliminates the symptoms of dehydration. This happens due to the supply of substances to the body that are actively released when attacks of vomiting or severe diarrhea occur. The medicine shows high efficiency in the process of restoring the balance of electrolytes, against the background of which the acid-base balance also changes, straying towards acidity. However, sodium and potassium salts are responsible for these moments, and dextrose, which is part of the composition, helps replenish the loss of energy.

A couple more points from the official instructions:

  • Compared to other oral rehydration drugs, Regidron has an increased potassium content and a decreased sodium content to prevent hypernatremia.
  • The concentration of dissolved particles in a liter of the prepared product will be 260 mOsm/l, which is lower than most solutions of this type, and the acid-base level is 8.2 units.

Indications for use

Doctors advise using Regidron not alone, but as an element of complex therapy, but in young children it can be used without additional medications. The use of this remedy is justified if dehydration of the body of any etiology occurs:

  • for intestinal disorders;
  • prolonged high temperature;
  • with active vomiting (especially in young children);
  • in case of thermal injuries in which the electrolyte balance is disturbed;
  • in case of fluid loss due to exhausting physical activity (can also be used for prevention).

Symptoms of dehydration after vomiting and diarrhea

  • weight loss;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • weak pulse;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • lack of urination;
  • cold extremities;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • loss of consciousness.

When nausea and diarrhea occur, it is necessary to begin replenishing the norm of electrolytes and fluids in the children’s body. In this case, the remedy used is Regidron, which is used to correct electrolyte and water balance.

When dehydration occurs, the blood becomes acidic, which is called acidosis. Regidron fills the blood with alkali and normalizes its composition. It is a white, free-flowing powder in individual bags. It is dissolved in water at room temperature and taken according to the instructions.

The constituent components are potassium and sodium salts, as well as glucose.
Salts play an important role as they exhibit an antitoxic effect. Glucose acts as an energy component that is indispensable for the normal functioning of the cell.

It is safe, so it can be safely used even in infants. No negative effects were identified.

Is Regidron allowed to be used to treat children?

Unfortunately, it is children who are most often susceptible to eating disorders and poisoning. Continuous vomiting and stool disorder will inevitably lead to dehydration, which will have an extremely negative impact on the general condition of the child. Since several hours of vomiting are enough to cause dehydration, Regidron should be in the medicine cabinet of any family that has small children.

However, dosages for children are slightly different from adults. So, for 1 kg of weight you need from 20 to 65 ml of the finished solution. The exact amount will directly depend on the severity of the disease. The total amount of solution must be given to the child within 10 hours. If you manage to achieve the desired effect, over the next few days you can switch to the standard dosage - 10 ml per 1 kg of weight.

If a child is vomiting, Regidron should be taken at intervals of 10 minutes after each attack. It is drunk in small sips, literally a teaspoon at a time. Even if this approach provokes vomiting, the solution can be poured into ice molds. Small pieces of such ice can then be placed in the child’s mouth. There it will melt and immediately enter the blood.

While using Regidron, it is necessary to monitor the child's reaction to the drug. With obvious improvements, for example, stabilization of the condition and cessation of vomiting, its use can be continued according to the scheme indicated above. If a negative reaction is observed, you should consult a doctor.

Regidron powder indications for use

Rehydron powder is used in cases where it is necessary:

  • restore the balance of water and electrolytes and correct acidosis in case of acute diarrhea, for example, with the development of cholera;
  • with heat stroke;
  • for preventive purposes in the presence of high physical or thermal stress leading to excessively increased sweat production;
  • carrying out rehydration therapy in a state of mild or moderate weight loss due to acute diarrhea.


Do not use a dehydration solution with Regidron:

  • with impaired renal function;
  • with a high level of sensitivity to any of the components of the powder;
  • with insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • with intestinal obstruction;
  • in the patient's condition, it is characterized as unconscious.


Useful tips and conclusions:

  1. Rehydron is necessary during intense physical exertion to replenish the necessary fluid and salts.
  2. The medicine is good for thermal problems.
  3. An excellent remedy for alcohol.
  4. Drink if you have indigestion of low-quality foods.
  5. Dilute the product for diarrhea and vomiting.
  • In case of food poisoning, drinking plain water or other liquids will not alleviate your condition; the body is not replenished with the required amount of electrolytes. Refer to medications applicable in this case.
  • In case of negative manifestations, you should immediately exclude treatment and consult a doctor.
  • Strictly follow the indicated dose.
  • If, while taking the medication, you notice urine of an unknown color, this is due to excess salts.
  • Before using the medication, pregnant women should consult a specialist.
  • Regidron is first aid for poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Remember that diluting the medicine with the addition of honey, sugar, or other sweets will change the properties of the product and reduce the positive effect.

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Use after vomiting and diarrhea. This is a medicine that restores electrolyte balance in children and adults. After vomiting and diarrhea, the human body experiences dehydration. When fluid is lost, cells cannot function properly. There is a disruption in homeostasis. Rehydron was created to help and restore the body after a sudden loss of electrolytes.

Dehydration occurs quickly. The condition worsens and convulsions occur. With a loss of 25% of fluid, death is possible. Timely contacting a doctor and preventing rehydration is the key to saving yourself from death.

Vomiting is a reflex eruption of the contents of the duodenum or stomach through the mouth or nasal cavity. This process occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscle tissue.

During vomiting, the outlet of the stomach closes, and its body relaxes, after which the entrance to the main digestive organ opens, the esophagus and oral cavity expand. The entire described reflex act is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata.

General information

Vomiting may be preceded by nausea, increased salivation, involuntary swallowing movements, lacrimation and rapid breathing.

Vomit consists of food debris, mucus, stomach acid, bile, and impurities such as blood or pus.

Eruption of stomach contents can occur with a number of infections (for example, scarlet fever, typhus, etc.), irritation of the peritoneum, poisoning (including alcohol, food, medication, drugs), gastritis, accumulation of toxic metabolic products in the blood, peptic ulcer, as well as in pregnant women, etc. In addition, this condition is often observed with strong negative emotions, anxiety, irritation of the vestibular apparatus (including seasickness), disorder of the center of the nervous system, including concussion, cerebrovascular accident, meningitis, etc.

Sometimes harmful and toxic substances come out of the human body along with vomit.

Is it dangerous for the child?

Vomiting in children is a common and dangerous phenomenon. Any condition of a child accompanied by eruption of stomach contents should only be assessed by a pediatrician. After all, only a specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis, as well as conduct a full examination and prescribe timely treatment.

If a child vomits, parents should provide proper care. In this case, you should try to eliminate all vomiting attacks, since such a condition is fraught with dehydration. Signs of the latter include:

  • coating on the tongue, dry mouth and chapped lips;
  • dry skin, rough to the touch;
  • complete cessation of urination or a noticeable decrease in the amount of urine;
  • dry eyelids and sunken eyes.

To avoid the above symptoms, experts recommend giving children rehydration medications when vomiting. One of these medications is Regidron. For children with vomiting and diarrhea, this remedy is prescribed very often. How to take it correctly is described below.

Form, description, composition, packaging of the medicinal product

Before giving Regidron to a child who is vomiting, you must read the attached instructions. It states that the drug in question is an enteral detoxification and rehydration agent. It goes on sale in the form of a white crystalline powder, which is intended for the preparation of a colorless and transparent solution for oral administration.

The composition of the mentioned drug includes elements such as sodium chloride, sodium citrate, dextrose, potassium, sodium, chlorine and citrate.

The powder is packaged in multi-layer laminated bags, which are placed in cardboard packs.

Operating principle

All parents should know how to properly give Regidron to a child when vomiting.

Often this drug is also used for oral administration for diarrhea (in order to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances).

The dextrose contained in the product can promote the absorption of electrolytes, thereby regulating metabolic acidosis.

Pharmacokinetic features

How to give Regidron to a child when vomiting is described in the instructions. It also contains information about the pharmacokinetic properties of this drug. The absorption of water, dextrose and electrolytes, which are part of the product, are similar to those contained in the human body.

When is it prescribed?

Most often, the drug "Regidron" is prescribed to children for vomiting (for oral rehydration). This remedy is also used to prevent dehydration (mild to moderate) in acute diarrhea.

Contraindications to taking the solution

Before giving Regidron to a child who is vomiting, you should study all the contraindications for the drug. According to the instructions, these include:

  • coma state;
  • increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the product;
  • severe dehydration;
  • severe vomiting;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diarrhea due to cholera;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Instructions for use of "Regidron"

This remedy is often prescribed for children who are vomiting. Before starting therapy, the patient must be weighed to assess the degree of dehydration and weight loss.

Breastfeeding of the baby or the child's usual feeding should not be interrupted while taking the solution, or should be continued immediately after rehydration. During treatment with the medication, it is necessary to avoid eating fatty foods, as well as foods consisting of simple carbohydrates, as this can aggravate diarrhea.

How long before you give Regidron to a child who is vomiting? In order to prevent dehydration, it is recommended to start using this remedy immediately after frequent bowel movements or eruption of stomach contents.

Usually the medication is used for 3-4 days. Therapy is stopped with the end of vomiting or diarrhea.

Features of the preparation and use of the solution

How should children take Regidron when vomiting? In this condition, it is advisable to use the finished solution chilled. It must be taken in small portions, using, for example, a teaspoon.

To properly prepare the medicine, the contents of one sachet are poured into a 1 liter glass jar, after which the container with the medicine is filled with boiled but cooled drinking water. Mix the components with a large spoon to obtain a colorless solution that must be taken orally. If required, the finished drug can be administered through but only in a hospital setting.

In order for the solution to retain all its properties, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8°C. In this case, the drug must be consumed within 24 hours.

In order not to interfere with the effect of the medication, it is prohibited to add any components other than the contents of the sachet.

Fluid replenishment dosage

How should children take Regidron when vomiting? To replenish fluid in the body and avoid dehydration, this drug should be taken within the first 6-10 hours after the onset of vomiting. In this case, the dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the child’s weight loss. For example, if the loss is 400 g, then the volume of the required drug should be 800 ml.

During treatment with Regidron, the use of other liquids is not necessary. It is not advisable to eat food during the first four hours of fluid replenishment.

It must be taken into account that when taking large volumes of solution, the patient may experience even more vomiting.

How should children drink Regidron when vomiting to prevent dehydration?

If a child vomits frequently and in large quantities, and also has diarrhea, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, since such a condition can easily cause dehydration of the child’s body and, as a result, death.

The dosage of the drug in case of severe imbalance of electrolytes and water is calculated only by a specialist, on an individual basis. It should be remembered that it is better to give very young patients other solutions that contain less sodium and have a lower osmolarity.

Negative actions

How often should I give Regidron to a child who is vomiting? The prepared solution must be drunk in equal portions throughout the day. If the drug is taken quickly, vomiting may resume and the patient's condition may worsen.

In children with normal kidney function, the risk of hypernatremia or excessive water intake is very low.

Cases of overdose

How much Regidron to give to a child when vomiting was indicated above. If the dosage of the drug is not observed (that is, it is exceeded), the patient may experience the following conditions: hypernatremia, weakness, confusion, neuromuscular excitation, respiratory arrest, drowsiness.

People with kidney dysfunction may develop hyperkalemia, which causes heart rhythm disturbances and weakness.

If cases of overdose occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Drug interactions

How to give Regidron to a child with vomiting and diarrhea if he is taking other medications? According to the attached instructions, the solution in question has a slightly alkaline reaction, and therefore it can affect medications, the absorption of which depends on the pH of the contents of the stomach or intestines.

It is important to know!

Considering the composition of Regidron powder, special care must be taken in patients with diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as people who follow a low-salt diet.

In children with kidney failure, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, conditions such as vomiting and diarrhea can cause significant imbalances in water or glucose balance in the body. Therefore, treatment of such patients may require hospitalization and careful laboratory monitoring. If the child’s need for additional administration of “Regidron” has not been confirmed during research, then the recommended dosage of the drug should not be exceeded.

Dehydration that is accompanied by weight loss greater than 10% and loss of urine output must be treated with intravenous rehydration medications. Further, the use of the medication “Regidron” is allowed.

If the child is vomiting severely, wait 10 minutes after the attack ends, and then give the medication to drink slowly and in small sips.

Contact a specialist

The child must be shown to a specialist if the following situations arise while using the Regidron solution:

  • severe pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • slow speech;
  • bloody stools;
  • irritability;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • body temperature rises above 39 °C;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • diarrhea lasting more than two days;
  • stupor;
  • drowsiness.

For diarrhea that occurs as a result of cholera or a number of other intestinal infections, the use of the solution in question to replenish the loss of electrolytes and water may not be enough.

People on a diet with a low K content, or with kidney failure, must take into account that Regidron contains this component in an amount of 33.5 mmol.

Terms and conditions of storage of the drug

Regidron powder must be stored at a temperature of +15...+25 °C out of the reach of small children. The shelf life of this drug is three years. It must not be used after the specified period.

The prepared “Regidron” solution should be kept only in the refrigerator and only for 24 hours.

Regidron is a medical drug used to replenish the water-electrolyte balance in the body during diarrhea and vomiting, poisoning and various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by loose stools. The drug is used to treat symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea of ​​any type, both in hospital (hospital) and at home. For any pathological conditions, the symptoms of which are vomiting and loose stools, it is recommended to take Regidron - a remedy for dehydration, replenishment of electrolytes and fluid levels in the body. Rehydron is available in powder form, packaged in sachets. This inexpensive and effective remedy is easy to prepare at home; you need to make a solution - stir 1 sachet of powder with boiled water. The prepared solution is characterized by a sweet-sour taste and lack of odor. The pleasant taste allows you to easily use the solution when treating diarrhea and vomiting in a child.


The instructions for use indicate that the drug replenishes the loss of precisely those substances that are most quickly eliminated from the body along with loose stools and vomiting. This is due to the mineral components included in Regidron - sodium and potassium chlorides, sodium citrates and glucose (dextrose).

Potassium chloride, which is included in the composition, is recommended to be taken for diarrhea, as the substance has a diuretic property and helps eliminate toxins that cause intoxication and the development of loose stools. Sodium chloride must be taken for diarrhea, since it has pronounced hydrating, detoxifying properties, helps restore the acid-base environment, which is disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes during poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting. Glucose during diarrhea is necessary to replenish vital energy; in addition, the substance has the ability to absorb citrates and salts, which helps normalize the acid-base balance in the body.

So, the main property of Regidron is the replenishment of sodium and potassium salts, as well as glucose, which are involved in restoring electrolyte balance, acid-base and energy balance in the body, the loss of which occurs during diarrhea and vomiting reactions.

When should it be taken?

Indications for the use of the drug include pathological conditions such as digestive disorders accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. The ease of preparing the solution and the safety of the drug allows you to use the product at home. According to the instructions, Regidron solution should be taken for:

  • diarrhea of ​​infectious origin;
  • diarrhea caused by chemical or alcohol intoxication;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic diarrhea;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract leading to the development of diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature and fever;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • blood loss;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (except diabetes mellitus);
  • heat stroke or vigorous physical activity leading to large loss of fluid in the body.

Instructions for use for diarrhea and vomiting

Regidron is used as a means for the treatment and prevention of dehydration. As a preventive measure, it is used during excessive physical activity, during prolonged exposure to too hot conditions, when excessive sweating and fluid loss occur. Loose stools together with vomit very quickly lead to the development of water and electrolyte imbalances, so at the first symptoms of diarrhea it is necessary to drink rehydration solutions.

How to breed?

To make a rehydration solution, 1 sachet of Regidron powder must be diluted in one liter of warm boiled water, mixed well, and allowed to cool. The medicine should be taken in the dosage specified in the instructions for use of the drug. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than 24 hours.

How to take it correctly?

In case of poisoning, especially with severe vomiting, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage before taking a rehydration agent. To do this, several crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a glass of water (boiled). After rinsing, dehydration therapy can be performed. In the first ten hours, the prepared solution should be drunk in a dosage twice the amount of liquid lost. This is approximately 50 milliliters of the drug per kilogram of body weight after each bowel movement and after each vomiting reaction. If the symptoms are very severe, the dose can be increased to 80-100 milliliters per kilogram of weight. After an attack of vomiting, you need to wait ten minutes, then only drink liquid. If the condition improves, the dosage of the medicine is reduced by half - five milliliters per kilogram of body.

The product should be drunk slowly, in small sips, so as not to burden the stomach and not provoke a gag reflex. Treatment should not continue for more than four days. If there is no improvement during this time, this is a sign of dangerous diseases, in which case medical attention is urgently needed.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding; the product has no contraindications if you follow all the rules of use. Moreover, during pregnancy, digestive disorders often occur, which is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy. Diarrhea can develop as a result of an intestinal infection, which is associated with a decrease in the body's defenses during pregnancy, as well as with the gastronomic preferences of a woman in this position. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women with loose stools are allowed to be treated with rehydration agents to prevent the development of dehydration and loss of important microelements, since this can negatively affect the development of the child.

How to dilute and in what quantity to drink?

The solution should be made less concentrated. A packet of powder is diluted in two liters of water and taken at the rate of ten milliliters of medicine per kilogram of a woman’s weight after each act of defecation and vomiting. After you feel better, the dose of the medicine is reduced by half - five milliliters per kilogram of body.

Can Regidron be used for children?

Children often suffer from infectious diseases; more often than adults, they experience intestinal disorders. This is due to the fact that the child’s body cannot yet fully resist unfavorable external factors - bacterial and viral attacks that lead to disruption of the digestion process. In addition, an insufficiently developed digestive system can react with stool upset to new food, climate change and other factors. But for children this disease is very dangerous. The loss of fluid and nutrients that occurs due to loose stools dehydrates and exhausts the body, which can cause developmental delays and, in worst cases, death. Replenishing fluid levels is the first thing necessary for loose stools in children. Therefore, it is necessary to give the child rehydration aids. Regidron is allowed in the treatment of poisoning, diarrhea, and vomiting for children of any age. But in this case you need to know how to give correctly. A correctly calculated dosage will avoid an excess of potassium and sodium salts in children and prevent the development of side effects.

How to breed?

For children under one year of age, the powder should be diluted in two liters of boiled water, which will avoid an overdose of the drug. For children over the age of one year, the powder is dissolved in one liter of water. The prepared product is cooled to 30 degrees and given to the child as a treatment and prevention of dehydration. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. But cold food is contraindicated for children, and indeed for diarrhea in general. Therefore, you should not dilute all the powder at once. Divide the contents of the bag into four equal parts, which is very easy to do by pouring the powder onto a flat plate. The amount of water for one serving is also reduced by four times.

How to give it to a child?

It is necessary to follow the recommendations for taking the drug to prevent unpleasant consequences. And for this you need to know how to give the medicine correctly. For children, the permissible dose is 30-60 milliliters per kilogram of weight; for children under three years of age, the dose should not exceed 40 milliliters. This is in the first six hours after the onset of attacks of vomiting and loose stools. Next, give 10 milliliters per kilogram of body after each case of vomiting and bowel movements. For babies up to one year old, the drug is given a teaspoon at an interval of ten minutes after each attack.

No matter how much the child resists taking the medicine, you should not sweeten it with sugar, honey or jam, this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the treatment, since the specially selected balance of glucose and salts will be disrupted. Treatment should not be carried out longer than three to four days without a doctor's prescription.


Like any medicine, Regidron has contraindications. Its use is unacceptable when:

  • increased potassium levels in the blood;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • blood pressure.

Side effects

If you follow the recommended dosage and rules of administration, the medicine does not cause any side effects. Overdose and intake for the above pathologies threatens the development of hypernatremia - excess sodium content, hyperkalemia - excess potassium, metabolic alkalosis - disturbance of acid-base balance. Weakness, drowsiness, loss of muscle tone, fatigue, loss of orientation, impaired speech and thinking, increased body temperature, breathing problems, the appearance of blood particles in the stool, flatulence, pain, convulsions and arrhythmia will accompany these pathological disorders.


The price of 1 sachet averages from 18 to 22 rubles, or 360-430 rubles per package containing twenty sachets. Price for 20 sachets in various regions of Russia:

  • in the Moscow region - 374-420 rubles;
  • in the Leningrad region - 360-410 rubles;
  • in the Bryansk region - 402 rubles;
  • in the Vladimir region - 390 rubles;
  • in the Voronezh region – 397 rubles;
  • in the Jewish Autonomous Region - 430 rubles;
  • in Kabardino Balkaria – 371 rubles;
  • in Tatarstan – 415-417 rubles;
  • in the Samara region - 389 rubles;
  • on Sakhalin - 480 rubles;
  • in the Tambov region - 404 rubles.


The following drugs are analogues of Finnish-made Regidron:

  • Trihydron is produced in Finland, costs 160 rubles;
  • Hydrovit Russian analogue costs 175 rubles;
  • Reosolan is produced in Korea, price 125 rubles;
  • Disol is produced in the Russian Federation, the price is 30-60 rubles per bottle.

An excellent cheap alternative to medical rehydrating agents is saline solution for diarrhea, which can be prepared at home. It is taken in the same way as Regidron, observing the age-specific dosage. To prepare it, you need to take a liter of boiled water, dissolve in it a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of salt.

  1. During treatment, it is worth eliminating fatty, salty, spicy, smoked, hot and cold foods, vegetables, berries and fruits, and sweets from the diet. These products irritate the walls of the digestive tract, increase peristalsis, and their consumption will further worsen diarrhea.
  2. Do not store the prepared solution for more than a day.
  3. Before use, carefully read the instructions, read the contraindications, and better consult a specialist about the use of this medicine.
  4. It is very important to follow the indicated dose, as overdose may cause side effects. This is especially dangerous for children.

Various digestive ailments are much more common in children than in adults. Often, after eating too fatty or fried food, a child develops nausea, or even vomiting. Or the child’s body may react sharply to food that is not entirely fresh. An intestinal infection can cause severe diarrhea. The first signs of an intestinal disorder may be abdominal pain or nausea. Such symptoms cannot be ignored. But what to do if the baby is already vomiting or diarrhea? The most important thing is to prevent dehydration. This condition can pose a serious threat to the health and life of the child.

How to replenish fluid loss in the body?

It's not difficult to do this. To do this, it is enough to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. It is important that the drink contains glucose and salts, since with diarrhea the body loses beneficial microelements. For this, green or weak black tea without sugar, raisin compote or just water with added salt and sugar are suitable. In addition, there are special medications that can normalize the water-salt balance. One such remedy is the drug “Regidron”. It is used quite often for children, but is it safe?

Is it possible to give the drug "Regidron" to a child?

Substances included in the product, such as sodium citrate, potassium and sodium chloride (table salt), glucose, can restore electrolyte balance in the body in a short time. This medication is prescribed to children of any age. However, before using the drug "Regidron" for infants, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for those children who are registered with a neurologist. After taking a saline solution, it may increase And children who have any abnormalities in the nervous system during intrauterine development or birth quite often suffer from headaches caused by impaired intracranial pressure.

The drug "Regidron" for intestinal infection

The most common cause of dehydration in children is an intestinal infection. In a child, as a rule, it occurs more severely and violently than in an adult. The disease usually begins with vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. In this case, it is better to treat the child in a hospital setting, since the baby’s condition can become critical at any moment and emergency medical care will be required. Not too high a temperature, accompanied by loose stools and infrequent vomiting, also indicates an intestinal infection. In children after one year, this condition can be treated on an outpatient basis, but only under the constant supervision of a doctor. Self-treatment of an intestinal infection can lead to very serious consequences. The drug "Regidron" can be given to the child even before the doctor arrives. But you should definitely call a pediatrician. However, in case of intestinal infection, Regidron alone will not be enough for children. Complex treatment will be required, which will include diet, antibacterial drugs, enzymes, and more.

Release form

The drug is available in powder form with a dosage for an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to use the medication “Regidron” for children very carefully, having discussed the dose of the medication with the pediatrician. But there are also analogues of this product in pharmacies, designed specifically for children. The content of active substances in them is reduced. Such preparations are produced with a variety of flavoring additives.

How to give Regidron to a child?

In order to reduce the sodium concentration, the medication must be diluted in large quantities of water. As a rule, one sachet should be dissolved in 1 liter of chilled boiled water. The prepared solution is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. The drug can also be diluted in parts. In order to maintain proportions, the powder must be poured onto a plate and divided into two parts with a knife. This will be a 0.5 liter portion. Divide into two more parts - a 0.25 liter portion. It should be noted that any drink is better absorbed if its temperature is about 37 ° C, that is, approximately the same as body temperature. The drug "Regidron" is no exception, therefore, before giving the solution to the child, it must be warmed up.

How much Regidron should I give my child?

If your baby is vomiting, then you need to drink a few sips of the product 10 minutes after each attack. If you have diarrhea, you should drink as much of the solution as possible. If a child with an intestinal infection is admitted to the hospital, he is first weighed, after which he is prescribed an amount of fluid equal to twice its loss. At home, it is not always possible to weigh the baby. Therefore, the dose of the drug is usually 60 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight for 6 hours. Babies up to one year old are given half or 1 teaspoon of the product every 3-5 minutes. If there is no vomiting, then give 2 teaspoons.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Regidron"

For children, this drug is not prescribed for:

  • severe kidney diseases with impaired kidney function;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • unconscious state;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Acute intestinal infections in children are one of the most common and widespread diseases. This pathology is especially dangerous for infants and preschool children. The diarrhea and vomiting that occurs in them causes rapid loss of fluid and leads to a number of complications, including shock and death. As the instructions for use of "Regidron" describe, for children in these cases an external supply of minerals and water is necessary in order to restore the water-salt balance.

Dehydration of the body (dehydration) is a dangerous condition leading to metabolic disorders and disruption of the cardiovascular system. According to WHO, dehydration due to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) causes the death of more than four million people every year.

Why do babies need medicine?

Children, unlike adults, are especially prone to changes in the acid-base balance and metabolic disorders. This is due to insufficiently developed regulatory mechanisms and age-related characteristics of their electrolyte metabolism:

  • children under one year old have a much larger volume of extracellular fluid;
  • a greater percentage of water is released through the lungs and skin;
  • renal function is insufficiently developed.

How the drug works

It is known that the absorption of water in the intestine directly depends on the sufficient concentration of glucose and sodium ions. This phenomenon has been successfully used in the treatment of various conditions accompanied by dehydration. Regidron, used for this purpose, contains important salts, glucose and substances that normalize the acid-base balance for the body.

Glucose, which is part of the medicine, contributes to a sufficient supply of sodium, potassium ions, and citrate compounds. This effect of the drug ensures rapid restoration of energy and electrolyte balance and improves the child’s condition.

What's included

"Regidron" refers to solutions with low osmolarity (260 mOsm/l), that is, it is as physiological as possible for the human body. The drug contains compounds necessary to restore the balance of electrolytes.

Table - Composition of "Regidron"

Regidron Optim has a slightly different composition. This is a drug with low osmolarity (242 mOsm/l), it also contains potassium, sodium, and dextrose salts. But, unlike the usual “Regidron”, their quantity in one bag is almost half as much.

"Regidron" is produced in small sealed bags containing about 19 g of dry matter. There are 20 pieces in total in the package. However, to treat a child there is no need to purchase a whole package; it is enough to have two or three bags of medicine.

There is also a drug "Regidron Bio", which, along with salts and glucose, contains lactic acid bacteria in combination with maltodextrin. This medicine, in addition to the effect of restoring water and electrolyte balance, helps normalize the intestinal microflora in infectious diseases. The package contains five paired sachets. The first contains lactobacilli, and the second contains electrolytes.

"Regidron" for children: in what cases is it prescribed?

According to the official instructions, there are the following indications for use of the product:

  • vomiting and liquid table during intestinal infections;
  • correction of water and electrolyte balance in other diseases;
  • restoration of electrolyte balance in the hot season;
  • prevention of dehydration during increased physical activity.

Most intestinal infections in young children lead to rapid disruption of their water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, the use of “Regidron” is indicated for them already at the first signs of dehydration:

  • weight loss up to 5-10%;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin fold;
  • dryness of the tongue, mucous membranes;
  • decreased saliva secretion;
  • retraction of the fontanelle in the parietal region in children under one year of age;
  • lack of urination;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hoarse voice.

If a child develops the above symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea continue against the background of fever, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. You may need complex treatment with additional intravenous administration of water-salt solutions.

How to take it correctly

"Regidron" can be used to treat a patient of any age, including a child under one year old. Take the medicine orally, that is, orally. How to dilute Regidron for children is described in detail in the instructions for the drug. To prepare the medicine:

  • the contents of the bag are poured with one liter of hot boiled water;
  • the resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred until the powder is completely dissolved;
  • Allow the solution to cool.

Restoring the water-salt balance is usually carried out in two stages.

  1. Elimination of fluid and salt deficiency. This therapy lasts at least six hours. The dosage of "Regidron" is calculated for children based on the proportion: 10 ml of the prepared solution per kilogram of the child's weight. This amount must be drunk every hour.
  2. Maintenance therapy. The amount of the finished solution is calculated based on the proportion: 5-10 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight. This amount should be drunk after each loose stool. If the child continues to vomit, then each time after it you need to drink the same volume of Regidron. You can additionally clarify how to give Regidron to a child from your attending physician; he will indicate the exact dosage and daily amount of the medicine.

When feeding your baby, it is very important to follow the rules for using the medicine. First of all, it is not recommended to give a large volume of liquid at once; this may provoke vomiting. In such cases, the drug is drunk every five to ten minutes in an amount of 5-10 ml. If vomiting occurs immediately after using Regidron, the medication should be administered again after ten minutes. “Regidron” for infants and children under three years of age is recommended to be given using a teaspoon or pipette.

Complex therapy

Also, the Regidron solution can be combined with the use of other salt-free drinks. For intestinal infections, the following are additionally recommended:

  • weak green tea;
  • rice water;
  • infusion of rose hips;
  • decoction of dried blueberries.

Depending on the predominance of one or another symptom, drinks are used in different proportions.

It should be remembered that you cannot mix Regidron and salt-free tea. Their intake should be alternated at intervals of 20-30 minutes. If the child is breastfed, then he must first be given Regidron, and only then fed. When using saline solution, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food by 25-50%, while feeding the child as often as possible and in small portions.

Homemade medicine preparation

  1. take a liter of chilled boiled water;
  2. add two tablespoons (without a slide) of sugar to it;
  3. stir well;
  4. additionally add a teaspoon of salt and baking soda;
  5. The mixture is thoroughly stirred again and given to the child.

However, it is better to use ready-made pharmaceutical solutions, as they are more physiological and quickly eliminate the symptoms of dehydration.

How effectively the child’s water and electrolyte balance is restored is judged by the improvement in his general condition, frequency of urination, improvement in salivary secretion and reduction in symptoms of the disease. Treatment with Regidron is continued until diarrhea and vomiting disappear. Usually the duration of therapy does not exceed three to four days, but it is still better to check with your pediatrician how many days you should take the medicine.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

No side effects have been registered with the correct use of Regidron. This drug combines well with other medications, including antibiotics that act in the intestinal lumen. However, given the alkaline reaction of the saline solution, it is not recommended to take it simultaneously with medications that are active in an acidic environment. These, for example, include drugs for the treatment of peptic ulcers.

Contraindications for prescribing "Regidron" are:

  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • high blood pressure numbers;
  • diabetes mellitus (the drug contains glucose).

Possibility of overdose

Considering that the drug contains potassium and sodium ions, symptoms of hypernatremia and hyperkalemia may occur when using large quantities of the solution or preparing it incorrectly. In this case, the child will have symptoms of an overdose:

  • severe weakness;
  • disorders of consciousness;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • in advanced cases, breathing may stop.

If the drug is used in children with impaired renal function, alkalosis may develop. It manifests itself as convulsions, muscle weakness, and breathing problems. If you have frightening symptoms, you must urgently contact the nearest medical facility in order to correct the electrolyte balance in the child.

Acquisition and analogues

"Regidron" can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The low price of the drug makes it accessible to any budget level. The cost of one packet of “Regidron” is only 20 rubles. Packaging costs 380-400 rubles (as of July 2017).

In the pharmacy chain you can also find a large number of analogues intended for correcting water and electrolyte balance in children:

  • "Trihydron";
  • "Hydrovit";
  • "Reosolan";
  • "Citroglucosolan".

The closest composition to Regidron is the drug Hydrovit. In addition to electrolytes and glucose, it contains enterosorbent silicon dioxide.

Thus, “Regidron” for a child is an effective remedy for normalizing water and electrolyte balance in case of intestinal infection. However, during its use, you should strictly adhere to the dosage and follow the rules for preparing the solution. Numerous reviews from doctors indicate that during treatment with this drug, the baby’s condition quickly improves and signs of dehydration are eliminated.
