Class hour Topic: “Learn to manage yourself. Class lesson plan “Behavior during conflict? Class hour: can I control my behavior?

Ministry of Education and Science

Donetsk People's Republic

"Komsomolsk Industrial College"

Educational hour:

"Be able to control yourself"

Class teacher gr. TEEO-14

Kulaga T. F.

Class hour "Be able to control yourself"

Target: teach students to avoid unnecessary emotions; instill valuable qualities of a culture of behavior and communication.

Move cl. hours.

(Calm music sounds)

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear tenth graders. You are all quite adults and therefore the focus of our “business meeting”, which is called “Be able to control yourself”, is the problem of emotional stress and neuroses.

Why are we talking about this today? I want to ask this question to a neurologist.

So, why is it necessary today to talk about issues related to the prevention of neuroses and emotional stress?

Doctor: The fact is that any life situation - illness of loved ones, troubles in the family, failures in studies, inability to organize one’s time and the resulting physical strain, monotonous monotonous activity, etc. can cause neuroses and emotional stress. This condition is dangerous because neuro-emotional stress leads to disruption of the nervous system, and ultimately to gastric ulcers, allergies, skin and other diseases.

Host: Is it possible to prevent stress and prevent its dangerous consequences?

Doctor: It’s possible if you learn to manage your emotions. To check whether you know how to manage your emotions and whether a nervous breakdown threatens your health, I suggest taking a test.

Host: This is interesting! When answering questions, write down the number of points corresponding to our answer.

1.Is it difficult for you to ask anyone for help?

Yes - 3, very often - 2, sometimes - 0, rarely - 0.

2. Do you think about your problems even in your free time?

Very often - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 2, rarely - 0.

3. Seeing that something is not working out for a person, do you feel the desire to do it instead of him?

4.Do you worry about troubles for a long time?

Yes - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 2, rarely - 0.

5. How much time do you devote to yourself in the evening?

3 hours - 0, 2 hours -0, 1 hour - 0, 0.5 hours -2, minutes - 4.

6. Do you interrupt without listening to someone explaining something to you?

Yes - 4, often - 3, depending on the circumstances - 2, rarely - 1.

7. They say about you that you are always in a hurry.

Yes - 5, often - 4, in a hurry - 1, never - 0.

8. Is it difficult for you to refuse delicious food?

Yes - 3, often - 2, sometimes - 0, rarely - 0.

9.Do you have to do several things at the same time?

Yes - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 3, rarely - 1.

10. Does it happen that during a conversation your thoughts are somewhere far away?

11. Don’t you sometimes think that people talk about random and unnecessary things?

Very - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 3, sometimes - 0.

12.Do you get nervous while standing in line?

Very often - 4, often - 3, sometimes - 2, rarely - 1.

13. Do you like to give advice?

Yes - 4, often - 3. sometimes - 1, rarely - 0.

14.Do you hesitate for a long time before making a decision?

Always - 3. often - 2, rarely - 3, never - 0.

15.How do you speak?

Hasty - 3, fast - 2, calm -0, slow - 0.

Now let's count the points.

From 45 to 63 b. - a nervous breakdown is a real threat to you. Check your blood pressure. Isn't it time to change your lifestyle?

From 20-44 b. - you need to take a calmer approach to life and be able to relax internally.

Up to 19 b. - you manage to remain calm and balanced.

0 b - if you answered honestly and frankly, then the only danger that threatens you is excessive calm.

Host: We tried to find out whether a nervous breakdown threatens your health. Who needs to treat life situations more calmly and be able to relax at the right moment.

The second stage is “Physical Minute”.

Presenter: Physical education and sports help to recharge with positive emotions, because... foster a culture of movement and maintain the body in a high functional state.

Exercise in half an hour

Can do wonders.

If you are seriously tired,

Let's do some physical education.

Host: We are charged with positive emotions and good mood.

The third stage is “A healthy soul is a healthy soul.”

Scientists have found that cheerful people live longer.

Back in the 16th century, academician franc. Doctor Ambroise Pare said: “A cheerful person always gets better.” You need to train your emotions and remember that there is a great way to relieve a stressful situation - laughter.

The class is divided into 3 groups:

1st row - “brave”

2nd row - “dexterous”

Row 3 - “resourceful”

Goal: “Laughter is a serious matter” - find out how much you have a sense of humor and how it can help you in a life situation.

Assignment: I name a life situation - you find a witty, not without a sense of humor answer.

Task 1 team:

You are traveling in a crowded vehicle, a passenger trying to get to the exit rudely pushes you and says irritably: “Why are you standing there like a cow?”

Task 2 team:

You are in the cinema auditorium, you go to your seat, but it is occupied. In response to your request to release it, they answer you: “Where did this unidentified object come from?”

Task 3 team:

You are in class. You are called to answer to the board. You answer, but the teacher is dissatisfied with your answer and displeasedly remarks: “Not the head, but the house of the Soviets.”

Question to ask: “Why does the donut have a hole in the shape of a round?”

Your prize is a bunch of bagels.

Stage four - “Be able to control yourself”

This will help you understand the 7 Commandments.

I ask the teams to get ready.

Attention, crossword puzzle!

1.What situation should be avoided when sorting out relationships with parents and friends so as not to lead to stress? (conflict)

2. This feeling often leads to stress. Succumbing to it, a person becomes enraged, at this moment he is capable of doing the irreparable - inflicting mental pain on another person. (anger)

3.What feeling can damage your health and lead to a nervous breakdown if you are worried about the fate of a loved one. (anxiety)

4. Try not to be alone with your troubles, with what worries you, share with a well-wisher - this will make your situation easier. (fear)

5. If you constantly strive to reach unbearable heights and are afraid of being worse than others, then what will your fear, excitement, and anxiety turn into? What makes the conflict worse? (expletive)

6. If you do not listen to the opinions of your comrades, insist on fulfilling your absurd, trifling desire, then what can you call your whim? (caprice)

Host: The crossword puzzle has been solved! All that remains is to name the 7th commandment; it is defined by the word “stress”.

This concludes our meeting, all the best to you, good health and good mood! Remember that health is in your hands!

Know how to control yourself!

Class topic: Learn to manage yourself (Staging)

Target: contribute to the realization of unclaimed reserves of the body of adolescents, improving their health.


Vasya, 10th grade student.

Positive attitude towards life.

Smart lifestyle.

Vasya(lying on the sofa). I'm tired of this whole life. It’s the same thing: at school - the teachers are itching, at home - the parents are pestering, in the party - the same stupid conversations. Darkness and hopelessness, the mood is at zero. I don’t want to do anything, I would lie on the couch all day and spit at the ceiling. (Turns on the TV.)

TV(in the cheerful voice of the announcer). Friends! How wonderful it is to realize that you are alive, and for that reason alone to experience happiness! We have priceless gifts: a brain - to think, dream, eyes - to see beautiful nature, beautiful faces, hearing - to hear music, birdsong, the rustle of grass. We can create, move, love, get a lot of pleasure from life, and the only question is whether we can notice, feel, and rejoice in all this.

Vasya(turning off the TV). Again they are spreading some nonsense in the box. It's disgusting to listen to. If a person were a self-adjusting system, like the computers of the future, half of the problems would be solved. And in order to get away from depression, how many guys are now hooked on drugs! There is nothing to be happy about, everything is disgusting, everything hurts. I’d better get some sleep before my parents come home from work.

He turns to the wall and falls asleep.

Inner voice #2. And most importantly, he does not try to get out of the vicious circle, because no one taught him this. We should help him, because he is very young and still full of strength. Let's call the two Main Supports in life. They, like visions, will appear to Vasya in a dream and explain everything.

The Main Supports appear: A positive attitude towards life and a Reasonable lifestyle.

My young friend! Understand that you are not living, but functioning joylessly and in the bustle you don’t notice how the days, months, years fly by. Instead of treating your troubles with humor, you experience them painfully, accumulate discontent and resentment, which is why you suffer first of all yourself. But troubles and contradictions in life are the norm of life; they should not take up more space in our minds than they are worth. “Humor is the salt of life,” said Karel Capek, “whoever is better salted will endure longer.” The main wisdom is to enjoy every moment. This wisdom does not come immediately, but you must strive for it, then despondency will never overtake you. Let's try to see if you can find joy in this situation: early morning, Monday, alarm clock rings, time to get up and go to school.

Vasya(in a dream). Can you be happy about this? But by the way... Why not try to become different, people will be surprised. I'll have to start smiling more often and pretending to be cool less. After all, there is some excitement in it!

Positive attitude towards life. Quite the right decision. Make sure you don't forget about him when you wake up.

Positive attitude towards life. In addition to mental self-hypnosis, there is another way of self-defense from negative emotions - muscle relaxation through physical exercise. Among human ancestors, strong emotions were always followed by intense physical activity: they defended themselves, attacked or ran away. In modern man, suppressed anger is directed inside the body, having an excessive effect on the internal organs, so any experiences of difficult situations are associated with a deterioration in well-being.

Vasya(in a dream). This means that in class, after a conflict with the teacher, you need to raise your hand and say: “Maria Ivanovna, let me go to the gym, do I need muscle relaxation?” Yes, she will immediately send me to the director, and she herself will go for validol, although she should also go to the gym!

Positive attitude towards life. Vasya, firstly, I hope that you have not forgotten about your intentions to stop getting into trouble, and secondly, if such an opportunity suddenly happens, this does not mean that you need to run somewhere: it is quite enough to start cutting back alternately , for example, the calf muscles. By the way, a person clenches and unclenches his fists precisely in a conflict situation, thereby subconsciously relieving tension.

Smart lifestyle. I hope that I managed to convince you a little that you need to approach life joyfully. Life is the greatest value in all its manifestations, and a full life is unthinkable without health. Socrates said that a person’s body does not get sick separately and independently of his soul, which means that a person’s physical and mental health are closely interconnected. Each person can learn to consciously influence their health, timely and constantly restore physical, mental and spiritual vitality.

Vasya(in a dream). Well, now there will be talk about a healthy lifestyle again. They tell us about this in every biology lesson, but we still don’t listen to anything. Adults say one thing, but they themselves drink, smoke, eat whatever they like, and watch all sorts of crap on TV all night long.

Smart lifestyle. Each of us has freedom of choice, and the more a person knows, the more free he is in his choice, the more consciously he does it. I want you, for example, to know that, according to scientists, in addition to night sleep, a person should devote about three hours every day to his health and rest. Most of this time should be devoted to physical activity, reasonable nutrition, hardening, and being in nature.

Vasya(in a dream). Where can I get the time and energy? And so you can barely move your legs from fatigue, and then you have to strain for an additional three hours! I don’t even make my bed so I can come home from school and collapse on my bed.

Smart lifestyle. The trick is that the less you move, the faster you get tired from the slightest exertion. Try to get up half an hour earlier tomorrow, warm up with dumbbells to any music, take a shower before leaving the house, forget about the elevator and not ride on a crowded bus, but walk. I assure you that you will not come to class sluggish and relaxed, as always, but cheerful enough, and you will be able to effectively perceive the teacher’s explanations.

Vasya(in a dream). Okay, if you start a new life, then in everything. In the end, I will always have time to quit. In general, I heard that there are other methods of unloading, besides these well-known ones.

Smart lifestyle. Indeed, they exist. One of them is muscle relaxation, with the help of which you can improve your psyche and body. By relaxing your muscles, you give complete rest to your entire body, get rid of various pains, and eliminate many mental complexes. Remember the tense faces of people in transport - wrinkled foreheads, tightly compressed mouths, and learn to “unwrinkle”: slightly open your teeth and lips, smile with your eyes - a completely different face! I remember you were worried that a person is not a self-adjusting system, and so the ancient Indian system of gymnastic exercises, yoga, is built on muscle relaxation, having mastered it, you can learn self-regulation techniques and take a step forward in your psychophysical improvement.

Vasya(in a dream). Yes, I know that yoga can achieve amazing results. There was a guy in our company who was so interested in this gymnastics that everything in his life improved: his relationships with his parents, at school, and his studies became much better. In general, I trust ancient recipes for healing more than this modern healthy lifestyle.

Smart lifestyle. I must tell you that ancient thinkers taught a healthy lifestyle. The great Hippocrates spoke about moderation in food, the uselessness of excessively long sleep and the harmfulness of lack of sleep, and the beneficial effects of physical activity, including walks in the fresh air. He had every reason to give advice on how to maintain health and lengthen his life, since he himself lived to be 92 years old, with the average life expectancy at that time being 25-35 years.

Vasya(in a dream). Look, everything is really like ours. But how can you explain such a story? One day, once again, I quarreled with everyone and I felt very bad. That day I passed by the theater, they offered me an extra ticket, and I bought it. The performance was very touching, and during the performance I had goosebumps all over my body and even tears appeared, although there was nothing tragic or terrible on stage. From this experience suddenly came a feeling of joy in life, I realized that everything would be fine.

Smart lifestyle. Well done, you accurately described the state that in psychology is called catharsis. It is defined as an emotional shock experienced by a person under the influence of works of art and nature. This is a great way to free yourself, to replace difficult, sometimes painful experiences with positive ones, and to achieve a state of internal relief. By creating conditions for sensual aesthetic release, you can regulate your well-being.

Vasya(in a dream). Catharsis is, of course, cool, it is sometimes necessary. You see, not only me, but also many of my friends live in constant tension, a state of anxiety, as if we were always expecting trouble, even if there is no reason for it.

Smart lifestyle. Before you get discouraged about the upcoming trouble, do the following:

1. Think about and clarify the upcoming situation for yourself as much as possible.

2. Having removed the disturbing factor of uncertainty, play your role in the faces.

3. After analyzing other similar situations, make a decision about what you can handle now.

4. Imagine how you will behave in case of collapse.

5. You cannot underestimate the situation, but there is no need to dramatize it too much. In any case, you must always remember that most events are insignificant compared to your opportunity to live, love, with the opportunity to change everything and start over.

Positive attitude towards life and smart lifestyle(in unison). Goodbye, Vasya. We will be glad to visit you again. Remember that the full life of any person is based on the law of the unity of physical and mental health. Organize yourself for the benefit of a long, fulfilling and desirable life, remember about your soul and body, do not let them be lazy.

Vasya(waking up). After all, you'll dream about such stupidity. But is it stupidity? What if I had the same epiphany as Mendeleev when he saw a table in a dream? I'll have to tell my friends. Well, they will laugh after all...

What if you try all this on yourself? I seem to remember everything, my head is clearer than ever. It was decided: in the end, I won’t lose anything from this, and maybe, on the contrary, I’ll gain.


  • develop the ability to “put yourself in other people’s shoes”, better understand their feelings and motives of behavior;
  • learn to predict and adjust your behavior (actions) in a wide variety of life situations;
  • provide an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside through situational examples;
  • identify positive and negative qualities of behavior;
  • to activate students’ ability to analyze certain traits of their character;

Form: workshop .

Preparatory work.

  • Prepare the audience.
  • Divide the group of students into 3 microgroups.
  • Copy the tables “My positive and negative qualities.”
  • Develop and print task-situations on separate cards for the test survey.
  • Print cards with different emotional states: delight, joy, fear, etc.
  • Conduct a survey of students on communicative tolerance.

Design, equipment and inventory.

  • Computer, projector, class presentation.
  • Using a projector, write the topic of the class hour and an epigraph to it on the screen (or on the chalkboard).
  • The desks are moved together and the chairs are arranged in a semicircle so that all participants can clearly see and hear each other in small groups.
  • On the tables of microgroups there are sheets with tables (task 1) according to the number of students.

Progress of the event

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Today our class hour is called “A person is reflected in his actions.” Its topic was not chosen by chance. In life, we often have to suffer, be offended by others because we were misunderstood and wronged in vain. At the same time, we are indignant that in our society there is a lack of mercy, goodwill, a low culture of behavior: people are inattentive and indifferent to each other, often rude, impolite, tactless... We encounter this every day.

Issues for discussion:

- And you yourself? Do you think about how you behave in different situations, with different people? Be it friends, parents or teachers? Do we know how to respect them, sympathize with them, have compassion, and tactfully help them? Do others understand our behavior correctly?

– Is it so important to think about your behavior? We behave like everyone else and everything is fine. Is that okay? This is what the results of a survey conducted in our group say.

Results of student survey. (Analyze student response diagrams).

“Human behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their true appearance.” These are the words of I. Goethe. Behavior reveals the characteristics of our character and temperament, our needs, views, tastes, habits and desires, the degree of confidence or self-doubt.

– What do you think, girls, do you know yourself?

- Let's check this now.

In today's class we will try to highlight the most important things in knowing ourselves, our personal qualities, we will give the opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside through situational examples, we will try to predict and correct our behavior (actions) in a variety of life situations. Therefore, we will conduct our class hour in the form of a workshop using situational role-playing games.

Task No. 1. Write down your positive and negative qualities. As the class progresses, think about what you need to change in your behavior in order to be respected by the student body and the people around you and write it down in the last column.

If desired, students read out their recorded qualities from the table.

Task No. 2.Test survey

Continue the following phrases based on your usual behavior.

  1. When people speak to me in the wrong tone, I...
  2. When obedience is required of me, I...
  3. When they ask me not to be rude, I...
  4. If I have to speak in front of a large audience, I...
  5. When you make a request, you hear in response: “Leave me alone, I’m in a bad mood!”, then you...
  6. A woman with tear-stained eyes entered the room, you...
  7. When you fail, do you more often blame others or yourself?...
  8. You're late for college. You see that someone feels bad. What will you do?
  9. You are the office attendant. While sweeping the floor, you found money. What will you do?
  10. Several people in the group are agitating to leave the last lesson. What will you do in this case?
  11. The teacher gave you an unfair grade (in your opinion). What will you do in this case?

– Now think about your reaction. Have you compared it with the state of the other person, the content of the situation? What conclusions can you draw for yourself?

Our actions largely depend on how correctly we evaluate those around us, our friends, how well we know them and their feelings. Let's try to find out how much we can judge people and understand their state of mind.

Task No. 3. “Catch the mood of the group.”

Three students are asked to leave the room, and the remaining students agree on what emotional states they will portray (delight, fear, grief, surprise, resentment, suffering, joy) in subgroups. Returning to the office, students must catch the mood of the guys (in individual subgroups or in the group as a whole).

Questions for students:

  • Was it difficult for you to grasp the mood of other students?
  • By what signs (gestures, facial expressions) could you determine this?

Task No. 4. “We predict the action.”

Three students are asked to leave the office. In their absence, the situation is read out. Students are asked to make assumptions about what the “test subjects” would do in this situation. After hearing the students’ assumptions, the “test subjects” are invited to enter. They are introduced to the situation and asked to say what they would do in this case. You can repeat it with other “test subjects” using the example of a new situation.

Task No. 5.(Work in subgroups). Each student needs to fill out the last column from the table task No. 1. After which the subgroups are given blank sheets. Each subgroup needs to develop and write down rules of behavior between people, which every educated and cultured person must follow. Each subgroup reads out its rules or draws them up on a piece of whatman paper.

Questions for students:

  • Do you agree to abide by them?
  • What can prevent us from not following these rules in our group?
  • Shouldn't you think about the fact that you have already reached the age when a person is capable of raising an educated person within himself?

(Students' answers are heard).

– Self-education begins with the ability to evaluate, control, finally correct oneself, and take responsibility. Try to think about this for yourself.

Final words from the teacher:“You live among people. Don’t forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Forms of handouts and class design options in

Target: 1. Create conditions for the formation of moral foundations for relationships between people, the ability to control oneself in various stressful situations.

2. Drawing up practical advice and rules that will help you avoid conflict over trifles and be able to hear and understand another person.


1. Explain the concepts of anxiety and stress.

2. Draw students’ attention to “healthy” ways to overcome anxiety.

3. Introduce students to relaxation exercises.

4. Teach self-regulation skills.



Class hour in 7th grade.

Is it possible to learn to manage yourself?

Pobirey Larisa Alexandrovna

Target: 1. Create conditions for the formation of moral foundations for relationships between people, the ability to control oneself in various stressful situations.

2. Drawing up practical advice and rules that will help you avoid conflict over trifles and be able to hear and understand another person.


1. Explain the concepts of anxiety and stress.

2. Draw students’ attention to “healthy” ways to overcome anxiety.

3. Introduce students to relaxation exercises.

4. Teach self-regulation skills.

Form of work : Lesson with training elements

Progress of the lesson

  1. Students are asked to work in groups and determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

U Reader: Listen to some examples and determinetopic and purpose of the lesson.

Slide No. 1

  1. Marathon runner
  2. Napoleon's messenger
  3. Doctor Leonid Rogozov

(See modular course p.35)

  1. Analysis and evaluation block

How does the expression “Learn to master yourself” relate to the topic of the lesson?

Slide No. 2

Many people knew how to control themselves, but there are others...

Slide No. 3,4,5

Now determine when, in what situations, you need to control yourself, your behavior, your actions?

Appendix 1

What consequences do these skills have for one group and another?

Appendix 2 (5 min)

What internal levers help control human behavior?

Appendix 3

Decipher the concepts:



Appendix 4

  1. Self-analysis and self-assessment block

Which behavior management method do you prefer? Why?

Practicing self-persuasion techniques

I think that in my character this trait gives me...

Arguments for Arguments against

  1. And when do we need to control ourselves?

(In stressful situations)

What situation can be called stressful?

Let's take a test and find out how stress-resistant you are

  1. This is interesting! When answering questions, write down the number of points corresponding to our answer.


  1. Is it difficult for you to contact someone?about asking for help?

Yes – 3, very often – 2, sometimes – 0, rarely – 0.

  1. Do you think about your problems even in your free time?

Very often – 5, often – 4, sometimes – 2, rarely – 0.

  1. Seeing that something is not working out for a person, do you feel the desire to do it instead of him?
  1. Do you worry about troubles for a long time?

Yes – 5, often – 4, sometimes – 2, rarely – 0.

  1. How much time do you devote to yourself in the evening?

3 hours – 0, 2 hours –0, 1 hour – 0, 0.5 hours –2, minutes – 4.

  1. Do you interrupt without listening to someone explaining something to you?

Yes – 4, often – 3, depending on the circumstances – 2, rarely – 1.

  1. They say about you that you are always in a hurry.

Yes – 5, often – 4, in a hurry – 1, never – 0.

  1. Is it difficult for you to give up delicious food?

Yes – 3, often – 2, sometimes – 0, rarely – 0.

  1. Do you have to do several things at the same time?

Yes – 5, often – 4, sometimes – 3, rarely – 1.

  1. Does it happen that during a conversation your thoughts are somewhere far away?
  1. Don't you sometimes think that people talk about random and unnecessary things?

Very – 5, often – 4, sometimes – 3, sometimes – 0.

  1. Do you get nervous while standing in line?

Very often – 4, often – 3, sometimes – 2, rarely – 1.

  1. Do you like to give advice?

Yes – 4, often – 3. sometimes – 1, rarely – 0.

  1. Do you hesitate for a long time before making a decision?

Always – 3. often – 2, rarely – 3, never – 0.

  1. How do you say?

Hasty - 3, fast - 2, calm -0, slow - 0.

Now let's count the points.

From 45 to 63 b. – a nervous breakdown is a real threat for you. Check your blood pressure. Isn't it time to change your lifestyle?

From 20-44 b. – you need to take a calmer approach to life and be able to relax internally.

Up to 19 b. – you manage to remain calm and balanced.

0 b - if you answered honestly and frankly, then the only danger that threatens you is excessive calm.

Teacher: We tried to find out whether a nervous breakdown threatens your health. Who needs to treat life situations more calmly and be able to relax at the right moment.

Is it possible to prevent stress and prevent its dangerous consequences?

Scientists have found that cheerful people live longer.

Back in the 16th century, academician franc. Doctor Ambroise Pare said: “A cheerful person always gets better.” You need to train your emotions and remember that there is a great way to relieve a stressful situation - laughter.

The class is divided into 3 groups:

1st row – “brave”

Row 2 – “dexterous”

Row 3 – “resourceful”

Goal: “Laughter is a serious matter” - find out how much you have a sense of humor and how it can help you in a life situation.

Exercise: I call a life situation - you find a witty, not without a sense of humor answer.

Task 1 team:

You are traveling in a crowded vehicle, a passenger trying to get to the exit rudely pushes you and says irritably: “Why are you standing there like a cow?”

Task 2 team:

You are in the cinema auditorium, you go to your seat, but it is occupied. In response to your request to release it, they answer you: “Where did this unidentified object come from?”

Task 3 team:

You are in class. You are called to answer to the board. You answer, but the teacher is dissatisfied with your answer and displeasedly remarks: “Not the head, but the house of the Soviets.”

Question to ask: “Why does the donut have a hole in the shape of a round?”

What other stress relief techniques are there? .

The teacher makes entries in two columns. (Sleep, music, deep breathing, exercise, delicious food, walks, a warm bath, chatting with friends are healthy ways; overeating, swearing, smoking, wine are unhealthy...)

- So, we have 2 columns.

– Are all of the listed ways to overcome anxiety healthy?

– How do you understand the meaning of the expression unhealthy ways?

So, in one of the columns we have identified healthy ways to overcome tension (the teacher signs the column, and offers to name unhealthy ways in the other column).

– Which methods are more effective, healthy or unhealthy? Why?

Conclusion - It is necessary to use only healthy methods, since the latter may relieve anxiety, but at the cost of health. The use of psychoactive substances (psychoactive substances - substances that affect the brain and are addictive) creates the illusion of relieving anxiety. After a short amount of time, a person realizes that everything remains the same. (The psychologist also explains that overeating is harmful to health, and swearing and swearing can destroy relationships and a person from the inside)

V. Practical block.

1. Reading the story “If only everything were not so” From the cycle of fairy tales about “Merry Pamsi”

– I suggest you listen to a short children’s story about the dragon Pumsy, who always said: “If only everything weren’t like this...” and found himself in a state of tension and sadness.

Pumsy the dragon continued to be sad, and was very surprised when his friend advised him to drive away dark thoughts whenever he wanted. He really wanted to know how to do this, and he was looking forward to his Friend teaching him.

“So, you, Pamsy, are sad because you don’t breathe fire like adult dragons do, and your fur is not as smooth as theirs.” Your dad doesn't live with you, and this makes you very sad. Do you have little time to have fun with your friends because you have to hang out with your little brother? You can't change all of this, but you can change how you think about it.

Try to think about all this differently, as if from the other side, and choose only bright thoughts. Pamsi was surprised.

- How is it - only light ones? - he asked.

- Very simple! Have you ever picked flowers in a meadow? You choose only those that you like,” The friend leaned over and picked two flowers.

– Let’s call one of them “Even if...”, and the other “In any case...”. This is one of the ways to get rid of dark thoughts. We will try to think differently about everything that upsets you using these words. Say them instead of the words of regret that you repeated when you were sad.

Instead of saying “If only everything were different,” say this: “Even if I don’t know how to breathe fire like adults, in any case, I have friends just like me, and although they also don’t know how to do a lot yet As adults, we have a very good time together. Even if dad doesn't live with us, I can see him whenever I want. Even if I have to go out with my little brother, he and I have a lot of fun anyway, and I still have time to play with my friends.

Pamsi made big eyes - it turned out that changing thoughts is not so difficult!

– Does this really help drive away dark thoughts and correct a bad mood? - he asked Friend.

– It really helps, but sometimes you have to repeat these words many times until your mood improves.

– How are you feeling now? - asked Friend.

- ABOUT! Much better! But I want to practice more. This is much better than waiting for everything to go away on its own.


– Each of us has situations that upset us, but we shouldn’t “get stuck” on sad thoughts for a long time.

Conclusion - we cannot change the situation, but we can choose for ourselves what to think and how to think. So, let's now add an entry to the healthy ways column: the correct thoughts are “Even if... In any case...” (The psychologist adds healthy ways to the column).

It turns out that we can change the situation with the right thoughts and words. Let's practice.

3.What to do in a situation of tension.

– So, if we find ourselves in a situation of anxiety. What to do? Stand there trembling and then go out to the exam and stutter, repeating, excuse me, am I worried? Maybe just start crying? No. This is certainly not an option. Emotions must have an outlet. Therefore, there are some recommendations on how to behave in such situations (see Appendix

A) Calm down.

“Everything will be fine” - this clear attitude should never leave you.

B) Try to regain your breathing. Think about your breathing. Since you are now excited, your brain has instructed your internal organs to work in active mode. So try to restore your breathing. Start breathing deeply and slowly, thinking about how the functioning of all organs is restored.

Slowly take a deep breath.

Hold your breath and count to four.

Exhale slowly.

Repeat the procedure: inhale slowly – hold your breath – exhale slowly 4-5 times.

B) Muscle relaxation.

Squat if you feel muscle tension in your knees.

Clench your fists, then shake them off, releasing any tension that is holding you back.

4. Training in self-regulation skills

Exercise 1 “Think ahead.”

Sit quietly in a comfortable position. If you want, close your eyes.

Imagine yourself in a difficult situation. For example: Answer at the blackboard in the presence of the school principal.

Try to feel as calm as you can.

Think about what you will say and what you will do.

Brainstorm possible options until you feel absolutely calm.

Do the exercise from time to time before you find yourself in a situation that causes anxiety. Make it a habit to think through difficult situations in advance.

How did you feel when you did the exercise? Were you able to find options for behavior and calm down?

Relaxation exercises can also help overcome anxiety. The ability to relax needs to be trained.

Exercise 2 “Relaxation to music” (a calm, relaxing melody sounds)

Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.

Slowly relax your muscles.

Imagine that you are in a place where it is very good and you don’t have to worry about anything. For example, on the beach, where the sun warms you with its rays.

Don't worry about anything, just listen to the music.


Do the exercise as often as possible, but at least once a week. Continue the exercise for at least 10 minutes.

Exercise 3 “House”.

The goal is to gain strength and power of spirit, develop willpower.

Sit comfortably. Interlace your fingers into a wrist lock and raise them above your head - this is the roof of the house.

Close your eyes, hold your hands above your head. Inhale - hold your breath, exhale - hold your breath. Perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes, several times a day.

Exercise 4 “Button”.

This exercise is invisible to others (it can be done directly during an exam, etc.) It can be used at a time when you need to instantly relax. Remember that all kinds of clamps are barriers to the quiet functioning of the brain.

Mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good and calm. Connect all your senses.

To instantly relax, relieve tension and feel confident, mentally say: “Every time I lightly press the nail of my index finger, I will immediately move into a pleasant, relaxed state of body and mind.”

At this moment, lightly press your thumbnail with your index finger, imagine and feel even more relaxed... feel good and calm.

Having evoked this reference state at least once, you can then train yourself in such a way that it will arise automatically.

And now guys, I ask you to give me some advice

The following situation happened to me: I was very upset by your behavior during the May 9 rally. How was I supposed to calm down? Help!

And now my advice to you (distribute memos)


Slide No. 6



Learn to control yourself!

  • Coordinate any business with life.
  • Choose your course of action carefully.
  • Listen to the opinions of adults.
  • Analyze your opinion and the opinions of other people.
  • Be critical of your own choice of behavior

If you find yourself in a situation of anxiety

A) Calm down

“Everything will be fine” - this clear attitude should never leave you.

There are no hopeless situations.

B) Try to catch your breath

Think about your breathing. Start breathing deeply and slowly.

Do the following exercise:

  • Slowly take a deep breath. Hold your breath and count to four. Exhale slowly.

Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

B) Try to relax

  • Squat if you feel muscle tension in your knees.
  • Clench your fists, then shake them off, releasing all the tension that is holding you back.

Learn self-regulation skills

Exercise No. 1. "Calm down".

  • Sit quietly in a comfortable position. If you want, close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself in a difficult situation. For example: Answer at the blackboard in the presence of the school principal.
  • Try to feel as calm as you can.
  • Think about what you will say and what you will do.
  • Come up with possible options for behavior until you feel absolutely calm.

Relaxation exercises help overcome anxiety. The ability to relax needs to be trained

Exercise No. 2. "Relaxing with music."

  • Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
  • Close eyes. Slowly relax your muscles.
  • Imagine that you are in a place where it is very good and you don’t have to worry about anything. For example, on the beach, where the sun warms you with its rays.

    To command oneself is the greatest power. Seneca

    Is it possible to learn to manage yourself?

    Goal: 1. learn to control oneself in various situations; 2. Drawing up practical advice and rules that will help you understand yourself and not conflict over trifles with other people

    Rules for working in a group There must be a discussion organizer in the group, Everyone can express their version of the decision, One speaks and the rest listen, Each version is discussed in the group, A common decision is agreed upon in the group, A representative of the group defends the agreed decision in front of the class.

    A person can control his behavior A person cannot control his behavior Consequences with a sign + Consequences with a sign -

    Self-persuasion _ Self-hypnosis Argument with oneself, analysis of possible means of achieving a set goal, the ability to behave not as you want, but as needed. This is the ability to make decisions without resistance, without analysis

    I believe that this trait is in my character... Arguments for arguments against

    Correct thoughts Even if... In any case...

    Learn to control yourself

    The class was easy... The class was difficult... I understood... I discovered... I was interested to know... I will apply...

      Task No. 4. “Predicting an action.”

      Three students are asked to leave the office. In their absence, the situation is read out. Students are asked to make assumptions about what the “test subjects” would do in this situation. After hearing the students’ assumptions, the “test subjects” are invited to enter. They are introduced to the situation and asked to say what they would do in this case. You can repeat it with other “test subjects” using the example of a new situation.

      Situation 1.

      A conflict has arisen between two of your classmates that is preventing you from studying successfully. Each of them individually turned to you with a request that you sort it out and support his position.
      What would you do in this situation?

      Situation 2.

      At the most stressful moment of completing an assignment, discipline in the class breaks down, as a result of which a memo is written against your class. You don't know the culprit. However, he must be identified and punished.

      What would you do in this place?

      Situation 3.
      You have a strained relationship with a classmate. Let's say that the reasons for this are not entirely clear to you, but it is necessary to normalize relations so that your studies do not suffer.
      What would you do first?

      Task No. 5.(Work in subgroups). Each student needs to fill out the last column from the table of task No. 1. After which the subgroups are given blank sheets. Each subgroup needs to develop and write down rules of behavior between people, which every educated and cultured person must follow. Each subgroup reads out its rules or draws them up on a piece of whatman paper.

      Questions for students:

      · Are these rules difficult to follow?

      Do you agree to abide by them?

      What can prevent us from not following these rules in our class?

      What benefits will following these rules give you?

      (Students' answers are heard).

      Final words from the teacher:“You live among people. Don’t forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

      Self-education begins with the ability to evaluate, control, finally correct oneself, and take responsibility. Try to think about this for yourself.

      Handout forms are attached.

      Annex 1

      Task No. 1

      My positive qualities

      My negative qualities

      Task No. 1

      Write down your positive and negative qualities. As the class progresses, think about what you need to change in your behavior in order to be respected by the student body and the people around you and write it down in the last column.

      My positive qualities

      My negative qualities

      What do I need to change in my behavior...

      Task No. 1

      Write down your positive and negative qualities. As the class progresses, think about what you need to change in your behavior in order to be respected by the student body and the people around you and write it down in the last column.

      My positive qualities

      My negative qualities

      What do I need to change in my behavior...

      Appendix 2

      When people speak to me in the wrong tone, I...

      When obedience is required of me, I...

      When they ask me not to be rude, I...

      If I have to speak in front of a large audience, I...

      When you make a request, you hear in response: “Leave me alone, I’m in a bad mood!”, then you...


      A woman with tear-stained eyes entered the room, you...

      When you fail, do you more often blame others or yourself?...

      You're late for school. You see that someone feels bad. What will you do?

      You are the office attendant. While sweeping the floor, you found money. What will you do?

      Several people in the class are agitating to leave the last class. What will you do in this case?


      The teacher gave you an unfair grade (in your opinion). What will you do in this case?