Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group. Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group dow

Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group "Visiting Grandma"

educational: To teach children to combine the same (in color, size) objects into subject sets according to a verbal task. Continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square. Answer the question "how much?" "with a lot of words, not a single one. To consolidate the ability to establish a relationship between concepts: big, small. Work with children on various techniques and activities for the development of fine motor skills of hands.
Continue to teach children to have a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly. Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square. To form the ability to distinguish and name the primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Use in the work on the development of fine motor skills non-traditional drawing techniques (finger drawing on semolina).
developing: develop logical thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills of hands. To develop tactile sensitivity of complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands in games with household items (clothespins, cereals).
educators: to cultivate a culture of behavior, goodwill, love for animals, the ability to work together and amicably.

Integration of educational areas:
Cognition (FEMP)
Cognition (FTsKM)

Dictionary activation:
Geometric shapes (circle, square).

Material for the lesson:
An easel on which the sun is drawn, balls (red, yellow, green, red), boxes (red, yellow, green, red), a ball hoop, a river, pebbles large round and small round, square large and square small, soft toy - a bunny, a rooster, a chicken, a Christmas tree, a house, clothespins, peas, beans, plates, semolina, chickens cut out of paper of different colors without tails, treats.

Lesson progress

The teacher leads the children into a group to the music
Educator: Children, look who came to us?
Children: Sun
Educator: Let's say hello to the sun.
Children: Hello Sunshine!
Educator: and look how many guests we have, let's say hello to them too, say hello.
Children greet guests.
Educator: Children, and the sun did not come so easily, it covenant us on the road, but first it will give us a task. See what's in my hand?
Children: Ball
Teacher: What color is the balloon?
Children: blue
Educator: there are a lot of multi-colored balls in the hoop, and here there are hoops of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green). It is necessary to arrange the balls according to the color of the hoop. Can we break it down?
Children: Yes
Educator: Getting Started
Task number 1 "Spread the balls by color"
Educator: were there balloons in the hoop?
Children: Were
Educator: How many were there?
Children: A lot of
Educator: And now there are balls?
Children: no balls
Educator: Let's look at the correct arrangement of the balls by color.

What color hoop? green like grass and green balls, blue like the sea and blue balls, red like a tomato and red balls, yellow like the sun and yellow balls.
Educator: we have completed this task. Let's move on.
We approached the river.
Educator: Children, what is it?
Children: river
Educator: There is no bridge here, but how can we get across? Look at the pebbles. Round big pebbles and round small ones, square big ones and square small ones. And we need to choose large round pebbles.
Task number 2 "Collect a bridge from large round pebbles"
Educator: Here is the bridge. Has everyone collected the big round pebbles?
Children: Yes
Educator: Look at the bridge they built. We walked.
We need to cross the bridge guys, we will get into the distant forest, there are friends of the hare.
Fall into the forest
Educator: Who is there?
Children: Bunny
Bunny: I am a bunny
Educator: Why are you sad?
Bunny: I'm lost
Educator: where do you live?
Bunny: By Grandma
Educator: Oh bunny, we're also going to grandma's, don't worry, we'll see you off.
The teacher looks behind the tree, and there sits a bunny toy
Educator: and who is this, small, sad and crying? What happened to him?
Bunny: This is a bunny, his mistress abandoned him.
Educator: The hostess abandoned the bunny, and we know the poem. Let's tell. The teacher together with the children recite the poem.
Task number 3 "A poem about a bunny"
The hostess abandoned the bunny
Bunny stayed in the rain
I couldn't get off the bench.
Wet to the skin.

Educator: don't cry bunny, don't cry, we'll take you to your grandmother too. Let's stroke. So that our bunnies are not sad, let's play with them.
Music game
Educator: Well done! the bunnies had fun, and now let's move on, it's time for us to go, oh guys, what is this?
Children: House
Rooster peeking out of the house
Educator: Who is this?
Children: Cockerel
Educator: Let's hear what the cockerel has to say.
Rooster: I live in the yard, I sing at dawn, I have a comb on my head, I am a vociferous cockerel.
Educator: Children, what color is the cockerel's comb?
Children: red
Educator: what color is the tail?
Children: green
Educator: Petya-cockerel, and we also know a poem about you
Task number 4 The poem "Peter the cockerel"
petya cockerel
golden scallop
Olive head
silk beard
What do you get up early
You sing loudly
Do you let the kids sleep?
Educator: Here is a good poem. The rooster has a family. Let's get a look. Who is this?
Children: chicken
Educator: Something sad chicken? What's happened?
Hen:"Ko ko ko". She came to the chicken coop, climbed in, pinched the tails of all the chickens. "Ko ko ko". Woe.
Educator: Oh don't worry. Children, let's help. Look how many chickens are here, but they don't have tails. Let's make ponytails, only we select ponytails for each chicken by color.
Task number 5 "Ponytails for chickens from clothespins"
Educator: Who did? Show chicken. Well done! What color is the hen? (red, yellow, blue, green)
Educator: Children, chickens need to be fed. Hens are very fond of peas, but we have everything mixed up with beans here. Let's separate the beans from the peas.
Task number 6 "To sort out the beans from the peas"
Educator: The chickens will be happy. Well done, children! Let's give one plate of peas to the chickens to eat, and the chickens will come for the rest of the plates.
Educator: bunny, but you don’t see anything, what does it look like?
Bunny: To my grandmother's house
caregiver: Children, we came to the grandmother's house, let's go and see.
Grandma comes out of the house
Grandmother: Hello guys!
Educator: Hello grandma!
Grandmother: Thank you for finding me, my bunny. And who helped you? Did someone help you find your way to my house?
Educator: Grandma, we will not tell you, we will show you.
Task number 7 "Draw the sun from semolina"
Grandmother: What are you drawing, what does it look like? Circle, rays, what is it? This is the sun! It helped you find your way.
Educator: That's right grandma. This is the sun
Grandmother: Bunny, let's say thank you to the sun, which helped the guys find their way to our house.
Educator: Grandma, and we came to visit you, find out how your health is, how are you?
Grandmother: Everything is fine, but I was not worried about the bunny, but you found it for me. Well done! Thank you! They showed me the way, led me. And I have prepared a meal for you.
Grandmother distributes treats to children
Educator: Thank you grandma! Our journey is over, it's time for us to go to the garden. Goodbye, grandma! Goodbye!

Program content:

  1. To consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.
  2. To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.
  3. To consolidate the ability to establish a relationship between the concepts: large, smaller and smallest.
  4. To consolidate the ability to determine the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects; understand the meaning of words: more - less, equally.
  5. Develop attention, speech, observation, memory, mental operations.

Equipment: geometric shapes for all children; toys of three bears, three plates and three spoons; toys: hedgehog and rabbit, squirrel, mushroom; flannelograph (pictures with butterflies and flowers, 5 pieces each, three hoops. Doll Masha.

Lesson progress:

(We go to the group.)

Guys, look, we have guests, let's say hello to them.

Guys, can you hear someone knocking on the door? (I bring the doll).

The girl Masha came to visit us to tell how she left the house alone in the forest, did not listen to her mother and father and got lost.

Guys, please tell me, did Masha do the right thing when she left home alone? Can I leave home alone? (No).

And why do you think? (you can get lost, get lost).

Guys, do you want to help Masha find her way home so that she can return to her mom and dad? (Yes).

Let's ask Masha where she lives? Masha, where do you live? (lean towards the doll).

Masha says that she lives in a big house. But to get to it, you need to complete several tasks. Well, let's help Masha? (yes, let's hit the road then!

Come in, sit on the chairs (flanelegraph, flowers are laid out in a row below - 5 pieces).

Flowers grew in the forest clearing. Look how beautiful they are. How many? (a lot of).

Here comes the butterflies. Let's plant them one for each flower (I put butterflies one less than flowers). Now tell me, which is more, butterflies or flowers? (flowers). And what is less, flowers or butterflies? (butterflies). What needs to be done to make butterflies and flowers equally? (add one butterfly). Here comes another butterfly. What can now be said about the number of flowers and butterflies? (they are equal). Well done! You completed the first task, and it's time for us to move on.

I make a riddle:

Near the forest at the edge, Three of them live in a hut.

There are 3 chairs and 3 mugs, 3 beds, 3 pillows.

Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears). Right!

There are three bears, three plates and three spoons on the table.

Now let's remember the names of the bears. (Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka).

Which one is the biggest? (Mikhailo Ivanovich).

Who is the smallest? (Mishutka).

Let's treat the bears to porridge, Sasha, what plate will Mikhailo Ivanovich eat from? (from a large one, and Nastasya Petrovna (from a smaller plate, and Mishutka (from the smallest plate). And what will they eat? (with spoons). The task with spoons is repeated.

Well done, we coped with this task, and now let's rest a bit.


Jumping, jumping in the woods

Hares - gray balls

Hands near the chest, like the paws of hares; jumping.

Jump - jump, jump - jump -

The hare stood up on a stump

Jumping forward - backward

He built everyone in order, began to show exercises.

Once! Everyone walks in place.

Two! They wave their hands together.

Three! Sit down, stand up together.

Everyone scratched behind the ear.

Stretched for four.

Five! Bent over and bent over.

Six! Everyone lined up again

They marched like a squad.

D. and "One-Many"

Well, guys, have a rest? (yes, then let's move on. Oh, look who went out in the sun to bask? (hedgehog and hares). And where do hedgehogs and bunnies live? (in the forest, then what kind of animals are they? (wild, right! How many hedgehogs? (one) What about rabbits? (a lot) I ask all the children in turn.

Well done, you know everything, and it's time for us to continue our journey.

And now I want to play with you: I give children geometric shapes (circle, square and triangle).

Three hoops are prepared on the carpet: in one hoop there is a circle, in the other - a square, in the third - a triangle.

Hoops are your houses; who has a circle in his hand (shows a circle, those have a house - a hoop with a circle, a hoop with a square is the house of those who have a square in their hands (shows a square, and a hoop with a triangle is the house of those who have a triangle in their hands (shows triangle) While I am playing tambourine, you run in a column behind me, as soon as the tambourine stops sounding, everyone runs to their own house.

The teacher acts as a guide, the children run after him in a column one by one.

When the children scatter in places, the teacher checks which figures the children have, whether they have chosen the house correctly, and specifies the names of the figures in their hoop.

And they coped with this task, well done!

Guys, look, what is it there, in front, yes, this is the Machin's house, so we came with you (model of the house).

Educator: Masha thanks the children: Thank you guys, you helped me get home, for this I will treat you (sweets).

Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group on FEMP

"New Adventures of Kolobok"

Purpose: to systematize the previously studied material on FEMP.


  • Strengthen counting skills within five;
  • To consolidate the ability to name numerals in order, pointing to objects:
  • Continue to learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, to understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle;
  • Continue to learn to compare familiar objects in size, indicate the corresponding parameters with words (Large, smaller, small):
  • Distinguish and name spatial directions from oneself (left, right, middle):
  • To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Lesson progress

caregiver : Guys, look around. You see, today we have guests. They really want to see what you and I have learned over the year.

Let's say hello.

Hello palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello guests. Hello!

Educator: And now everyone sat down beautifully, the legs became friends, the back was straight.

Guys, a fabulous guest is coming to us today. And who it will be, you need to guess for yourself.

Main part. (Mystery)


Children love this story!

He lives in a fairy tale.

He is not a hedgehog and not a cat,

He is from the grandmother from the window

Jumped right into the track

Rolled, ran

Got on the tongue of the fox!

Who is this?

Children: Kolobok

I see you read a fairy tale

And everyone knew the hero.

(knock on door)

Educator: Who's knocking there? Let's open it and see?

Children: Yes

Educator: And now Kolobok himself

He was able to visit us.

Let's say hello to the kolobok.

The teacher, opening the brother-in-law, instead of a bun, finds a letter from Kolobok, a basket with tasks and a bag with refreshments.

The teacher reads the letter.

Dear children, I was in a hurry to come to your lesson today. But got lost. The cunning fox, the hare, the wolf and the bear do not want to let me go back to my grandparents. They threaten to eat me. But if you guys complete all the tasks that they have prepared for you, then the animals will let me, Kolobok, go home. Guys, please help. And if you manage, then grandma and grandpa will treat you to something delicious. Help out boys and girls! Kolobok.

caregiver : Well, guys, let's help Kolobok? And at the same time we will show our guests what we can do.

The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale and answer the question, whom did Kolobok meet first on his way?

He likes to gnaw carrots,

He eats cabbage very cleverly,

He jumps here and there,

Through fields and forests

Grey, white and oblique

Who, tell me, is he?

Children: Hare.

Educator: Guys, the bun in his letter gives us a hint. Tasks from animals are in the basket. And so that we complete the tasks in the correct order, do not confuse anything, the bun writes that the card with the tasks is from the long-eared blue color.

Ask the child to find a blue card. A hare and carrots are drawn on the card. Illustrative material is hung on the easel.

1st task "Will the rabbits have enough carrots"

Educator: Guys, what do you think we are going to do now? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher tells them that they will now count bunnies and carrots, finding out if there are enough carrots for everyone).


  • How many rabbits are in the picture? (Four)
  • How many carrots? (Five)
  • Draw paths from hares to carrots.
  • Will the rabbits have enough carrots? (Yes)
  • Why? (There are fewer hares than carrots, and more carrots than hares).

Physical education "One, two, three, four, five"

We stomp our feet

One two three four five

- We clap our hands

One two three four five-

We're doing it again.

Educator: Guys, we continue to help Kolobok. Whom did our hero meet after the hare? (wolf).

Friendship leads only with a fox,

This animal is angry, evil.

He clicks and clicks with his teeth,

Very scary gray ... (Wolf)

The task from the wolf is on the yellow card. Masha, take it. What is on it? (Vases and flowers).

2nd task "Connect correctly."There are vases in the house of the wolf and she-wolf. Look and tell me, are the vases the same or different? (identical in color but different in size).

Show the largest vase, smaller and smaller. Where is the smallest vase? (between largest and smallest). The wolf loves the mother she-wolf very much, constantly gives her flowers. Tell me, did the wolf collect the same flowers or different ones? (the same color but different size).

The teacher offers the children to connect the flowers with the vases according to their size with a line - a large flower with a large vase, a smaller flower with a smaller vase than a large one, and a small flower with the smallest vase.

Visual gymnastics

Look at the kids (children look at each other)

Now to the sky - there the birds are flying (look up),

Below, on the grass, a beetle crawls (look down),

And on the left - a tree grows (look to the left),

To the right - scarlet flowers (look to the right),

Closing your eyes, smell you (close your eyes, take a breath). Educator: We have completed the second task. We continue further. Do you remember who the bun met next?

The beast is shaggy, clubfoot,

He sucks his paw in the den.


Tasks from the bear, the bun writes to us, on a red card. What is depicted on it? (geometric figures). So, we are going to talk about them now.

Question from the bear: what geometric shapes do you know? Name the figure that I will show. (survey of children).

2nd task "What geometric figure do objects look like?"


  • Name the items in the picture.
  • What objects are similar to a triangle, square, rectangle, circle?

Finger gymnastics "One, two, three, four, five"

caregiver : Guys, the last green card is left in our basket. And she's from a fox. So, what task does the red-haired cheat ask us to complete?

4th task “When does it happen?

The teacher invites the children to guess riddles about parts of the day. On the easel are images of four houses. (morning afternoon Evening Night). After guessing the riddle, the child finds a suitable picture and “populates” it in the right house.

Here the sun woke up in the sky,

Looked at us through the window.

The cockerel crows wisely

Announcing: "This is ..." (morning)

sun in the sky

shining bright

We go for a walk

Let's sing songs for fun!


The sun is radiant

Village for houses

We came from a walk

It's time to dine.


It's dark in the yard,

The moon is looking out the window.

Son and daughter sleep in cribs

So, it has come ... (Night)

caregiver : Well, guys, the task basket is empty. We got through everything. You are great! I hope we helped Kolobok. If you remember, Gingerbread Man wrote that if Gingerbread Man returns to his grandparents, then a delicious treat will be waiting for you. Let's see, maybe something is waiting for us outside the door?

The teacher opens the door, behind the door lies a bag of treats.

Educator: Hurrah! Guys, it means that everything worked out with you. Now we will say in unison: "I'm done!" and we will eat.

With mathematics as a subject, children begin to get acquainted in the kindergarten, namely, the child at this moment is 3-4 years old. Educators are working on the formation of elementary ideas in children. And the further development of the child depends on how well the first perception of the forms of objects and their quantitative relations is mastered.

Any lesson allows a child to learn something new in kindergarten. The second younger group is ideal for this. Mathematics makes it possible to compare familiar objects in length, height, width. The teacher introduces such spatial concepts as "front", "behind", "above", "below", "left", "right". The teacher also teaches children to correctly identify and use time intervals in speech, for example, morning, afternoon, night.

Help for a budding teacher

In order to properly organize and conduct mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group, a novice teacher needs to remember the following points:

  • initial classes during the month should be held with separate groups of 6-8 people;
  • a month later, classes begin to be conducted in full with the entire group;
  • in the classroom, children should have didactic in the required quantity for each child;
  • when getting acquainted with new material, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10-12 minutes, and when working out familiar material - 15 minutes;
  • in the classroom, you need to monitor the fatigue of children, and if they are tired, all educational activities stop immediately.

The main goal and objectives of classes in mathematics

The main goal of a mathematics lesson for children aged 3-4 is to get acquainted with the basic concepts: number, shape and characteristics of an object.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

  • teach the child to correctly distinguish the color and shape of the object;
  • form the initial concept of a number (one, many);
  • teach children the relationship of objects through one sign that generalizes them (collect all the red objects);
  • form the concept of the characteristics of the object (long, shorter, large, small).

In order to properly cope with the solution of problems and achieve the goal, the teacher in the classroom in mathematics in the younger group must use various techniques and teaching methods.

Techniques and teaching methods

Classes in mathematics in the 2nd junior group should be visual and effective. Children learn any new knowledge through direct perception, that is, when they follow all the actions of the educator and repeat the same actions themselves with handout didactic material. The teacher-educator needs to qualitatively think over each lesson, all new concepts that characterize the subject, first the teacher himself speaks several times during the lesson and only then asks the children to repeat.

In addition, we must not forget that this age of learning everything new is based on emotional perception. And if you do not interest the baby from the first minutes of the lesson, then it will be wasted. To do this, children's math classes most often begin with surprise moments:

  • appearance of a toy
  • unexpected guests
  • secret chest.

The teacher-educator needs to keep the attention of the children throughout the lesson. To do this, the method of changing activities is used. The subjects with which the child will work must already be familiar to him, otherwise he will first study them as he needs, and will miss all the material offered by the teacher.

The structure of the math class

In kindergarten, as in any other educational institution, all classes must be structured, despite their short duration.

Mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group should include the following points:

  1. (duration 1-2 minutes).
  2. The assignment of the tasks of the lesson (1 minute) is as follows: “Let's help the bear (Katya doll) find a circle (find out which path is longer)”.
  3. The main part of the lesson (learning new material).
  4. Reflection (duration - 1 minute). Children should definitely talk about what they learned today.
  5. Finish the lesson in a positive mood. It is necessary to praise the children: "Thank you, guys, for helping the bear (Katya doll) to find a circle so quickly. He (she) will definitely come to visit you again."

Methodological literature - an assistant in conducting classes

Do you have the youngest group 2 in your upbringing? Math is not hard to do.

Each teacher, in order to correctly compose a lesson, needs methodological literature. Now there are a lot of them. The most popular books are:

  • "Classes in kindergarten" I.A. Ponomareva, V.A. Pozina.
  • "My mathematics" E.V. Solovyov.
  • "Mathematics. The second junior group "E.S. Maklakov.
  • Mathematics in Kindergarten. The second junior group "L.V. Minkevich.

How to help a child in failure?

Not every child succeeds at once, so the teacher needs to be able to be loyal to the failures of the child and help him during the lesson. In kindergarten, mathematics serves as the basis for the further perception of educational material at school. And on how firmly and correctly the initial concepts are laid down in a preschool child, his further success in educational activities will depend.

Everyone knows that mathematics is an exact and complex science, therefore mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group should contain thoughtful, specific, correctly formulated questions, taking into account the mental development of children, that the child can answer.

If the material presented in the process of long-term development is still difficult for the child to reach, you can enlist the help of his parents by correctly asking them to work with him at home in their free time on the problem that arises.

Talk to the parents about the possibility of bringing the child to kindergarten half an hour earlier or picking up a little later. Thus, the teacher has the opportunity to work out additionally covered material with children who do not succeed or who missed classes during illness.

Basic rules for successful math classes in the second junior group

  1. Remember that for a child, all new information is a complex process of learning about the world.
  2. Each child is a small personality with its own character, mental and physical development.
  3. The teacher leads the lesson. Give children the opportunity to explore a new object or its characteristic (smooth, rough), but do not delay this process, because the baby may get tired. Promise the children to let them play with the object after class.
  4. Keep all the promises you make to your children.
  5. Praise your children as often as possible.
  6. If the material is difficult, give it a few lessons to better work it out.
  7. Don't procrastinate on class time.


Ideal if you need to conduct a lesson, the second younger group. Mathematics is something that the guys will not be able to do without in the future. The kids are getting ready for school. The teacher should build the lesson in such a way that the children are really interested.

Karina Celio

Target: To form a cognitive-research interest with the help of tricks.


Develop the creative personality of children

Develop imagination, perception, thinking

To form the skills of collective activity, taking into account the interests and opinions of other children.

(music sounds, the teacher enters in the form of a sorceress)

Hello guys! you recognized me (answers of children

Well done! I brought you a magical chest. It has a lot of interesting things. Let's get it open. Let's say "chok-chok-chok" together open the chest". (Not opens)

Something not opens up. (puts to ear)

Quiet, quiet. I hear something say to me chest. Yeah, not everyone said, so he didn’t opened. Let's try again. Let's together: "Chok-chok-chok open the chest"."1,2,3- opened! Oh how much is there

I wonder whose it is and for whom? Would you like to turn into little wizards? (children's answers)

Let's each choose a suit (children choose their costume and dress them)

IN: Well, when we put on a magical costume, it's time to say a spell. (

Top, top, clap, clap, turn around yourself, Turn into a little wizard.

Oh, guys, hear something buzzing. (the teacher approaches chest and takes out a picture with the image of Carlson who is holding a note)

Who is this? (children's answers)

Look guys, and Carlson is holding a note in his hands, let me give it to you I will read:

"I am your children, not a toy,

The real Carlson I

Say the word "bar-bass"

in a moment I will appear with you"

So it's time to test our strength, are you all ready?

Let's get our focus turned out, I will remove the picture of Carlson outside the door and together we will say the magic word. (the teacher removes the picture from the door).

All together they say "Ba-ra-bass" (carlson appears from the door, flies past the children to the music)

Carlson: Hello, here I am!

Hello, friends from Carlson.

In a magical country you are now

Everything will be fulfilled in this very hour!

Yes, you have turned out to be good wizards, but where will I live?

caregiver: don't worry carlson, now that we have turned into little wizards, we can build, mold, draw beautiful, magical castles. And here is our building material (the teacher approaches the tables with sand, plasticine, paints.)-Children themselves choose what they want to make a castle from.

(children make crafts to calm, relaxing music)

Educator-Time is up, it's time to tell you what a miracle the palaces you got

Carlson: What did you make your castle out of? It was difficult to? (talk to children) Is there a tower for magic in your castle? (children's answers)

Carlson_ what good fellows you are, you know everything, everything, you know, but I did not come to you empty-handed. Now I'll show you one focus"Colored water" (carlson shows a glass jar of water, then shakes it up and the water turns into color) Do you want me to teach you too? (children's answers). just shh, don't tell anyone.

Children come to the table, on which glass jars, brushes, watering cans with water, gouache are prepared in advance,) pronounces the sequence focus

Carlson - well, now, when I saw that you remembered everything, it's time for us to return to our group, and in this case I have a transport in store, just look, hold on tight. (rolls out fitballs0 the teacher sits on the fitball with the children and dances on the balls to energetic music.

feedback and give out sweets or medals to children.

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Open lesson on sensory in the second junior group "New Year's card" Tasks: To teach children to make an applicative image of a Christmas tree from ready-made forms. Reinforce knowledge of shape and color. Move. The teacher is reading.

Prepared by: Teacher of the 2nd junior group "Rostochek" Bolshanina O. Yu. Program content: 1. Give children the concept of body parts. 2. Develop.

Open lesson in the second junior group "Walk in the forest" Tasks: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through: 1. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills; 2. Physical exercise;

Open drawing lesson in the second junior group "Grass for a fish" Purpose: 1. Cause joy from watching the fish, promote the development of observation; to help children realize that the fish is alive and needs.

Purpose: 1. To teach children to recognize and name vegetables, to introduce the general word "vegetables" into the children's active dictionary. 2. Form a view.

Open lesson in the second junior group "Visiting a hare" Educator: Guys, today the postman came to our kindergarten early in the morning and handed over a letter from a bunny. Let's read it. Educator.

Open drawing lesson in the second junior group "Ladybug" Outline of the lesson (drawing, junior group)