Bear fat: medicinal properties, treatment. Bear fat: medicinal properties, treatment What does bear fat treat

Hello. By consuming bear fat, the medicinal properties and use of which in folk medicine have long been known, you can recover from many diseases, as well as strengthen your body. This natural product improves immunity and starts metabolic processes. Thanks to these properties, it is successfully used in the treatment of skin, joints, internal organs and systems.

Unlike the chemical composition of medicinal plants, bear fat does not have an exact and constant composition of useful substances, since it very much depends on where the animal lives and how it eats. For example, the lard of brown bears is rich in linoleic acid due to a large amount of plant food. Kamchatka bears, when eating fish, accumulate high concentrations of vitamin D, omega-3 and phosphorus.

Siberian fat, thanks to pine nuts, is enriched with vitamin B, potassium and calcium. Also, fat mass is rich in vitamins A, E, B, K, PP, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, citamines, pectins, saponins and minerals.

The amazing beneficial properties of lard also lie in the fact that it restores the cell and penetrates it, without changing it immediately affects the nucleus. Subcutaneous fat is more highly valued and contains more nutrients; experienced hunters can immediately distinguish it by its structure and density.

The following beneficial properties can be identified for the human body:

  • the ability to heal and restore the body;
  • natural immunostimulation;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • antibacterial, wound healing properties;
  • warming effect;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • cleansing effect, removal of waste and toxins;
  • beneficial effects on cognitive functions;
  • increasing physical abilities.

Can be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • respiratory tract diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • sore throat, both viral and bacterial;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia;
  • prevention of joint diseases;
  • dermatitis of various forms;
  • traumatic skin lesions;
  • sprain;
  • When eating a diet low in nutrients, fat is used as a supplement.


You can feel the beneficial properties of using bear fat thanks to its content of the following valuable components:

  1. B4 (choline) is a building material for the cells of the human body, a component of lecithin. The need for this provitamin increases after surgery and trauma.
  2. Cytamines are bioregulators of natural origin that have a positive effect on blood circulation in the brain, hormone balance and metabolism. They are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  3. Phospholipids are building materials for the human brain and regulate lipid metabolism in the body. They are responsible for the integrity of cell membranes. These substances are involved in the delivery of fatty acids, fats, and help remove bad cholesterol.
  4. Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive, digestive and nervous systems, as well as the endocrine glands. They relieve inflammation and dilate blood vessels, help lower cholesterol in the blood, and improve skin condition. These substances influence the formation of immunity, help cleanse the body of harmful substances such as toxins, waste, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides.
  5. Vitamins A, E, D are involved in metabolic processes, help neutralize free radicals, and participate in the transport of calcium, delivering it to bone tissue.
  6. Panaxosides normalize the balance of hormones, the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They have a positive effect on the health of the sex glands, improve erectile function and improve sperm quality. These substances have immunomodulatory properties and adapt a person to aggressive external factors and stress. At the same time, hematopoiesis processes, brain function and the production of nucleic acids improve.

The benefits of bear fat for the human body are due to its composition. Thanks to it, many diseases can be cured or prevented.

Contraindications and harm of fat for the human body

The benefits of using a high-quality drug are undeniable, but you can cause significant harm to the body if you do not familiarize yourself with the detailed rules of administration and especially contraindications.

Bear fat should be excluded if you have the following body problems:

  • Individual intolerance. It can be difficult to predict if you have not used this product before, so everyone is advised to initially start taking it with minimal doses in order to monitor possible reactions and, if no problems were observed, then switch to full daily doses. This point applies equally to both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Cholecystitis, even in remission.
  • Stone formation in the gallbladder, especially in the acute stage.
  • Simultaneous use with antibiotics and hormonal drugs is not recommended.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Rubbing during elevated temperatures will cause harm. During illness, always measure body temperature before use.

During pregnancy and in childhood up to three years, lard can be used externally. This is a good remedy for stretch marks in the first case and a warming rub for coughs in the second. However, even after reaching the age of three, you should discuss with your doctor the use of animal lard as a medicine.

Another aspect that needs to be taken into account is that veterinary and sanitary control over wild animals is difficult to fully implement. Wild bears can carry very serious diseases. For example, infection with trichinosis can cause damage to the central nervous system.

To protect yourself from infection, you need to purchase fat only that has been melted in a high-tech autoclave at a temperature of 100 degrees. The manufacturer must also have a veterinary certificate for fat processing.

Treating certain diseases with bear fat at home

The question may arise: why do healers recommend bear fat for different types of diseases? In its composition, scientists found many valuable biologically active compounds, vitamins, and microelements that are extremely necessary for a sick body. Adipose tissue is considered heavy food, but the brown predator has fat with an easily digestible composition, and internal lard is especially valued.

Lard has a delicate mushy consistency and becomes liquid in room conditions, unlike fats from other animals. The light structure allows it to be quickly absorbed into the skin and absorbed into the body. The sebaceous substance is used both for external treatment and internally. Lard is not an independent medicine; it is used together with medications. People are wondering: what does bear fat help with? The product has the following healing effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • strengthening;
  • soothing;
  • vasodilator;
  • warming;
  • rejuvenating;
  • moisturizing;
  • regenerating;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • removes harmful substances;
  • stimulates the functioning of organs.

External use

For external purposes, tuk is used in the form of compresses, rubbing, cupping massage, and lubrication. The structure of the substance is so delicate that it easily penetrates the skin, and the beneficial elements are distributed to the necessary organs. Salo is used to combat a huge range of diseases, not just skin ones. Let's consider methods of external use:

  1. To make a compress, the substance is spread on a cloth, applied to the sore spot, and fixed. Then they insulate from above.
  2. The second method of compress: apply the product, then wrap it with cling film and insulate it.
  3. When rubbing, the substance is applied to the desired area of ​​the body and gently but forcefully rubbed into the skin until absorbed. Then they cover the patient to warm him up.
  4. Massage with cups: a fatty product is applied to the back, the jar heated over the fire is quickly placed on the back so that the jar is drawn to the skin. Move it in different directions without lifting it from the back. After the procedure, cover the patient and allow him to rest.

Using fat internally

The lard is not heated before use: just hold it for a few minutes at room temperature and it will melt. For internal use, tuk is used for the following purposes:

  • for the treatment and prevention of internal diseases;
  • to protect health during outbreaks of viral epidemics;
  • with weak immunity;
  • to restore the body after serious illnesses.

Standard fat treatment regimen for different ages:

  • adults - one tablespoon;
  • children 12 years and older - one teaspoon;
  • child from 6 to 12 years old - half a teaspoon;
  • child from 3 to 6 years old - a third of a teaspoon;
  • Children from birth to three years of age are not recommended to administer the product orally.

Take the drug 30 minutes before meals, three times a day. Since the fatty medicine does not taste very pleasant, wash it down with warm milk with jam or honey. Alternatively: mix lard in a glass with warmed milk and drink without inhaling.

What helps and how to use bear fat

The fat is unique in its composition, because the bear is an omnivore, therefore it enriches its subcutaneous fat tissue with all elements so that it can ensure not only the functioning of the bone and muscle tissue of a large animal in daily conditions, but also during hibernation, when there is no food for a long time. water and food.

For a person, the heating product helps improve the functioning of the body, strengthen the immune system, and recover after surgery or nervous exhaustion. The most important thing is to choose a good manufacturer, because only a high-quality product can provide the stated benefits.

What should you know?

Both for the treatment of diseases and their prevention, you should use only a high-quality product! Do not buy raw materials of dubious origin secondhand. Today it is available in pharmacies in capsules, in the form of ointments, dietary supplements...

In the question of how to choose quality, be guided by the fact that pure bear fat is a thick mass, characteristically white or light yellowish in color, without a distinct odor, with a specific taste. Liquid consistency, color changes, and the presence of odors are signs of the presence of impurities.

When buying a useful product, you should know how to choose a quality one. Of course, it is advisable to buy in specialized stores or pharmacies in order to have guarantees of original products and quality certificates, but if you still intend to purchase from individual entrepreneurs, then consider the following factors:

  • color – creamy, milky, may have a slight yellowish tint;
  • taste – does not have a pronounced taste, so if you feel rancid or sour, then you should not buy;
  • smell – neutral, make sure there is no rotten smell;
  • additives – it may contain honey, then the color will be a little yellower, but it is better to avoid additives;
  • container – dark glass;
  • quality control - the mandatory presence of a veterinary certificate (form 2 or 3), which confirms that the animal is free from diseases and gives permission to sell the product;
  • melting method – autoclave with operating temperature 100°C.

How is bear fat obtained?

Fat is extracted by commercial hunters from the body of the animal. The animal's body retains a lot of fat, since the animal lives in the harsh conditions of the taiga. Bears need fat for hibernation as a source of beneficial nutrients. Independent extraction of animal fat without certain knowledge of technology is impossible.

Our online store offers a high-quality natural product made in accordance with all the rules for extracting bear fat. By purchasing bear fat from us, you are guaranteed to buy a homogeneous product of the desired consistency and color. You should know that a high-quality product does not allow the presence of sand, blood, or hairs. Their presence reduces the preservation of the biological activity of the product.

Unfortunately, not many people know what a high-quality and natural product looks like:

  • This is a homogeneous product of a white or yellowish tint, without any inclusions or impurities.
  • Depending on the temperature, it can be solid (up to 9 ºС) or creamy (at temperatures above 26 ºС).
  • The natural product mixes well with other ingredients, such as honey.
  • High-quality bear fat can only be purchased from professional hunters.

How to use bear fat for coughing

Cough can have various causes, so it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment. When coughing, fat can be used in its pure form, washed down with a warm decoction of medicinal herbs, or you can add it to warm milk and drink in small sips. A single dose for an adult is 1 dessert spoon, to be consumed in the morning and evening. It is advisable to drink for at least 3 weeks, even if the effect is achieved earlier.

It is also advisable to add rubbing of the chest and back, followed by wrapping in a woolen scarf. But if the cough is accompanied by fever or complications occur that require antibacterial therapy, then bear fat should be discontinued.

External characteristics

What are the benefits of bear fat? What does it look like externally? How to use it correctly? What is the duration of treatment? Are there any contraindications for use?

Natural bear fat prepared in accordance with technological standards is characterized by a white or yellow color, a neutral taste and the absence of a specific odor. At a temperature of +6-+9 oC, the product hardens, and acquires a liquid state at +27-+30 oC.

One brown bear is a “carrier” of 20-28 kg of a healing agent that can have a beneficial effect on the human body. How to use bear fat?

In terms of preventive and therapeutic characteristics, the medicinal product is significantly superior to the fats widely used in traditional medicine, obtained from marmots and badgers.

This is explained by the bear’s varied nutritious diet, including natural honey, fish, insects, herbs, berries, fruits, nuts, bird eggs, as well as meat from forest inhabitants.

To treat skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, lard is applied in its pure form 2-3 times a day until the desired effect is achieved. For aging skin of dry or normal type, a mask made from a mixture of bear and fish oil in equal proportions is popular in home cosmetology. The mask is applied to a cleansed face and neck for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

A mask for the scalp is widely used. It helps strengthen and restore damaged hair follicles. For preparation, add honey (1 tsp), essential oil of orange (4 drops) and cinnamon (8 drops) to the liquid fat mass. The mixture is applied to dry scalp and wrapped in polyethylene for an hour, after which the hair is washed with mild shampoo.

What diseases does bear lard treat?

Let's take a closer look at what bear fat helps with and what diseases it treats:

  1. Lung diseases - inflammation, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, cough.
  2. Colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the vocal cords.
  3. Gastrointestinal pathologies, stomach ulcers, gastritis.
  4. Skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, as well as furunculosis and bedsores.
  5. Various skin injuries - burns, cuts.
  6. Exhaustion of the body, neuralgia, depression, insomnia and chronic fatigue.
  7. Childhood rickets, dystrophy.
  8. Anemia.
  9. Pathologies of the genitourinary system, reproductive dysfunction.
  10. Joint problems - osteochondrosis, rheumatism, muscle inflammation, sprained tendons and ligaments.
  11. Liver pathologies that developed against the background of intoxication, poisoning, or as consequences of taking antibiotics.

What cures bear fat is now clear. But this natural component is also used for prevention, providing the following positive effects:

  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • neutralizing the harmful effects of chemotherapy;
  • protection against colds;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • prevention of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • prevention of the formation of keloids and scars;
  • eliminating the consequences of insect bites;
  • skin rejuvenation, prevention of aging processes.

Bear fat helps cure gastrointestinal diseases. Since its components accelerate metabolic processes, healing of stomach or duodenal ulcers occurs much faster. Irritated mucous membranes with gastritis and colitis are restored faster. Fat components have a hepatoprotective effect. They protect liver cells from the effects of toxins and harmful components from medications.

Reviews indicate that when applied topically, lard helps cure diseases of the upper respiratory tract. With its help, you can perfectly warm up the chest by performing external rubbing. It will help cure cough, effectively thin and remove phlegm.

Fat is used in the treatment of neurological problems and diseases. Rubbing with special ointments based on it is useful for joints. This will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. A course of procedures will allow you to restore the mobility of the vertebrae and joints in case of myalgia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, lumbago and sciatica.

Bear lard can be taken orally. In cardiology, it is used to normalize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin levels and to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Lard has a calming effect on the central nervous system, stimulates metabolism in the brain and neutralizes the effects of mental overload.

In cosmetology, this natural substance is used in the care of aging skin. It nourishes the skin well and gives a lifting effect. For young skin, lard is useful because it perfectly protects against frost and adverse environmental factors. It will protect against drying out and dehydration, which is very important for those who travel a lot, climb or ski.

Bear fat can solve skin problems such as psoriasis or dermatitis, as it effectively restores and promotes regeneration of the epidermis. It can also be used for children who suffer from diathesis.

How to take bear fat for gastrointestinal diseases

Due to its composition, bear fat helps get rid of stomach diseases such as gastritis and ulcers:

  • Fat has an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and helps relieve inflammation and heal damage.
  • Cleansing of toxins helps improve digestion and prevent various congestion.
  • Stimulates the intestines, which eliminates the problem of constipation.

For ulcerative problems, it is recommended to carry out monthly treatment, using the standard dosage in the morning and evening. But you definitely need to additionally follow the gastroenterologist’s prescription and undergo examinations. The course can be repeated 2-3 times a year, but not in the acute stage.

Benefits for women and men

For women, fat is useful because it helps to lose extra pounds gained during pregnancy. The substances it contains improve hormonal balance, activate lipid metabolism in the body, and also reduce appetite. Taking it regularly will help a woman:

  1. Always be in a great mood, improve your psycho-emotional background and avoid depression, thanks to the stimulation of the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin.
  2. Improve complexion, smooth the skin by normalizing intestinal functions. Taking lard helps increase the number of beneficial bacteria that are responsible for the production of hormones and vitamins.
  3. Fat-based cosmetics will help improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.
  4. With systematic use, you can count on normalizing the functioning of the reproductive system, getting rid of old inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs - the ovaries and appendages. Taking fat helps to improve the health of the vaginal cavity and uterus.

Bear fat is just as beneficial for men as it is for women. It helps improve people's health through its immunomodulatory properties. Its use allows you to get rid of many autoimmune diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, allergies of various natures, diffuse goiter and rheumatoid arthritis.
What else can be treated with bear fat? Men can count on the following beneficial properties:

  1. Normalization of the reproductive system, improvement of spermatogenesis, getting rid of prostate adenoma, increasing sperm motility and viability. Thanks to this remedy, couples who had not been able to have children for a long time were finally able to do so.
  2. Bear fat helps get rid of erectile dysfunction and improve potency in men of any age.
  3. Protection against cancer. Lard can be used to prevent such common pathologies as rectal and prostate cancer.
  4. Eating fat will remove harmful cholesterol that has occupied the walls of blood vessels. This several times reduces the risk of sudden heart attack, which awaits men after 40 years of age.

You can count on the listed positive changes in your health by taking bear lard in the form of courses throughout the year.

Bear fat for bones and muscles

Applying animal lard applications and taking it orally:

  • Facilitates and inhibits the development of inflammatory diseases of joints and muscle tissue.
  • In case of fractures, it saturates the body with useful substances that contribute to the restoration of bone tissue; fat provides “building material” for this.

You can also make medicinal ointments based on animal fat, which are good for arthrosis:

  • You will need 200 g of the product for the healing balm.
  • You only need to mix it in a liquid state, so first put it out of the refrigerator.
  • Pour 200 ml of jojoba oil, pine essential oil (10 drops) and tea tree (10 drops) into the same container.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a dark glass jar.
  • Rub into the affected areas overnight with massaging movements, before steaming in the bathroom.

Bear or badger?

Which fat is better - badger or bear? There is no difference between them in terms of use - they are used to treat the same health problems. However, in composition and effects on the body, bear fat is somewhat superior to badger fat.

This is due to the more varied nutrition of the animal, and therefore, the more efficient functioning of its systems and organs.

What are the benefits of bear fat for men?

The unique composition of the product explains its benefits for men. Of particular importance are polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A and E, which are involved in the production of testosterone and growth hormone. The therapeutic dose of the drug is 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day before meals for a month. The course is conducted once every three months. It can be taken either in liquid form or in capsules, which is more convenient, but the dosage should be selected according to the instructions.

Positive dynamics with regular treatment were noted by men with the following problems:

  • infertility;
  • low morphology of seminal fluid;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • impotence;
  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

In addition to helping in solving the above problems, taking it increases immunity and improves the functioning of the whole body.

Stage performers, namely conversational artists, teachers, and people who spend long periods of time in the cold are recommended to take melted fat orally as a preventive measure to soften the vocal cords and larynx. The consumption rate for people weighing more than 100 kg is 2 tbsp. spoons, up to 100 kg - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Before use, the fat should be removed from the refrigerator, scooped into a spoon and left for a while. A few minutes will be enough to soften the product.

In pharmacies, bear fat is presented in liquid and capsule form. The drug is easily absorbed, penetrates the body unchanged and contributes to the rapid and complete restoration of the functions of all systems.

Beneficial properties and harm for children

Often a dietary supplement is prescribed to children due to the fact that pharmaceutical drugs may be prohibited or cause severe allergic reactions that are absent when using a natural product. It is important to remember that for any symptoms of disease, you should consult a pediatrician and not self-prescribe, especially when it comes to oral administration.

In children after three years of age, the supplement is usually prescribed for such painful conditions as:

  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • respiratory tract diseases, as well as colds and ARVI;
  • skin diseases;
  • traumatic skin injuries;
  • prevention of rickets.

As with any medicine, it is important not to exceed the dosage and take breaks. You can only consume fat continuously for a month, then you need to take a break for the same period. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, an hour before main meals in the morning and evening. After 16 years of age, the dosage is considered as for adults. For children under this age, the single dosage is different:

Before taking the medicine, you need to melt it. Its melting point is very low, so it is enough to leave it at room temperature. It is not recommended to heat it in a water bath or in any other quick way.

For children, it can be mixed with warm milk, spread on bread and washed down with warm raspberry tea. If the child refuses, then you can “hide” the medicine in honey or your favorite jam. For colds, rubbing the chest and back helps a lot, then the child needs to be kept warm. This procedure can also be performed on infants. Treatment with bear lard should be carried out for at least three weeks in the same dosages, even if there are no longer symptoms. This will strengthen the immune system and prevent it from happening again.

What does bear fat help with?

We are often asked about bear fat and what diseases it helps with. It is worth noting that the scope of use of a natural product is quite extensive:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • neurological and rheumatological diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dystrophy;
  • psycho-emotional overload.

Bear fat, as well as badger fat, are excellent folk remedies for the skin. They are used in cosmetology as actively as in medicine. On windy and frosty days, the product protects the skin from frostbite, retains moisture inside the epidermis, and eliminates peeling and cracks.

The image of a bear is always associated with strength and power. That is why in Siberia they used to rub babies with animal fat in order to impart these qualities to them. But this action also had a protective function, because without having an allergic effect on the skin, it nourished and strengthened it.

When choosing a drug, you should take a responsible approach to the issue of quality, since wild forest inhabitants also carry very serious diseases that can be transmitted to humans. It is better to purchase medicine from specialized pharmacies, where manufacturers always provide certificates for their products.

It is important to remember that oral administration should always be agreed with the doctor (especially when it comes to children) - then a natural medicinal supplement will only be beneficial.


Application in cosmetology

The healing product is actively used in cosmetology, as it has the ability to smooth out wrinkles. Masks based on such a natural product help soften and moisturize the skin and are recommended for dryness and flaking. Before leaving the house on a frosty or windy day, in order to protect the skin, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of bear fat to the face.

Cosmetics based on natural products help against hair loss and give elasticity and shine to your hair. During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from using cosmetics containing bear fat.

If the cough is caused by a cold or flu, it is better to use the product as a rub. You can apply the product to the chest and back area; it will be useful to apply the substance to the area of ​​​​the feet and calf muscles.

Bear fat will be effective for rubbing if done with some skill and effort. Fatty stains should not remain on the skin.

If the rubbing was done well, the skin will absorb the product well and absorb it well, as a result of which the skin will be well warmed up and become more elastic.

High efficiency in the fight against disease is observed with cupping massage.

The use of the product is prescribed for dry, debilitating cough.

A cough caused by a runny nose can be neutralized by applying a healing composition to the bridge of the nose.

Treatment should begin as soon as the initial signs of infection appear.

If a person has no visible contraindications to consuming bear fat, carry out the treatment both internally and externally. Thus, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the risk of further development of the disease.

Treatment must be completed. If your health deteriorates, do not stop the process under any circumstances. Over the next 7 days, take the product at the same dosage. The symptoms of the disease will pass during this time, and the disease itself will not develop into a chronic process.

To make bear fat more convenient to consume, it is also produced in capsules. Capsules can be of different dosages, which must be taken into account when purchasing, having read the instructions.

Important: The product itself is not a drug, so before you start using it, you should consult a specialist doctor. Please note that this biological supplement cannot completely replace the treatment course prescribed by the doctor.

Balsam “Taiga”

The balm is intended for the treatment of all diseases of the lungs and bronchi (except oncology). What does the drug treat? Its effects are aimed at relieving the following health problems:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • runny nose;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • emphysema.

The drug is effective in preventing colds, helps with injuries, burns, and eczema. The balm contains badger and bear fat, cedar and fir oil, and red pepper extract.

Apply the product in a circular motion to the chest area (outside the heart area), and for respiratory diseases - to the chest, back and feet. For rhinitis and to prevent viral infections, apply the balm around the nasal passages.

Do not use the drug on open wounds!


Since about 1935, there has been a steady increase in cancer. The reason, it seems to us, is the expansion of the grocery food industry and the development of the pharmaceutical industry. What we end up with is a generation with a catastrophic increase in people suffering from immune system disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Since ancient times, people have known that bear fat has healing properties and used it regularly. Even in the Middle Ages, it was recognized that bear fat protects the immune system and is also a means of helping against serious diseases such as cancer. The complex of biologically active substances in bear fat prevents the development of cancer by neutralizing carcinogens, and they also have angiogenesis-slowing properties that stop the growth of cancer cells by preventing the tumor from receiving its own blood flow.

North Korean scientists have identified the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties of bear fat in the treatment and prevention of cancer, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance, as well as skin damage caused by UV radiation.

  1. In a study on laboratory animals, the use of bear fat was shown to slow the development of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, leukemia and prevent vascular changes that contribute to tumor growth.
  2. Bear fat inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme and naturally lowers blood pressure.
  3. The powerful antioxidant substances contained in bear fat have been shown to reverse the progression of atherosclerosis and reduce excessive blood clotting and platelet aggregation, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
  4. The use of bear fat stimulates serotonin and estrogen receptors, reducing symptoms of depression and promoting bone mass in laboratory animals.
  5. Bear fat has been shown to reduce tissue damage in individuals with kidney disease, reduce infections, and prevent severe infections.

Apparently, our body is already programmed to fight infections and cancer, and bear fat will only provide us with an invaluable service in this battle. Studies show that the DNA of people who use bear fat has a lower risk of cancer formation, or less abnormal methylation. The phenomenon of methylation, its connection to cancer, and the prevention of abnormal methylation by the use of bear fat has also been noted from other sources. Bear fat contains bioactive substances that can not only prevent abnormal methylation and demethylation, but can actually trigger cell repair mechanisms to “repair” incorrectly methylated DNA segments. Here's how the proposed scheme for using bear fat works:

  • USING BEAR FAT - LESS DNA METHYlation - LOWER RISK OF CANCER Bear fat has anti-cancer effects - preventing DNA damage, slowing the growth of tumors or cancer cells, causing apoptosis of cancer cells or preventing tumors from entering the bloodstream. These effects of using bear fat are very good for breast, prostate, and rectal cancer.
  • In folk medicine, bear bile comes first for the treatment of malignant tumors, but especially bear fat, internal fat, is also very effective. BEAR BILE IS ARTILLERY AGAINST ONCOLOGY (CANCER), AND INTERNAL BEAR FAT IS INFANTRY CAPABLE OF CLEANING THE BODY AFTER A BATTLE.

Can you harm yourself when using bear fat?

Despite all the beneficial properties of this unique product, its improper use can still cause harm. The following rules must be observed:

  • Pregnant women should not consume fat; bear fat can harm the unborn child.
  • Its composition may cause allergies. In this case it should not be used.
  • Do not give this product to children under 3 years of age.
  • Do not use it together with medications such as hormonal drugs, antibiotics, or psychotropic medications.
  • If the gallbladder is inflamed or contains stones, fat should not be used.

Although this product is used to treat burns, it should not be applied to a fresh burn. First, the wound should be cooled under running cold water, then hydrogen peroxide should be used to treat the injury, and only after 3 hours can the wax be applied to the burn site.

Thermal burns

Thermal wounds occur when the surface of the body is exposed to high temperatures. They can happen for several reasons:

  • hot steam, oil, boiling water (such injuries often occur in a child);
  • from fire;
  • from flammable liquids;
  • from melted plastic;
  • You can get burned by very hot metal.

The types of thermal burns are as follows:

  1. redness;
  2. the appearance of blisters with fluid;
  3. damage to deep tissues;
  4. charring.

How and for how long should you store bear lard?

If you purchase high-quality lard, but do not store it according to the rules, the mixture may go rancid in 2–3 months. Store lard as follows:

  • tightly closed container;
  • dark place;
  • jars of lard are kept in the refrigerator at temperatures below +5 degrees;
  • Long-term storage requires temperatures down to -18 degrees, preferably in the freezer.

Subject to storage rules, if the purchased fat is natural and properly rendered, then the shelf life is two years.

Bear fat: composition, description

Bear fat is used in traditional and folk medicine as a general strengthening product. In its natural form, this fat looks like a sticky mass of white or slightly yellowish tint, which can change consistency depending on the temperature. Bear fat remains liquid at body temperature, but it hardens in the refrigerator.

Bear fat is collected from different species of bears, so its composition may vary slightly depending on the type of animal. For example, the Kamchatka bear's menu is dominated by fish, and bears from Siberia eat pine nuts before hibernation, so the composition of fat will vary. However, for treatment with bear fat, the territorial affiliation of the animal does not play a role.

Bear fat contains the following components:

  • phospholipids;
  • antioxidants;
  • citamines;
  • saturated acids (myristic, palmitic, as well as stearic, arachidonic, lauric, capric);
  • vitamin A, E, B4, D;
  • minerals (selenium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.)

On a note! The largest amount of active substances can be obtained from fat that was accumulated before the onset of hibernation of the bear. This is explained by the fact that the animal’s body, in preparation for wintering, actively collects substances necessary for survival that accumulate in fat.

The lion's share of lipid deposits in bears is regarded as a healthy food product, called edible bear fat. It is obtained from the subcutaneous as well as the internal fat layer. The fat is allowed for consumption, and this confirms its full compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for food products. Therefore, you can safely consume bear fat at home.

Subcutaneous fat (bear fat) is a fat reserve in the subcutaneous balls of the epidermis. Its composition consists of a complex of specialized types of fat, which begins to be deposited before being sent to the den. This type of fat is valuable for health. Bear fat is especially helpful for colds and chronic bronchitis.

The internal or internal fat of a bear is a lipid layer located in the mesentery of the omentum, as well as around the internal organs of the animal. Gastrointestinal fat is often used for medical purposes for the rehabilitation of seriously ill patients. It is popularly called the king of animal fats; The benefits of this bear fat are much higher than that of badger fat.

Bear fats vary in characteristics and composition. The fat of hibernating bears is very rich in beneficial amino acids. Fat is deposited in large quantities both under the skin and in the body cavity, so it is possible to melt a lot of fat with an excellent composition. But the bear’s fat is also extracted after it awakens. Although in winter most of the subcutaneous fat is consumed, a sufficient amount of nutria lipids remains, the medicinal value of which is also high.

Important! To avoid harm to your health, buy bear fat at a pharmacy or from legal hunters with proper documents for the goods.

What is bear fat made of?

Bears eat an extremely varied diet; their diet contains a lot of protein and food filled with carbohydrates and natural sugar. For this reason, the fatty tissue accumulated under the skin has the properties of helping the animal live fully and its body function. Thanks to fiber, muscle mass is preserved and bone tissue is strengthened during a long period of hibernation, when the body lives without food and water.

The nutritional properties of bear fat are explained by its interesting composition, which contains:

  • vitamin B4;
  • vitamin A;
  • group of triterpene monoglycosides;
  • a complex of mono- and polyunsaturated various fatty acids (Omega-3, 6, 9);
  • protein;
  • complex of immunomodulators;
  • vitamin E;
  • liver bioregulator;
  • brain bioregulators;
  • vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B12);
  • triterpene saponins;
  • organic biopolymers.

The healing properties of bear fat


The use of bear fat for medicinal purposes has not harmed anyone. Like other drugs, it has contraindications for use. Failure to follow the recommendations of the instructions leads to dangerous and negative consequences:

  • The presence of cholelithiasis or inflammation of the biliary tract;
  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Doctors prohibit women from using this remedy during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Its use is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age;
  • You cannot combine the drug with antibiotics, hormonal and psychotropic drugs.

To avoid side effects, you need to use it correctly and consult your doctor according to the possibility of use and dosage of the medicine.


Despite the expressive medicinal properties of bear fat, when using it, take into account the contraindications - the product is not absolutely harmless.

Before you start using it externally, determine if you are allergic to it. This test is easy to carry out: apply a small amount of the product to the elbow, wait a day. If no reaction is observed (no irritation, redness or other allergy symptoms), you can safely use the animal product.

When taken orally, even greater caution is required. It is recommended to start using the lowest dose and gradually increase it. Internal administration of bear fat is contraindicated:

  • for pregnant;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • for children under 3 years old;
  • for people suffering from cholelithiasis;
  • for people with gallbladder disorders.

Sometimes the product can cause dyspepsia, but in most cases there is no negative reaction from the body, and the animal product is well tolerated.

Where to buy real bear knock and its cost

Pharmacies offer a wide range of dietary supplements, creams, ointments made from natural ingredients based on the fatty substance of the brown predator. But the product description indicates that all drugs contain preservatives for storage, fragrances, and flavorings that reduce the therapeutic effect of the substance. You can purchase raw bear from fellow hunters, but only in the autumn months, and melt it yourself. The safety condition for such raw materials is a veterinary certificate after the slaughter of the animal, where the use of the product is approved and the hunter’s information is indicated.

Ready-made natural fat with a quality certificate is purchased from professional hunting cooperatives, where autoclaves are used to process the raw material. It is impossible to achieve such quality of goods using artisanal methods.

People wonder how much the fat of the beast is worth? Prices for the product differ in different cities of Russia: pure fat costs an average of 500 rubles per 100 milliliters; producers ask for up to 5 thousand rubles per liter of the drug. The cost of pharmaceutical capsules with medicinal fat is from 200 rubles per package (120 capsules), but the instructions state that they contain additives - preservatives. There is a medicinal cream for joints on sale with lard, golden mustache and cinquefoil juice; the cream costs 130 rubles for 75 ml.

Electrical burns

Electrical injury can occur from touching a faulty electrical appliance, exposed wire, or being struck by lightning. After a wound there is no burning sensation, as with a thermal burn, a mark is formed when current enters the body - redness or a charred area of ​​gray or brown color. In addition to damaging the skin, the current can damage many organs inside the body. The high current sometimes causes clothing to catch fire, adding thermal wounds, and it can also rupture the internal tissues of the body.

For women

Bear lard is of great benefit to the female body. The panaxosides included in its composition activate acid oxide compounds, which in turn evens out the hormonal levels of women.

Bear lard is especially useful for postmenopausal women, when the amount of the hormone estrogen decreases, hormonal imbalance occurs and the woman experiences unpleasant conditions. Also, the bear product is used in the treatment of cervical erosion and enhances the functioning of the reproductive system.

What benefit can fat bring?

Bear lard has a wide range of healing effects, among which the following can be noted:

  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases its resistance to stress, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.
  • Has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, reduces the risk of stroke, increases brain performance.
  • Promotes the growth of human immunity.
  • Calms the psyche by improving hormonal levels.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. In this case, we are talking specifically about “bad” cholesterol.
  • Strengthens joints, reduces the likelihood of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Strengthens the respiratory system. Fat is especially useful for asthma.
  • Accelerates cellular regeneration processes.
  • Improves the condition of hair and skin.
  • It has a positive effect in the treatment of diseases associated with exhaustion of the body and dystrophy.
  • Helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the body.

Of particular note is the effect of this substance on the human genital area. In men, its use leads to an increase in libido and helps treat diseases such as infertility, prostatitis, and impotence. Women are recommended to consume fat during menopause, as lard has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels.

This product is also given to children for treatment of ARVI and cough. But you should not give lard to children under 3 years old.

Although bear lard has a very high calorie content, its consumption in small quantities helps accelerate fat burning processes, and therefore it can be used to reduce human body weight. Main - do not overdo it with the volume of product consumed throughout the day.

It’s hard to believe, but even with cancer, fat can bring benefits to the patient. In the first and second stages of cancer, this product is used to strengthen the immune system and limit the growth of malignant tumors.

Lard is also consumed after a course of chemotherapy to restore the body after such a heavy load. However, in no case should you treat oncological diseases only with natural remedies; you must definitely visit an oncologist and follow all his instructions. Fat only provides support to the body during cancer, but basic treatment is only possible with modern medicine.

Instructions for application

Bear fat for burns is used for various sources of damage, however, the schemes will differ:

Thermal injuries

  1. Rinse the affected area with running water; the burned area must be cooled;
  2. If the source is hot oil, first the burned area must be treated with a soap solution.
  3. Disinfect the wound with the antiseptic Chlorhexidine, Furacilin;
  4. If blisters form, consult a doctor; do not use traditional medicine.
  5. Apply a thin layer of natural ointment.
  6. Bear fat for burns is used 1-2 times a day, depending on the symptoms. For more extensive damage, apply every 12 hours.

Chemical injuries

  • Acid. Rinse the wound with cold water (if the acid is hydrochloric, use a soap or soda solution) and apply a thin layer of natural medicine;

Important! You cannot wash a wound if the source is quicklime! Remove the substance from the skin with a clean cloth or paper towel, and then immediately apply the bear fat.

  • Alkalis. Rinse the injury with running water and treat with 2% vinegar or citric acid, then apply a thin layer of tuk.

Therapeutic effects

  1. Treatment of colds.
  2. Treatment of respiratory diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia).
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, inflammation of the colon, gastritis).
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Protecting the liver from the negative effects of antibiotic and chemotherapy drugs.
  6. Treatment of psychological and neurological dysfunction (depressive states, increased irritability, decreased cognitive abilities).

Bear fat is a biological supplement that includes proteins and vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids that a person needs for his body to function fully. This product has a wide range of unique properties. Thanks to its healing effects, destroyed cell nuclei are restored naturally, which allows a person to maintain youth, beauty and good health for a long time. Bear fat is useful for everyone - those who have experienced a severe shock, are overtired, are trying to cure a very serious illness that has already become chronic, or are recovering from surgery or a course of drug therapy. In this article we will tell you in detail how to use this remedy and in what cases it should be abandoned.

Bear fat is a product that is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. People believe that it acts on the body as a general tonic.

What exactly is bear fat? This is a sticky mass that has a white or slightly yellowish tint. It can be very thick, or it can be liquid - the consistency of this fat changes depending on the temperature at which it is stored.

You can collect bear fat not only from brown bears - you can from any one. Only the composition of bear fat will be different; it will correspond to the type of animal, which has its own diet corresponding to its habitat:

  • The bear that lives in Kamchatka has fish predominating in its diet;
  • The Siberian bear's main food is pine nuts.

More precisely, the bear’s habitat will affect the fat content of the product. Otherwise the composition is always the same. Bear fat contains:

  • phospholipids with cytamines;
  • antioxidants with minerals;
  • vitamins with saturated acids of various origins.

Important point! The largest amount of the active substances of the product is always concentrated in fat, because it accumulates in the bear during its life, when it is preparing for hibernation.

Fat deposits of bears are the most valuable food product for humans. It is extracted not only from the subcutaneous layer; the inner layers also contain healthy fat. But there are some differences here:

  1. From bear fat (subcutaneous fat) you can make a medicine that will help cure, for example, colds or bronchial diseases.
  2. From the internal fat, which is located near all the internal organs of the bear, you can make a medicine that is ideal for people who are seriously ill.

If you try to get this product yourself after a hunt, you don’t have to worry about your health. This product does not need to be processed thermally, because it fully complies with sanitary and hygienic standards that must be met in all food products intended for humans. However, if for some reason you doubt this fact, then it is better not to risk it and purchase this product in pharmacies.

The healing properties of bear fat

Bear fat is a remedy that has been used in medicine for many years. If you delve into history, you can find numerous confirmations of this fact:

  • When Kievan Rus was formed, people constantly consumed bear fat for preventive purposes, so as not to get sick.
  • During the time of the Russian Empire, bear fat was necessarily consumed by all military people, as well as hunting dogs, because this product contributed to a surge of strength.

Modern research shows that bear fat is useful for various purposes:

  • It helps metabolic processes in the human body quickly return to normal.
  • Thanks to bear fat, hormones are produced in the correct ratio.
  • Men do not suffer from any problems with potency, and women, thanks to bear fat, can get pregnant faster.
  • Bear fat helps people who have suffered severe poisoning.
  • This product nourishes and restores cells.
  • It can be used for preventive purposes against hemorrhoids and anal dryness.
  • If you regularly consume bear fat, you can forever forget that your internal organs are vulnerable.
  • Bear fat strengthens the immune system and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • The product helps strengthen memory and improves a person’s mental abilities.
  • Bear fat helps to keep the level of bad cholesterol in the blood low and keep the blood vessels generally healthy.
  • The product helps those who have blood problems (such as anemia).
  • Regular use of bear fat helps people prevent osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

For what medical indications can bear fat be used?

Now, let's take a closer look at what bear fat helps with. Due to the fact that it can have a complex effect on all human organs and systems, many pharmaceutical companies have begun to produce bear fat in the form of ointments and capsules. The instructions for use of these drugs indicate in what cases this product should be used:

  • diseases associated with the respiratory system
  • colds
  • ailments whose nature lies in problems with the digestive system
  • heart and vascular diseases
  • various infections
  • exhaustion of the body after suffering a serious illness of any human organ

Important! Despite the harmlessness of such a drug as bear fat, it can only be used according to the instructions. Otherwise, the consequences can be sharply negative.

Contraindications to the use of bear fat

Why should bear fat be taken correctly, in dosage and with caution? The fact is that this is a biological supplement that helps to activate the body. As a result, one person may feel better, and another worse, not only from internal use, but also from external use.

There are several strict contraindications to the use of bear fat:

  • a tendency to allergic reactions that can be caused by fat components (if you don’t know if you have an allergy, take a small amount of the product, apply it to the skin, and then see what the reaction is after half an hour);
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years (young children have an immature digestive system, because of this, bear fat may not be absorbed in their intestines).

How to take bear fat for adults and children?

The body best absorbs natural bear fat, which is not processed in any way. Such a product is very easy to distinguish from a processed one:

  • it is white in color;
  • it has a neutral aroma;
  • if it sits in a jar for a long time, a white precipitate appears in the form of small fractions.

Adults and children can consume bear fat, but in different quantities and in different ways:

  1. To consume bear fat internally, an adult needs to dilute it in equal proportions with honey.
  2. If you want to give bear fat to a child who is not yet 6 years old, then this should not be for internal use. Apply the product only to the skin.
  3. Children over 6 years old can be given bear fat in honey in the amount of 1 tsp. twice a day. If the child does not want to take this medicine, then it can be diluted in a glass of milk.
  4. When a child turns 15 years old, he can be given bear fat 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Bear fat: use for various diseases

Bear fat, as we have already mentioned, can be used for various purposes. Let's look at some of the features of using this product.

How to use bear fat for coughs and colds?

There is evidence that regular intake of bear fat helps to shorten the duration of many diseases several times, as well as eliminate cold symptoms. It is so strong in this regard that a person does not even need to take antibiotics to get rid of the virus.

In order to avoid getting sick at all during a large-scale epidemic, you need to consume bear fat for 3 months at least once a year for preventive purposes.

If you have developed pneumonia or bronchitis, then bear fat should also be used internally (1 tablespoon three times a day 2 hours before meals for an adult, and 1 teaspoon twice a day 2 hours before meals child for 1 month), and externally, rubbing the chest area. The main thing is that the fat is warm (at room temperature). Rubbing should be done for 10 days in a row.

What are the benefits of bear fat for joints?

If you have any disease of the joints or bones, then bear fat will become a substitute for any ointment. You just need to take the product and rub it into the sore joint after steaming (you must ensure that the skin pores are open):

  • If your joint hurts a lot, you can prepare a compress from bear fat, which you put on overnight. To do this, you need to mix bear fat, honey and onion juice in equal proportions. Place the resulting paste on gauze, then apply it to the joint and wrap it.
  • If you have rheumatism or arthritis, then 10 tbsp. bear fat should be mixed with 5 tbsp. aloe pulp, the same amount of gum turpentine and 1 tbsp. Yoda. All these products must be mixed in a container made of dark glass. They should infuse for a week, and then the ointment can be used for its intended purpose.

How to use bear fat if you have digestive problems?

If, for some reason, you have problems with the digestive tract, you can eliminate them with the help of bear fat, taking 1 tsp of it for 1 month. 2 hours before each meal.

Thanks to such a simple and understandable course of treatment, you can get rid of pancreatitis, dyspepsia, and gastritis forever.

How is bear fat used in cosmetology?

Bear fat is used not only in the field of medicine, but also in the field of beauty. If you have dry skin, then you will not find a better remedy than bear fat. It will create a special protective film on the skin that will maintain skin moisture.

Since this product contains a large amount of antioxidants, the skin will look young for a long time, because the bear fat will nourish it. You can also use bear fat for hair for this purpose.

How to prepare a hair mask based on bear fat:

  1. Take 40 g of the product that needs to be melted first, mix it with the same amount of honey, drop 20 drops of orange essential oil and the same amount of cinnamon oil into the resulting slurry. 3 hours before you wash your hair, apply this mask to your hair.
  2. Take 20 g of bear fat, add half a head of garlic, which must be chopped before use, add 1 tbsp. aloe juice and 1 yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and then apply the mask to your hair. The duration of such a mask will be 1 hour. Before applying shampoo, first rinse off the product with cool water.

If you want to make a mask on your skin, then use one of the recipes below:

  1. Take 40 g of bear fat, the same amount of cocoa butter. All this needs to be heated and stirred. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. jojoba oil, 8 drops of geranium ether, the same amount of ylang-ylang ether. Mix everything again and then add a few drops of rosewood oil. You have got a cream that needs to be poured into a glass jar and stored for 21 days before use.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. main product, mix it with rosehip decoction (2 tsp), 1 yolk and 20 g of honey. Mix everything, and then pour 20 drops of tocopherol and the same amount of vitamin A into the mask. Apply this mask to the skin, and after 25 minutes, rinse it with warm water.
  3. You can simply mix 1 tbsp. bear fat with a chocolate bar that needs to be melted. This mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

If you are already wondering where to buy bear fat, then immediately go to the pharmacy or order the product on the Internet. It will help you maintain health and beauty for a long time.

Video: “How to use bear fat?”

Bear fat is known all over the world for its unique properties, which help to heal from many ailments. But isn’t the therapeutic benefit of the folk remedy exaggerated and is it recognized by traditional medicine?

Chemical composition

To explain the healing qualities of bear fat, it is worth turning to its chemical composition. It is thoroughly researched and incredibly useful. After all, fat reserves accumulated over the summer should supply the host’s body with nutrients all winter.

It is not subcutaneous fat that is of greater value, but internal fat, which protects organs from damage.

From the berries, grass, fish, nuts, honey and meat that make up the diet of wild animals, the following passed into subcutaneous fat:

Properly rendered lard is white or yellow in color without a distinct taste or smell. It gradually hardens, but at temperatures above 28 degrees it begins to melt.

Indications for use

The therapeutic capabilities of the product are unique. The use of bear fat for medicinal purposes helps to cure a whole list of diseases. It includes:

The product has a calming, strengthening, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. People also use it.

Instructions for use

How to use? In what doses and how much? Answers to questions depend on the patient’s well-being and diagnosis. The medicine is considered completely safe, because it is 100% natural.

Regular intake of bear fat, which is carried out day after day, will lead to complete recovery.

For systemic diseases it is usually taken orally. As an ointment it is used for skin pathologies.

Outdoor use

The product is applied to the skin if the following problems exist:

To increase the therapeutic effect of the components, you need to apply a bandage on top and leave it for 4-5 hours.

In severe cases, compresses with bear fat are applied to the sore spot - the application helps speed up regeneration in damaged tissues. For rheumatism, it is recommended to first warm up the muscles and joints with a hot bath, steam bath or sauna.

Application in cosmetology

It has long been known that bear fat helps preserve beauty and youth. It rejuvenates, moisturizes the skin, and protects against adverse environmental conditions. Cosmetic products based on hair oil are useful.

They prevent hair loss, give it elasticity and shine. In its pure form it is used to create strengthening masks.

For internal reception

At home, bear fat is most often taken to treat cough, bronchitis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. It is first melted to a liquid state and drunk half an hour before a meal in the following doses:

  • adults- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • children from 6 to 12 years - 1 teaspoon;
  • kids from 3 to 6 years - one third of a teaspoon.

To enhance the result, lubricate the breasts at the same time. Treat with natural medicine until it gets better.

To reduce the unpleasant taste of fat, it is washed down or stirred with warm milk.

Many artists and singers use melted bear fat to save their vocal cords.

The dosage depends on the person’s weight: if more than 100 kg, then you need to take 2 tbsp at a time. spoons of product, if less than 100 - then 1 tbsp. spoon.

Often taken for prevention, helping to improve immunity. Norm - 1 tbsp. a spoon a day for a month. The course can be repeated twice or even three times a year.

Who is it contraindicated for?

This valuable product has a small list of contraindications. It includes:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver dysfunction in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 3 years.

Although in folk medicine, even the smallest children were put on their feet with the help of bear fat.

How to choose?

The most valuable is bear fat that you have rendered yourself or from trusted suppliers. But if there is no way to melt the fat, then you can purchase a finished product. The price for 1 liter varies from 1000 to 2500 rubles - depending on the manufacturer.

Pharmacies offer not only healing fat, but also capsules and creams. The capsules, which contain, in addition to bear oil, fish oil, flax oil and wheat germ, are very convenient to use.

They are produced by Russian trademarks Sustamed and Larch Siberian tapping.

For external use, you can purchase creams or balms:

All products are biological supplements and not drugs.

Since ancient times, bear fat has been most often used in those countries where bears live: Siberia, Buryatia, Tibet, North America, China, Vietnam, etc. Bear fat was used as a powerful remedy for the seriously ill and weakened, which quickly put people on their feet.

It, like all animal fats, is used both internally and externally.

Since ancient times, bear fat has been a powerful drug for treating the respiratory system; it is good for coughs, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, for relieving muscle pain, frostbite, for disinfecting the skin, and for strengthening male strength. It was often used by North American Indians as a highly nutritious strength concentrate (pemmican). It was also used during military operations to disinfect wounds and quickly heal them. And of course, they used it for natural perfumes and ointments.

Bear fat has high biological and nutritional value, which has a high content of nutrients that provide the bear with adequate nutrition and maintain immunity during hibernation.

Composition of bear fat

The uniqueness of the product lies in the high concentration of useful and nutrients: vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fatty acids and amino acids.

Bear fat contains vitamins: A, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B4, B12, which have an immunostimulating effect, normalize metabolic processes, and stabilize hormonal levels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9), which are involved in the functioning of the immune system, improve the functioning of joints, accelerate neuronal conductivity, normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels, synthesize hormones and maintain normal hormonal background, provide us with health and longevity.

Micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, copper, etc.), which support the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, normalize blood composition, thyroid function, vision, etc.

Easily digestible proteins, essential amino acids, nucleic acids, as well as cytamines, triterpene glycosides, ginsenosides and other biologically active substances necessary for our body, which improve the functioning of cells and help them absorb nutrients for the normal functioning of the body and maintaining its health.

Unlike other animals, the bear has a very diverse diet: animals, fish, insects, bird eggs, berries, mushrooms, honey, roots, leaves, etc., which allow its large body to fully function not only in an active state, but also during a time of long winter hibernation, so bear fat has a very rich nutritional composition that can keep us in good health.

Benefits and uses of bear fat

Respiratory diseases

Bear fat is a strong and effective remedy for coughs, bronchitis, colds and other respiratory diseases. Due to the high content of cytamines (characterized by organotropic effects), vitamins B, A, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, bear fat softens cold coughs, has a positive effect on the vocal cords, stimulates sputum production and improves the general condition of the laryngeal mucosa.

Bear fat is an effective remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis and protracted forms of pneumonia. Mainly, bear fat in case of a protracted illness allows the exhausted body to gain strength, recover faster, eliminate the source of inflammation and prevent relapse of the disease.

Bear fat can suppress Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis)!

But when treating tuberculosis and pneumonia, bear fat should be taken in combination with other drugs (antibiotics).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Bear fat is often used for diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to its texture and rich composition, fat reliably envelops the mucous membrane and heals minor injuries, ulcers, and relieves inflammation. Fat also restores the lack of enzymes in the stomach. Thus, bear fat can treat gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Bear fat is a good remedy for cleansing the blood, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, it removes plaque, eliminates arrhythmia, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, and prevents vascular atherosclerosis. Thanks to its high concentration of Iron and Polyunsaturated fatty acids, Bear fat maintains hemoglobin levels in the blood and supports the normal functioning of the vascular system. This is especially important for children during a period of active growth.

To strengthen the immune system

Like no other animal fat, bear fat is a leader in regulating and strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's protective functions and for quickly restoring the body during periods of illness. Indeed, thanks to the most valuable nutrients found in bear fat, the bear can withstand long hibernation, maintaining excellent health until spring.

The immune system protects us from viruses and infections that attack us in large numbers, the immune system protects the body from the development of cancer, helps the body recover faster from illnesses and heavy loads, increases the body’s resistance to unfavorable ecology (food, air, atmosphere, industrial emissions, etc.).

To strengthen and maintain immunity, it is recommended that adults take 1 tablespoon of bear fat in the morning and evening before meals. Teenagers from 12 years and older - 1 teaspoon, children from 6 to 12 years - half a teaspoon in the morning and evening, children from 3 to 6 years - a third of a teaspoon.

Children under 3 years old are PROHIBITED from taking fat internally!

The main effects of bear fat on the body

Due to compatibility at the cellular level, our body very easily absorbs bear fat. And the high level of nutrients in bear fat, necessary for normal health, has the following beneficial effects.

  • Bear fat improves metabolic processes,
  • normalizes cellular nutrition,
  • enhances tissue regeneration,
  • restores and maintains hormonal levels of both sexes,
  • stimulates reproductive functions,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • stimulates hematopoiesis,
  • increases adaptive functions,
  • cleanses the body of toxins, salts and heavy metals,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • normalizes digestion and intestinal microflora,
  • increases resistance to infections,
  • envelops and protects the gastric mucosa,
  • prevents thrombus formation,
  • softens cough and removes phlegm,
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Main indications

Let's display the main indications for treatment with bear fat in one column:

Indoor and outdoor use

  • tuberculosis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • bronchitis,
  • cough, incl. chronic,
  • pneumonia,
  • angina,
  • laryngitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • various inflammations,
  • gastritis,
  • colitis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • weakened immunity,
  • general malaise and weakness,
  • with physical exhaustion and under high loads.

External use

  • wounds, abrasions, scratches, insect bites,
  • psoriasis,
  • eczema,
  • dermatitis,
  • sprains,
  • burns and frostbite,
  • bedsores,
  • arthrosis, arthritis,
  • radiculitis.

Consumption of Bear Fat

Bear fat can be used both in melted form and in capsules (as convenient for you). Many people are deterred by taking fat internally in its pure form. This is just a psychological barrier to greasy food, moreover, from a wild animal. Processed fat (rendered) does not look or smell at all like raw fat. You will not be disgusted by the smell and will not feel any taste. Modern processing eliminates all volatile odors of the original fat, while retaining all beneficial properties by 99%.

For general health, it is recommended that adults and adolescents over 14 years of age take Bear Fat, 1 tablespoon 1 time per day. If you have a reduced immune system or a weakened body after illness, in the spring, you can increase your intake to twice a day. Moreover, you can spread the fat on a piece of bread or add honey to it.

Main contraindications

Bear fat, like all animal fats, has general contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up fat;
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Children under 3 years of age (externally only);
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Pathologies of the biliary tract.

Bear fat is deservedly called a universal medicine. It looks like a white or slightly yellowish mass. The product hardens in the refrigerator, but remains semi-liquid at room conditions.

It is used as an immunostimulant and for the treatment of various diseases. Residents of China, Tibet, Siberia and Buryatia traditionally prepared bear fat for external and internal use.

The results of using the product were so impressive that traditional medicine began to study the medicinal properties of bear fat and its contraindications. Today, even skeptics have begun to wonder: what does bear fat cure, and how to use it?

Medicinal properties

Scientific studies have shown that the product is effective for the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer, inflammation of the esophagus;
  • liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat;
  • respiratory diseases (cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia);
  • general exhaustion of the body, decreased immunity;
  • frostbite, cuts, wounds.

The healing properties of bear fat appear both when used without additives and in combination with other agents. The product with is especially good, the addition of which improves its taste.


Bear fat, like any other product, can cause allergies. You need to start taking the product with small doses. When used externally, you need to monitor the reaction of the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications also include diseases of the biliary tract and cholelithiasis.

The product is not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Chemical composition of bear fat

Benefit bear fat is due to its chemical composition. The product contains in an easily digestible form:

  1. triterpane glucosides;
  2. fatty acid;
  3. vitamins D, gr. B;
  4. retinol (provitamin A);
  5. macro- and microelements.

Calorie content 100 g bear fat is 910 kcal.

What determines the quality of bear fat?

The chemical composition depends on the extraction method. The most useful is internal bear fat. To make it, fat deposits are used near the omentum, around the kidneys, and near the heart. Subcutaneous fatty tissue (bear fat) contains fewer nutrients.

The method of extracting the drug is no less important. The animals that hibernate have the most valuable reserves.

The region in which the animals are harvested matters. This is due to the diet of brown bears. The Kamchatka bear prefers fish, the Siberian bear prefers fish, individuals from the European part of Russia prefer fish.

It is difficult for a person who is far from the process of harvesting animals to understand why bear fat of these subspecies is useful.

Famous traditional healers know well how to take bear fat. They recommend using the substance for treatment from animals obtained as close as possible to the patient’s region of residence.

This is the first remedy for frostbite. The product helps to care for seriously ill patients. The effect of this remedy on the immune system is not immediate. Its effect is mild, but deep and long-lasting.

Instructions for using bear fat

As a preventive measure, the fat reserves of brown bears are recommended in this dosage:

The course is designed for a month. It can be repeated three times a year. Before use, the product is brought to room temperature. Children are given it with warm milk or jam.

Until the age of three, the drug is not given orally. You can, after consulting a pediatrician, rub your back, feet, and chest if you have a cold.

Internal use

  1. For chronic diseases respiratory organs (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis) – 1–3 tbsp. l. an hour before meals three times a day. The course of admission is 1 month. They take a break for a month. Treatment is repeated until complete recovery. Children are given 1 tsp, teenagers - dessert.
  2. For painful conditions vocal cords, larynx - 1-2 tbsp. l. means 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Maintenance work while taking antibiotics– 1 tbsp. l. funds 30 minutes before the start of each meal.

External application

  1. Purulent wounds and burns– a gauze bandage soaked in the product is placed on the affected areas. Change the compress twice a day.
  2. Abrasions and 1st degree burns– the skin is lubricated with a thin layer of bear fat.
  3. Rheumatism– daily rubbing and compresses.

How to use bear fat for coughing

Before using bear fat for a cough, make sure that the disease is not allergic in nature. Dosage for adults – 1 tbsp. l. three times a day an hour before meals, children are given 1 tsp. bear fat with warm milk according to the same scheme.

If a child refuses to drink milk, bear cough fat is spread on bread. You can take this medicine. You can enhance the effect with compresses on the chest and back.

Pharmacies offer products in natural form, with various additives, and in capsules. The cost of drugs is affordable. This is an inexpensive medicine.

But keep in mind that even natural pharmaceutical bear fat contains preservatives. Read the instructions carefully before use.

Price per liter of bear fat

The most useful remedy can be bought from hunters. It needs to be stored in the freezer. Otherwise, the product will quickly go rancid. The price per liter of bear fat is slightly more expensive than the cost of pharmaceutical drugs. But you get a 100% natural product, and it will last you a long time.

Treatment with bear fat at home is not difficult. The product is well accepted by the body, helps cure serious diseases, and gives a long-lasting positive effect.

How to melt bear fat, see below.