My page on the mobile version of Odnoklassniki: login via computer. How to open the full version from mobile or mobile version from full in Odnoklassniki? Odnoklassniki my mobile page login without login

Many members of the Odnoklassniki social network now log into their accounts using a free application for smartphones and tablets. This simplifies access and minimizes traffic. After the usual mobile version, switching to the full version is not very comfortable - there are quite a lot of differences between them. To avoid difficulties, you should use the mobile version of OKov on your PC.

Login to mobile version

Login to mobile version OK

A regular website opens (, but instead of logging in you need to click on “Forgot your password?”:

The page that appears offers ways to recover your password, but in this case the task is different. At the bottom, on the left side of the screen, there is the inscription “Mobile version”. You need to click on it:

The page opens again, requiring you to enter data to access the site:

All you have to do is enter your login and password, and the user account will be opened in the mobile version:

The procedure is very simple and does not take much time. Naturally, new users need to first register their account.

Switching to the version for phones

You need to log into your account on the regular version of Odnoklassniki for PC. At the bottom of the page there are several columns listing additional features. You need to select the “Mobile version” option located in the rightmost column:

A user account will open in the mobile version. The functionality is almost the same as the classic one - messaging, watching videos and listening to audio, sending stickers and congratulations, discussing various topics, rating photos and “classes” are available.

In the Odnoklassniki mobile app, the games are not the same as in the full-fledged computer version, but no less exciting. If necessary, you can return to the full version at any time. Just scroll down the screen a little and find the words “Full version of the site” in the left column.

This instruction will tell you how to switch from the full version of the Odnoklassniki social network to the mobile one and vice versa.

Sometimes you need to log into your profile from your smartphone, then the mobile version will turn on by default, although you can switch to the full version.

You can also switch to the mobile version of Odnoklassniki from your computer; this is necessary if you have a slow Internet connection. The mobile version will work faster as it is lighter in weight.

How to switch to the mobile version of Odnoklassniki

Step #1

To enable the mobile version of the site, you need to add in the address bar before m. this is what should happen Using this link you can directly go to the mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

This is what the login and registration page looks like in the mobile version if you access the link


Press the Enter key or the arrow at the end of the address bar and see how the appearance of your page has changed in accordance with the mobile version.

Step #3

The page has become more compact, with all the main functions, options and menus on the left side of the screen. This is done to make the site easier to use on mobile devices.

For example, we click on the “Games and Applications” item on the left side of the menu, we see that all games are displayed on the right side of the screen.

The same happens with all other menu options.

Step #4

If you need to leave the mobile version and switch to the full version, then you just need to remove m. in the address bar and press the arrow at the end of the line or Enter on the keyboard.

Or you can go down to the very bottom of the left menu, find the item in the “Other” submenu - “Full version of the site” and click on it.


Here we are again on the full version of Odnoklassniki!

Now you know how easy it is to switch from the mobile version of OK to the full version and vice versa.

The pros and cons of both versions will become apparent when working with both options. The mobile version is stripped down, weighs less, works faster, has fewer pictures and videos, mostly texts and function buttons.

With a slow Internet connection, the mobile version of your favorite site is the best way to view updates, messages, write to someone or give a “class”.

Although it is easy to work with the mobile version from a computer, it is unusual compared to the full version, where there are more actions and functions available. It is immediately clear that this version is designed to work from mobile devices.

The full version is more colorful, brighter, and it’s better to use it from a computer.

In the following instructions there will be even more about Odnoklassniki, useful functions of the social network, secrets of the site and much more!

The mobile version of the social network Odnoklassniki remains popular among users for various reasons. Some use mainly mobile devices because it is more convenient for them than surfing from a computer, others are prohibited from visiting the ok ru address at their workplace, while remains accessible from their phone. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of use, as well as the main elements of the functionality of the mobile version of the resource.

Odnoklassniki mobile version - visiting using a computer

After switching to the mobile version of the site, you can log in to your page via a computer in the usual way.

Odnoklassniki my page - mobile version using the application

The telephone version of the site in the form of an application is available after downloading the corresponding program in a special market for Android or iOS systems. After installing the application on your phone, you can access your profile using your login and password.

Advantages and disadvantages

The mobile version of the site is necessary in specific situations and has both certain pros and cons.

The advantages include the following:

  • It will take much less time to open a profile in the mobile version. The size of the transferred data is compressed, which makes it possible to speed up page loading and solve the problem when Odnoklassniki does not open on the phone due to a slow Internet connection. It is especially useful when using the Internet, which has a limit on the amount of data transmitted and received.
  • Due to the smaller amount of data, faster device performance is achieved. Old computers with weak processors and little RAM process information from a page faster.
  • There are no significant differences between the short and full versions. Having mastered the functionality, you can easily understand any version of the site; almost all structural elements remain in place.

There are few disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • Small differences in the arrangement of some elements can be confusing for those who have difficulty adjusting to changes.
  • In order to reduce the amount of traffic consumed, GIF images and videos are opened only after going to a separate page and an additional click to launch. This makes it very difficult to view interesting information in the feed and adds time.
  • The stripped-down interface may not appeal to some users. The creators tried to transfer most of the functionality to the mobile version, but it is still inferior in some parameters to the full version.

Otherwise, the ok ru social network remains equally convenient and relevant to use, regardless of the version. Advanced users hardly notice the differences and successfully use the network on a computer or mobile device.

Interface and functionality overview

The shortened version of the resource almost completely reproduces the functions of a full-fledged site. In this case, the user can go to his page, send a message, view the feed, etc., without spending a large amount of traffic. This is especially true since many mobile operators, as well as Internet providers in remote parts of the country, set limits on data volume.

The stripped-down version of the site is intuitive. You can log in using the login and password that are used for the full resource. As in the full version, entry to the site is free.

The main page contains a profile photo, a block with menu items and a news feed. There are three links immediately below the photo:

Thus, we examined the main elements and functionality of the mobile version of the site.

How to upgrade from mobile to full version

To open the page for the full version of the resource, you must use the link on the site, which is located at the bottom of the left block. Find an item called “Full version of the site”; after clicking, a full-size site with full functionality will open.

Typed into Yandex or Google the request “ Odnoklassniki my page“and now you don’t know which site to open? Or go to Odnoklassniki, but end up in the wrong place? Take just a couple of minutes to read this note and you will always end up on real!

So, without long introductions, let's start in question-answer mode:

1. Where are the real Odnoklassniki?

If you are on your phone, then don’t bother and just enter a new short address for this social network: is a mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

2. How can I determine in a search engine which site I will end up on?

In Yandex, in addition to the name of the page and its brief description, the URL (address) that you will go to if you click on the link is displayed. This address is located at the bottom of the page description. (see screenshot)

In Google the situation is similar, only the URL is displayed not under the description, but under the name of the page (or site)

3. If I follow a link from Google or Yandex, can I be sure that I am on real Odnoklassniki?

In most cases, yes. However, if your computer is infected with a virus, then even by clicking on the Odnoklassniki link you can end up on an unwanted duplicate site that will steal your password. To make sure that you are on a real Odnoklassniki website and not a fake one, make sure that it says in the address bar of your browser at the old address, see screenshot).

You should also pay attention to the green padlock in front of the site address. This indicates the authenticity of the SLL certificate.

4. I follow the link https//, but I end up on another site that looks similar, what should I do?

Firstly, under no circumstances enter your username and password on it. Better just close the page.

Secondly, download Dr.Web CureIt by following the link, use it to scan your computer and remove viruses. The utility does not require installing or disabling your main antivirus. I wrote about the benefits of this particular free healing utility in this article.

After the virus is killed, restart your computer and try to access your page. In 99% of cases you will get exactly where you need to go.

5. How to find registration in Odnoklassniki?

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to register with Odnoklassniki. And the picture above shows where to click to register.

If you are interested in the Mobile version of Odnoklassniki and my page, logging into my page for free is easy. The procedure will take the average user no more than a minute. The article will need to provide information of interest that is useful to people.

Social networks are in demand in Russia. With the help of you can fully communicate and get many additional functions. Odnoklassniki is the second most popular portal in this category, second only to VK.

Why should you use OK? The site has many possibilities:

  1. It is possible to fully exchange messages.
  2. The portal is easy to use.
  3. The resource has a pleasant interface.
  4. You can gather friends for comfortable communication and follow people's news.
  5. Visit communities with interesting information.
  6. Play on the browser page.
  7. Watch various videos and listen to music.
  8. Use the application outside the home, always stay online.

There are a number of ways to stay on the site:

Attention: the version for smartphones is stripped down, there are no individual features. If you need to perform operations that are not available on it, then you need to switch to the standard version. Click on the “Full version” item.

What is required to use the site for phones?

  1. Model with optimal characteristics.
  2. A modern browser, you can use Chrome.
  3. Access to the World Wide Web.

Old smartphones are not suitable. Updated browsers cannot fully work on them; they were designed for other devices. You will have to look for an alternative, less demanding web surfing application.

Odnoklassniki: mobile version of my page, login to my page without a password

If you use OK.RU for Odnoklassniki, my page on the mobile version, then you can open it without a password in the following cases:

  1. The user has been authorized on the device. After you sign in, the browser will prompt you to save your autofill settings.
  2. You have linked a third-party social network. You don’t have to enter your username and password, just click on the appropriate icon.

When you visit the phone portal for the first time, you do not have a third-party social network linked; without a login and password, there is nothing to count on. You need to log in once and save the settings in the browser. If you have forgotten the data, then restore it.

Application - alternative option

  1. There are versions for popular platforms.
  2. You can easily download the program for later use.
  3. It has a thoughtful design.
  4. All elements are located comfortably, you can understand the control features.
  5. If the user receives a new message, a notification is received.
  6. You can reply to friends faster in the app.
  7. There is a set of functions used by people.
  8. The program has increased stability and works perfectly on devices from various manufacturers.
  9. The application does not need serious characteristics. It can function even on weak devices.
  10. Smooth operation and fast movement between points will delight you.
  11. You can use paid features.
  12. The application adapts to the screen, all elements are positioned correctly.
  13. The program can become a replacement for the version on a PC or in a smartphone browser.
  14. It has low power consumption and consumes little traffic.
  15. There is a built-in audio player for listening to music from a social network.

The user will need:

  1. Go to the application store on your smartphone.
  2. Download Odnoklassniki.
  3. Carry out installation.
  4. You are prompted to log in.
  5. Enter your username and password.
  6. You can use the program.

The application saves the entered parameters. In the future, you will be able to log in without a password. You don’t have to spend extra time constantly providing information to visit the page.

Mobile version of Odnoklassniki, login via computer

It’s hard to imagine why Odnoklassniki might need a mobile version and login to my page on a social network directly through a computer. A complete portal has been developed for PCs; it is more convenient for use on desktops.

If you need to access the version for phones via PC, you will need:

  1. Login to the portal.
  2. Add “m” to the site name to get the address
  3. Another way is to go down to the resource’s basement, find the “mobile version” item, and click.
  4. An interface for smartphones will appear.

Which way is better?

  1. Familiar interface.
  2. Full set of functions.
  3. Provides features that are not available on the mobile version.

For people who are often away from home, the application is suitable. Key benefits:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. The password is saved automatically after the first login.
  3. Basic functions are present.
  4. You receive notifications about new messages.
  5. You can install it on any smartphone.

You can also use the option for phone browsers. But it is inferior to the application in terms of basic indicators and is not as convenient. It is recommended to give preference to the program.